A lot of the problems in this story seem to happen because the characters look at "Person Obviously Up to No Good" and then just literally don't do anything about it until literally the last possible moment, if at all. Like Duke Ergi, this man no one can account for and who no one seems to know anything about, has been given free rein to roam around the castle completely unsupervised and has been whispering stuff in Rashta's ear for months and just nobody says or does anything about it? Rashta starts slowly losing her mind and Sovieshu just kinda sits back and lets her run amok around the castle despite being aware of most of the stuff she's doing? Viscount Lotteshu keeps showing up to the castle for undisclosed reasons and speaking to Rashta for other undisclosed reasons and has a baby that looks just like her living in his house and no one looks into it? Krista's family clearly wants revenge for Heinrey driving her to her death and they just kinda ignore it until they straight up try to kill Navier? Why are none of the characters in this story proactive? All of their actions are reactive and they only react when things get so unbelievably bad that they can't possibly ignore them anymore instead of nipping things in the bud before they become problems.