I hate to say it, especially since I know translations and editing are difficult, but, sniping or no sniping, I hope this is the scanlation team we have going forward. The last few chapters have had some really weird grammar and sentence structure that you kinda had to retranslate in your head as you read. It felt like it was just popped into Google Translate then put right in with no extra editing or formatting.

I have been reading this webtoon on a Raw Webtoon site I use my phone to try and understand what's going and to just get the gist of it. Most of what I read from the practice group is exactly how I read it on my phone. LOL If it gets dropped its back to using my trusty phone like a treasure hunter trying to decipher Hieroglyphics.

I understand that Allendis is Aristia's friend, but he's throwing up so many flaming red flags that it truly baffles me how she doesn't realize something is the matter with him. I also don't know why nobody will warn her directly and instead they just drop hints or brush it off like Carsein does.

Because nobody cares but Carsein, and Carsein knows that He is obsessed with Aristia, so He won't hurt her. Carsein is not that smart to think about how in the future some other persona can be hurt and that stuff.
The only one besides Carsein that cares is Aristia's father, that's why He acted against his friendship

I just don't understand Allendis shippers. He's not the better option just because he isn't the prince. He gives off major "if I can't have you, nobody can" vibes and he's constantly threatening or contemplating violence against Tia's friends and family. Plus, all of his house staff are afraid of him so who knows how bad he really is when Tia isn't around. I'd be afraid to see what he would do if she crosses him somehow in the future chapters (probably by turning him down). He's just creepy.

Well I don't get the Prince Shippers either... The fact that he has a big ego and still jealous of Tia even in this second life.. (As seen in the earlier chapters) and the fact that he only notice Tia now cause she isnt overly obsessed unlike before.. And boy the Prince doesn't love Tia at all.. He only sees her a useful future empress (until the black hair girl comes)

I like Carsein, too.
I think the people shipping Yandere dude, is because at least he's fully on her side--he'd kill for her, as opposed to past life prince who killed HER. If I'm left with a choice between a guy who killed me and a guy who'd kill for me, it's a pretty easy choice. I'd pick the guy who'd be so devoted he'd burn down a kingdom for me.
But neither is a good choice. Both are destructive and selfish in their ways. I'd marry Carsein. :) But yeah, I think the prince will love her this timeline and not be a shit (even if new girl shows up). HOWEVER, from her POV, it's right to see the prince as dangerous, a threat, who will do her harm when new girl shows up. She's can't be sure of his affections given past.

This! Allendis shows major signs of a possible future abusive relationship. I don't understand the people who hate on the prince from this timeline and at the same time root for Tia and Allendis.
Allendis keeps threathing anyone who comes between him and Tia even if those are people she loves.
The prince of this timeline (as of now) hasn't done anything to indicate he wishes harm on Tia or anyone. He used to see her as competition but recently he actually is concerned abt why she seems scared and wary for him.
If anything I think pple are turning a blind eye to Allendis' actions because we're shown that everything he does is for the sake of his love for Tia while forgetting that actions (even if done out of love) can still be abuse.

I would think that the prince was manipulated by the time travellin bitch and his courtiers to hate the empress. When u are king, you are just surrounded by lies and ends up hurting the innocent. I would say that this happened cos he was a weak king that let jealousy blind her instead of seeing her worth as a loyal subject and listening to her advise and treating her like a king. He would have ruled better in the past life if only Tia was respected. And that's how he fell into the trap of hating Tia. So i guess in this life, I would give him a chance ONLY if he voluntarily sees her as an equal and respects her. Or else, I'd give him the middle finger cos not even Jesus can save this blue fuckboi

Being compare to someone else all the time is really annoying and frustrating. Because of that I stopped talking to my cousin. We use to be really close since we were little, but I hated to be compare to her all the time and so we stopped hanging out completely. Till this day we don't even say hi to each other. We are like complete strangers.

I see the two of them are still gonna pretend that Ranmaru is faithful when he very clearly isn't. She's just falling into the same trap as her mom: convincing herself that a shitty, two-timing, inconsiderate man actually loves you deep down when it's pretty clear he really doesn't. If you can't trust your partner not to cheat, just leave.
I hate to be rude, but it's true: the sniping group isn't even good. I could tell immediately that Ch.10 and Ch.9 weren't done by the same people because of the drastic dip in quality. The grammar and sentence structure is all over the place and it's borderline unreadable. They're clearly just rushing through it without double-checking it because they want to get ahead of the other group and it really shows. If you're gonna be a jerk, at least be good at what you're being a jerk about.
I hate to be rude, but no one gets orgasm on perfect grammar in scanlations. We want to know ahead about to the story to see if its good enough to purchase and read on official translation sites when they are out. They werent being jerks, they just know how to prioritize on what the readers want.
its not like those donation sites thats hurting the author more by channeling donations to illegal translations instead of the money going to the authors. why hog popular series to extort money from fans for faster translations when theres others clearly faster scans that doesnt do all this politics. Ive already read all the chapters using google translate, it doesnt take long if u wanted to translate. it only takes long if u have any intention to profit from it. Why would I pay these sites for good translations when I can just pay the author and official translators instead. These same scanlation sites are the ones taking the free raws online and translating for profit. disgusting. Even sawateam is stealing True Beauty when u can clearly read it on Webtoon for free
bottom line is, I am tired of hogging of series like it belongs to the scanlation site. If u are understaffed, then give it to those who can do it. Its not yours to keep. dont get mad. Do u know how infuriating it is when all u want is translated works that only has raws. so u search everywhere, even willing to pay. But then the official translations arent out, and the scanlation waits for an eclipse to occur before they release a new chapter
The snipers are just for profit scanlation groups, kinda bad ngl
everyone is basically. I wish that wasnt the case. I miss 8 years ago when scanlations just update out of passion for the series and not everyone fighting for who owns what to profit. scan sites profit because we allow them to hog the works they dont own and eat their sweet talk that they must be paid to translate faster for a work they directly take from free raws sites.
There are plenty of scanlation groups that don’t ask for anything while translating lol
most are in the transition to be for profit anyway. Remember a time when scanlations were about Hey, this raw manga is great and I wanted yall to read it in english. Not, Meep Morp I am a Corporate Machine, Donate for chapters. Even sawateam, thought to be non donation site, asked for donations to buy mangadex, and there was the whole scandal where it almost became pay to read, where the donors had the first dibs to read new chapters. mind u, its the work they dont own. smh.