I will not be shocked if the pink hair girl turns out to be a two faced bitch.
i got scammed anyway, iruma is such a cutie!! No one can change my mind
This family is really fvcked up. They are all too greedy for power. They didn't even help in the shibuya arc incident and now they're blaming Gojo??
For those who have read the novel is the emperor really the father of rashta's baby??
If this devil plans on killing me, i think i'll die happily damn, this is cheating! why does all the villains i've seen so far are so hot and good looking?
Seriously. The main couple are the best. Makes me laugh so hard with their cuteness
I'm looking forward to see clayman die by the hands of our great demon lord rimuru. Go kick that bastard's ass.
I still don't understand why the grand duke need a fake veronica. Can someone explain it in detail?
This is what i've been waiting for!! Go arthur and beat the shit out of that bastard!!
The art style is getting good every update. Btw beru is so damn adorable HAHAHA
I finally see rourou again!! Such a cuteness should be shared!! So adorable and cute kid. I wish i could see him in real life