Nothing makes sense anymore. How abt u show us what happened to the twin brother?? And what kind of sibling is that- not accepting you true sister ang always siding with the fake bruh u already failed as a brother right there.

Idk what happened but this has so much potential but now idk anymore chapters are so chaotic and the plot is like wtf is happening

This is the first time i encounter a duke with no power over his retainers lol u are powerful with magic yes but how come u let those retainers do what they want just kill em already! Imagine them abusing your son and you're not even doing anything abt it

Never seen someone this shameless OMG HAHAHAHA just get those mthrfckrs the hell out!

Both these mother and daughter duo are so fckng annoying! Can't really stand someone with this kind of delulu level. Just make them disappear asap.

Ohmygad I already love this!!! More please

Binbin created a topic of Love Is An Illusion

Can't wait to read this! We finally get to see adult byul!

Binbin created a topic of I Was Told To Die

Still, i wanna keep reading this. I hope someone would pick this up and make a better translations i don't mind rereading. This has so much potential!

Ahhhh i don't know if i'll keep reading this i hope we don't see a dark jamie version


That's more like cheating ability hahahaha

We don't do that here right???? Please don't let the dad die just for the mc to have some kind of power up because i swear the bonding is just going so well and we need more interactions!! Is this the reason why we saw a father and son moments? Because it would be the last? Noooo

Did anyone notice it too? Did the artist change? I'm not complaining or anything though it's just so noticable because it was really so good from the start. Anyway I really love the FL's character!! So badass and cool go and wreck everyone who stands in your way!!

Binbin created a topic of Traces of the Moon

At this point, i just really want to see the fl's family. Please just let us the uncle who came!! I'm really curios on what would be the reaction of behi when he see some resemblance

I think she could be a phoenix. That explains the regression and the color red hair when she sheds. This is just my wishful thinking though anyway we need more chapter for this!! I can't wait for more so I guess i'm just gonna go and find if there's any novel for this or any major spoiler hahaha

I hope we get to see the whole family again! I also hope that nothing bad will happen to his father in the war. Please just give Jamie a happy complete family!!

Binbin created a topic of Absolute Dominion

Is there a novel version of this manhwa huhu please i need more!!