i’m sorry hanguang-jun November 5, 2023 4:31 am

how gross have i become that I can read this vile smut while sipping coffee at 9am (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

i’m sorry hanguang-jun November 5, 2023 4:20 am

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Mirin November 6, 2023 2:05 am

    He's so fine, I can't help my heart ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

i’m sorry hanguang-jun November 4, 2023 8:24 pm

this one always goes on hiatus whenever the writer runs out of plot to pull out of their ass it seems. ik this is very disrespectful of me, but frankly, dragging a story just for views is even more pathetic. just end it. just give the uke one happy day and end this.

    Hoshi November 4, 2023 10:17 pm

    I hate hiatus too. But from the beginning of season 2 the author only had 2. One week for the Chinese holiday or something like that and 2 weeks for health issues. The English translation hiatus has nothing to do with the author since the Korean version has been released according to the schedule.

    saratoga November 4, 2023 11:39 pm

    stfu. the author was sick for the last two weeks and the next chapter is already out. you come onto this site to read it for free, calling someone pathetic when you're reading their work for free is ridiculous. you're an entitled roach.

    Nanayurina (novel writer) November 4, 2023 11:40 pm

    That's rude because it's English translation that is on hiatus and not the author bruh even if it's really the author on hiatus, everyone should give a person some break. Drawing ain't easy and quick like you imagine, even if you hate it, it's the truth that you have to accept.

    Aki November 5, 2023 1:43 am

    Word!!!!!!! Op

    i’m sorry hanguang-jun November 5, 2023 3:58 am
    stfu. the author was sick for the last two weeks and the next chapter is already out. you come onto this site to read it for free, calling someone pathetic when you're reading their work for free is ridiculous.... saratoga

    whoa there did i insult your family or smth? chill out bro. if we go on that tangent you are also being kinda rude calling me a roach and stuff. also ok ill take back my hiatus comment but what about the stale af plot. no way can that be defended

    bbyeol November 5, 2023 8:29 am
    whoa there did i insult your family or smth? chill out bro. if we go on that tangent you are also being kinda rude calling me a roach and stuff. also ok ill take back my hiatus comment but what about the stale ... i’m sorry hanguang-jun

    EASY.. If you don't like it, just drop it. Why complain? They aren't writing the story just for you and only you to read. And if the majority disagrees with your comment, you should reflect on yourself.

    i’m sorry hanguang-jun November 5, 2023 8:55 am
    EASY.. If you don't like it, just drop it. Why complain? They aren't writing the story just for you and only you to read. And if the majority disagrees with your comment, you should reflect on yourself. bbyeol

    bro.... look at the like ratio. where do u think the majority is. and im not the one calling YOU a roach am i. why engage with me if you don't like what i have to say?

    bbyeol November 5, 2023 9:01 am
    bro.... look at the like ratio. where do u think the majority is. and im not the one calling YOU a roach am i. why engage with me if you don't like what i have to say? i’m sorry hanguang-jun

    All the comments replied to your comment are all disagree. I'm I wrong? You're so rude and don't even know that lol

    i’m sorry hanguang-jun November 5, 2023 9:09 am
    All the comments replied to your comment are all disagree. I'm I wrong? You're so rude and don't even know that lol bbyeol

    LMFAO are you 5 years old or what. like you said, why engage if you don't like it, right? i cannot care less about the comments, unless one of them called me a roach for having an opinion. up until now, I'm not the one calling you names. your hypocrisy is so bright the sun looks dimmer. pls block me and move on with ur life. also, not everyone in the comments is disagreeing with me, if we are going to be that cherry-picky

    bbyeol November 5, 2023 9:17 am
    LMFAO are you 5 years old or what. like you said, why engage if you don't like it, right? i cannot care less about the comments, unless one of them called me a roach for having an opinion. up until now, I'm not... i’m sorry hanguang-jun

    5 years old is you who called other people and their story pathetic lol and yes, thanks for your suggestion to block you, will do it.

    Shoujo November 5, 2023 10:07 am

    I gotta agree with the others, this kind of comment is atrocious. A lot of manhwa authors get overworked because they need to pump out a new chapter every week.

    They're also not getting a single dime here, considering we are all reading this FOR FREE on this website.

    i’m sorry hanguang-jun November 5, 2023 3:25 pm

    again, your opinion is as valid as mine. thank god at least you aren't rude about it, i appreciate that

    saratoga November 5, 2023 4:44 pm
    whoa there did i insult your family or smth? chill out bro. if we go on that tangent you are also being kinda rude calling me a roach and stuff. also ok ill take back my hiatus comment but what about the stale ... i’m sorry hanguang-jun

    I'm being rude because you're a entitled piece of garbage, you don't deserve respect when you show zero respect for the author. Stale plot can't be defended? STFU, you are reading this author's work for free, she does not owe you shit. You admitted that you're aware that you're disrespecting the author in your own comment.

    saratoga November 5, 2023 4:46 pm
    again, your opinion is as valid as mine. thank god at least you aren't rude about it, i appreciate that i’m sorry hanguang-jun

    lol entitled people like you are hilarious, you go around being disrespectful but expect and demand respect from other people. Hypocritical garbage.

    saratoga November 5, 2023 4:50 pm
    EASY.. If you don't like it, just drop it. Why complain? They aren't writing the story just for you and only you to read. And if the majority disagrees with your comment, you should reflect on yourself. bbyeol

    This commenter is so full of herself, look at her demanding respect from us when she shows zero respect for the author while reading the author's work for free.

    Aki November 5, 2023 4:59 pm

    Yall do realize that ppl can bash on artists work.U rly think that u got some right of opinion if u only use money. Stupid as hell.Like……. this manhwa is wack asf im just staying for the art.

    saratoga November 5, 2023 7:29 pm
    Yall do realize that ppl can bash on artists work.U rly think that u got some right of opinion if u only use money. Stupid as hell.Like……. this manhwa is wack asf im just staying for the art. Aki

    You're a waste of oxygen. You can not like the story but then stop fucking reading it and complaining when you're not paying a dime to author. You can have an opinion but being disrespectful to the author makes you an entitled piece of trash. Entitled pieces of trash like are always so self-important.

    Aki November 5, 2023 8:08 pm

    Crazy as btch rly went to comment on my other comments. Damn MAJOR red flag.

    Hoshi November 5, 2023 8:32 pm

    Guys please calm the f down. They took back their comment on hiatus and I think everyone is entitled to their opinion. I love this manhwa and reread it several times though I can't say it has the greatest plot. I'm grateful to the author for creating such amazing characters and beautiful art style. We should know how much mental and physical strength it takes to put out a decent piece of entertainment every week.

    Aki November 5, 2023 8:38 pm

    Some ppl just attacking others for having a diff opinion on the story and somehow take it as a personal attack to the author nd themselves. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    Nanayurina (novel writer) November 6, 2023 1:27 am
    Crazy as btch rly went to comment on my other comments. Damn MAJOR red flag. Aki

    The other person who always use curse word is kinda at fault too but what they said is not wrong. There are many cases the author did suic*de, some was known to others while some were lost without anyone knowing, just because of abusive words online. So you should be thinking about what should be said out loud, think of what those words can do to someone, especially to a stressed out person such as, story writer or drawers! It's important to be considerate of someone because we all love reading stories, either manga or novel. Please let them live longer with kind words of encouragement or even if you hate the story too much then just ignore it.

    Aki November 6, 2023 1:41 am
    The other person who always use curse word is kinda at fault too but what they said is not wrong. There are many cases the author did suic*de, some was known to others while some were lost without anyone knowin... Nanayurina (novel writer)

    Bro im talkin about the story not the author. How is that so hard to understand. Calling a story “bad” or “lack of” somehow doing that is ATTACKING the author then idk what tf world yall on.Art is gonna get judged, critiqued and commented on. Then this cnt somehow thought it was ok to call me names now cuz of that sht. They came for me first now im just def my stance nd self cuz of crazy ppl. Sheesh man.

    Nanayurina (novel writer) November 6, 2023 5:42 am
    Bro im talkin about the story not the author. How is that so hard to understand. Calling a story “bad” or “lack of” somehow doing that is ATTACKING the author then idk what tf world yall on.Art is gonna... Aki

    (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 You did agreed to what the person who started this comment/topic said. "Word!!! OP" Look back at it yourself. Then when they were arguing, you came out and try to sound like an open mind person like everyone have opinions.... Look, I'm just trying to tell you what a human being should do, the least we could do when reading other's hard work (free or paid) we should give respect to others by speaking kind words of encouragement (words are powerful, it could kill, it also could heal other's wounds) I'm not trying to say you're wrong, I also thing the plot is not that good nor up to standard but it is what it is, you can't change it with rude words because no one like to listen to/read negativity from others. Just attacking the work is almost like attacking the person who created it. It's just like how your mother get protective when others curse at you :)

    Aki November 6, 2023 6:05 am

    Well yeah i agree with op on the lack of substance of the plot. A human being should be able to state their opinion not be shut silent. Free speech is a wonderful thing :). And for the love of god , critiquing nd calling a plot bland dont got sht to do with u saying words can kill. Playin devils advecate and rly putting light on ehat the other person said which was 100% bullying. Miss my ass with that gaslight bs girly. Even though im reading on here dont mean i cant speak my opinion on art. Like u fr rn. And u saying “attacking the work is almost attacking the person” no, no it aint. They are professional artists and their work is views by the general public . It aint free from criticism. U rly lookin back at my comment as something heinous nd not seeing what those toxic crazy ppl say. One of em rly fkn blocked me the moment they finished saying sht that sounded like i hit their dog or somth. Nd for ur senario at the end , no it dont make sense. What does is if i was a professional artist and for some reason my mom read some comments about my work criticizing it. Umm no parent would look at and see it as attacking me but my work that i proffesionally do. Yall are somth else……….

    i’m sorry hanguang-jun November 6, 2023 7:06 am

    ... imagine seeing this barrage or comments first thing in the morning lol. yes, i awknowledged that I was being disrespectful, and idm comments calling me rude for it. i do mind it tho, when I'm subjected to verbal abuse from people I didn't even mention. the story sucks and I am frustrated by it, I never said anything to any of these assholes calling me a piece of shit for having as much of an opinion as them. honestly, it's a waste of time to engage with rage-fuled unreasonable people who just say things for the sake of saying things. do what u want. idc as long as you aren't attacking me or other commenters ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Nanayurina (novel writer) November 6, 2023 8:08 am

    I see that I can't reason with unreasonable people. You are talking about how you mind someone calling you rude but you can be rude to others or something? Was I not clear with my words? I'm not shutting your opinions. I NEVER said your opinions are wrong but I'm saying the way you said it is WRONG, there are many ways to express your rage. Also the word "CONSIDERATE" go google it if you can't understand. ( ̄∇ ̄") Stop being a kid and try to reread everything if you can because I feel like you're not getting my point yet with the way you guys replying to each other ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Aki November 6, 2023 8:34 am

    Clown behavior. When neither op nor i instigate those toxic remarks . U talkin real funny about CONSIDERATION when u aint saying sht about other’s behavior towards the ppl u so adamantly ignore. Tryna be devils advocate and the better person but u aint , SiS. Yall fkn delusional my god. Manipulative cnt behavior.

    Aki November 6, 2023 8:35 am

    So much for thinking u care about ppls struggles only to be a pick me nd white knighting the authors non existent dk.

    i’m sorry hanguang-jun November 6, 2023 3:15 pm
    I see that I can't reason with unreasonable people. You are talking about how you mind someone calling you rude but you can be rude to others or something? Was I not clear with my words? I'm not shutting your o... Nanayurina (novel writer)

    I'm not reading all that.
    I'll give you an example. some people didn't like a movie cuz the plot was bad. some people liked it cuz they like that kinda plot. it's the same here. i can criticize something without being called "abusive. did y'all forget morbius or smth people bashed it so much. did it not also had the directors full dedication? the actors doing their best? if something is bad, it's bad. I am free to criticize it all i want.

    Nanayurina (novel writer) November 10, 2023 12:35 am

    Clown behavior? Do I look funny to you? Manipulative? Did I say something bad and gaslight you into thinking it's good? Ain't I just telling you to be a better human? If you can't be one that's your problem don't blame me on teaching a kid to be an adult. Am I white knighting the author non existent? So the story and plot just pop outta your butt for everyone to read, I see. Maybe I'm really a manipulative clown but as a clown with brain who understands what should and shouldn't say and be grateful to the hardwork of the person who done all the writing and drawing for me to read for free, I don't understand your behavior, nor do I want to understand. So let's go our own way because I don't talk to animals who can't understand human language. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Nanayurina (novel writer) November 10, 2023 12:40 am
    I'm not reading all that. I'll give you an example. some people didn't like a movie cuz the plot was bad. some people liked it cuz they like that kinda plot. it's the same here. i can criticize something withou... i’m sorry hanguang-jun

    I'm just gonna tell you that, I don't like this story because it's bloody abusing my mind, the hiatus is killing me too and not just this story, there are so many sh*tty stories I read but I just click the button to leave. Or maybe comment some sh*t such as it's a stupid or unreadable but I never curse at any person who done all those stories for me to read so whatever you think is right because you won't listen nor read what I wanna tell u anyway.

i’m sorry hanguang-jun November 4, 2023 6:21 am

I'm still surprised how nazuko just... went along with the rape.

    Ichigo November 4, 2023 6:41 am

    continously... for months

i’m sorry hanguang-jun October 28, 2023 9:56 pm

maybe this is what they mean when they say "I'll love you in every life"

i’m sorry hanguang-jun October 16, 2023 8:51 pm

I really wanna be tied up too now like holy shit

i’m sorry hanguang-jun October 16, 2023 6:45 pm


i just want them to be happy. I can feel the angst coming and I am afraid I will get damn emotional when that phonecall scene from flashbacks actually happens. I'll shatter.

i’m sorry hanguang-jun October 15, 2023 7:19 pm


i’m sorry hanguang-jun October 15, 2023 5:10 am

that's it? that's the ending???? bro no way did an editor think this is a good spot to put a full stop with a barely holding up ending and no smut either. wdym jitate folded in like that, COMPLETELY AGAINST HIS CHARACTER IN THE PAST 40 CHAPTERS BTW, kyunghoon rejected jitae and THEY GOT TOGETHER???? what about the bet-setting asshole, and his sister, and his friend. WHAT is this frankenstein of a story

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