This is literally such a cliche outcome. Now we're gonna get 50 more chapters of Bull**it cuz now they gotta start all over again. the drama will be unnecessary and dragged, basically a True Beauty 2.0.
The only thing saving this manhwa is the Art and the Male leads. Cuz this story line is as basic as it can get. This art deserves a better story.

Idk why I thought this was a girls girl smut, until I saw how ugly af the male leads were. Especially how stupid how some situations were. it made me realize it was written by a men for men.
Whenever I read these type of smuts, I always think how these men are such losers. I pity them. But at least they got this going for them.

I really liked the story tho I'm not gonna lie, Near the end things could've gone differently and could've been executed WAY better. Although there is one thing that will always disappoint me and it the way the fl was executed. They could've done SO MUCH with her especially considering how Powerful she was, but it all went to waste. Not only that, but everything felt rushed and the Author look like she gave up on the art too.
Overall it was still good it was not the worst I've ever read but it definitely could've been better.

Thank God Anna free herself from THAT. I was so impressed and proud that Anna stood her ground and didn't put up with her bs for the sake of loving her. I'm glad Anna was not a simp.
The move Anna pulled is something that A LOT of bls need.
Honestly I'm satisfied with the Ending cuz this is what lily gets for being stupid and most of all Anna is FREE.
We need side stories of Anna with a new lovely girl
One of the reason why female characters are never liked is cause they're always written shitty
Say it louder for the people in the back