is checkmate worth the read ? i dropped it a bit ago but i wanna pick it back up
As someone who read the entire thing and didn’t drop it, I think it’s good. Not amazing, but still good in its own way. It has a very slow pace, which is why people tend to drop it bc it feels like there’s no development at first. But if you continue, it gets better, and you can see why the ML and MC like each other and how they respect each other's boundaries depsite there first interaction which many other BL don’t have. The ending is somewhat satisfying so I suggest you give it a read. Coming from someone who is very picky about what I read, I think "Checkmate" was very well made, and I really liked the character personalities and the development they had.
save urself. pls. i’m usually into stories similar to checkmate but it was so fckin boring.
i read it ages ago & dropped it then decided to give it another go & dropped it again at chapter 60. like i was nearly done w it but dropped it cus IT WAS SO BAD. ITS WAY TOO SLOW. LIKE I STARTED FORGETTING THE PLOT MID WAY THRU. ITS SO BAD DONT READ IT SAVE URSELF.
OMG i got so scared for a sec