Why just why followed question about name for penis

Edit sangwoo here's the pic to edit and if u win then collab with me and i'll post it on my acc on insta(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

19 12,2020
Why just why answered question about run away from home
Wait I have question. What ab self cannibalism. Is that a thing. Like eating yourself. this is rlly disturbing I’m srry. And what if they don’t kill the person per se, srry I’m rlly ignorant on this topic.
Why just why followed a goer


18 12,2020
Why just why answered question about have an unpopular opinion
I don’t know what to say... Imma just pretend I ain’t read that and go ab my day. I just realized it rymed, am I that powerful??
Why just why answered question about name for penis
Yes I do enjoy the spicy sexy curves of the question Mark, and the dot at the end *moans*. I hate myself.
Why just why answered question about have an unpopular opinion
Idk, I looked it up and they all say get the part that you broke off replaced (which is cheaper) see a professional to fix it (which is cheaper than buying a brand new one,) but idk. I’m sorry I couldn’t help, but they do have cheap chargers on Amazon so you could buy those.
Why just why answered question about test your personality type
Shi- You gonna get me one or...
Why just why followed a goer
18 12,2020
Why just why followed a goer
18 12,2020