I think what Marie is doing rn is wrong..unlike Marie's dad and brother who were abusive minju had a loving dad.. divorce definately takes a toll on people and he's obviously struggling rn..so as his daughter minju has every right to look after him..while Marie's intentions aren't wrong she's definately being a bit too much..ofc Marie is a sweetheart but I hope she understands that minju's relationship with her dad is different from hers
yeah she's definitely not in the "right" here, she shouldve spoken to her properly instead of making it seem like helping her dad is the biggest mistake shes ever gonna make. but it comes from personal experience where all she does is help around and doesnt have her own life really. so shes just trying to help but in the wrong way
I think that minju’s mum said it nicely at the end tho that what they (her mum and Marie) want is just for minju to not become weighed down by the dad, that’s why they’re trying to stop her before she begins to suffer. Yes the divorce hits hard and he’s struggling but it’s not up to the child to then look after the parent. Of course they can still help them just in a healthy way! :)
I agree with you tho that Marie is comparing two very different parents, but that’s just because of her experiences and she was worried it could be the same. She can’t really help it, but hopefully she’ll realise it’s different
Well minju did say her dad was about to start therapy so I don't think he would burden her for too long plus who knows what her dad might end up doing if she doesn't stick to him rn..just because he's dependent on her rn doesn't mean he'll be this way forever..being a parent doesn't exempt anyone from being human he is also allowed to be weak at times..our parents stand up for us when we're down so I don't think there's anything wrong with looking after them for a short period when they're struggling..after help from minju he was starting to get better so despite Marie's intent what she's doing is very wrong.. personally I would absolutely hate it if someone was getting in way of my parent recovering from a mental health issue
Yeah of course! I’m not trying to say that what Marie is doing is right, I agree that she is making too many assumptions and that minju’s dad probably wouldn’t have turned out like hers but it’s just that considering what happened with Marie’s family it’s understandable that she might jump to that conclusion and try to prevent it (not in the best way though she kinda dumped a lot on minju + made her feel guilty)
Also yeah it’s good to look after a parent when they’re struggling but also there’s only so much a kid can do and clearly minju was suppressing her own feelings about the divorce which isn’t healthy :(
I'm in so much pain..I hope jooin will be alright