I know everyone is excited for the NSFW scene, but I find myself far more intrigued by TaeHa’s past now, especially after seeing that scar on his chest. TaeHee, TaeHa’s older brother, previously mentioned that a ritual was performed on TaeHa when he was younger. Essentially, they attempted to kill him. My earlier theory suggested this might have been because TaeHa is an illegitimate son, which was unacceptable to their family. But now, with everything we know about the ritual and the scar, it feels like there’s more to it.
The fact that TaeHee called it a “ritual” and that TaeHa has a scar on his chest makes me wonder if they thought TaeHa was cursed. First, he’s an illegitimate child, which might already bring shame to a family like theirs. Hiding him from the public should have been enough under normal circumstances, but it feels like they saw him as something worse. Then there’s TaeHa’s personality. People constantly call him strange, weird, or creepy, even his own family, Jay, and HaeSoo.
This makes me think they believed TaeHa was cursed or carrying an evil spirit. This belief could stem from traditional views on illegitimate children and the shame they bring to families, especially in deeply conservative households PLUS TaeHa’s nature. Be it his personality, that cold look, or possibly the way he thinks and speaks.
The scar on his chest and the one on his left wrist seem connected. The veins in the left wrist are closely tied to the heart, and now there are two scars linked to the same organ. Adding that to the ritual TaeHee mentioned and all the abuse TaeHa went through, it seems like the ritual might have been some attempt to purge evil from him.
I tried looking into Korean shamanism and folklore but couldn’t find anything specific about rituals involving the heart. It’s possible the author created their own idea for this. Either way, it’s clear TaeHa is a victim of more than just regular child abuse. What happened to him runs much deeper. I honestly think he needs proper therapy and healing, not babysitters like Jay or HaeSoo.

Also… Didn’t want anyone to jump me for saying this, but I HAVE TO. I really don’t want them to do it, or go through with this relationship. HaeSoo is too old (not in the literal sense) for such childish manipulative games, and she has had enough. TaeHa, on the other hand, is in no mental condition to be some normal, responsible adult yet. And what about his family? He will only be dragging HaeSoo down with him, which is so obvious from his BELIEFS “Attachment kills” or whatever. He’s like “If I die she’s dying w me” typa guy I’m going informal to express how messed up this could become… It’s fiction, but this is my opinion.

Impure intentions. That’s what it literally is. Besides, TaeHa clearly sees something in HaeSoo (other than sleeping with her) that is worth exploiting which is her kindness. She gives him warmth he never received so yeah he’s mostly in it for selfish reasons. I don’t think I can root for him at this point given that no matter where this relationship goes, HaeSoo will eventually find out he’s been manipulating her and well… that still sucks

Everyone is talking about the coworker but why did Haesoo have to make the situation weirder than it already is? When she called to tell TaeHa she gave him the wrong bag, instead of saying “please don’t open it, the contents are private” or EVEN “sorry I gave you my underwear instead haha!” it would have been WAY less awkward even if they did both have these thoughts/imagination. It’s just more realistic/reasonable than her treating TaeHa like he’s 5 instead of a full grown man who knows that underwear is a normal thing and that the mistake was completely unintentional

Considering the age gap and the whole relationship between older and younger people in Korea, her reaction seemed completely normal. She likely treats him that way because they’re in, well, Korea. It’s a common thing ingrained in their culture that indicates social status and how they interact with one another. As for the first part, I don’t know many people who I would tell, “Sorry, the contents inside are my underwear.” As much as it is normal, society hasn’t quite come to terms with the norms of undergarments. Not saying that’s the case with Taeha, but I think Haesoo was rightfully embarrassed, especially considering the following factors: Rarely buys lingerie/garments for herself, kissed Taeha recently. I think her reaction was rightfully appropriate. I do agree she made it slightly weird, but humans naturally react that way when embarrassed and panicked. She could’ve said, “I gave you the wrong bag, can we switch tomorrow?” But Taeha may have questioned that, who knows. It also seems he already opened it, so no matter what she says, it’s too late for her lol. This is just my take, you don’t have to believe me. Happy New Year and Holidays! :3

(I started reading this recently so don’t come at me for commenting about this now.)
So far, what we learned from several characters tells me that TaeHa’s family did not want him.
TaeHee, his brother, called him an illegitimate brat. He also mentioned them performing a ritual to kill him. Not only that, but the Chairman seems to think he’s “insane” and hired a man to search after him.
Since his birth mother is someone the chairman fooled around with, it’s probably obvious that they wanted to hide him from the public eye. Or, at least, he was a product of a mistake that was not acceptable in their family traditions. After all, TaeHa “wasn’t meant to be”. I’m not sure why he’s still alive and what made them change their mind, but all of this tells us a lot about why TaeHa is the way he is now. (i.e His obsessive behavior, attachment issues, and enigmatic personality with a streak of psychopathic tendencies.)
But it also makes me wonder, beyond looks or sexual appeal, why he went with Na HaeSoo out of everyone else. The answer isn’t very pleasant, to be honest, the guy has mommy issues. To put it bluntly. He probably grew up without a mother, feeling extremely estranged, alienated and abandoned from the entire family, and now he is compensating with Na HaeSoo.
No matter how well he treats her, it’s still concerning. Neither of them need this relationship lol. One of them needs intense therapy while the other needs to learn how to live their life for themselves.
But yes, in conclusion for those wondering, TaeHa is just an abandoned and abused child who got too attached to a woman who could give him the love he missed out on. (Also his tattoo says a lot about it all)

“I hope Dan leaves him” … Um… Do you realize what you’re reading? It’s a smutty yaoi made by an author who likes to romanticize rape, but sure if you want to be delusional about it…

Personally, I knew this from the get go which is why I stopped reading this. I only come back when I have nothing else to do and I'm like "yeah let me see if that dumpster fire is still ongoing".
But I think I somewhat understand why some people stick around. People want to see the "regret and remorse arc". They want to see retribution in the form of uke leaving and seme begging to get him back and groveling. I have to say that I sometimes do enjoy that as all but this shit here doesn't seem like it will follow thay plot. At most the seme will tell the uke "comedy back" and he will wag his tail and bark at the seme's command. Also, there is no enjoyment in a regret arc that comes after so much rape, abuse, and toxicity.

That dumpster fire thing was hilarious but you’re right. I think it’s the anticipated ‘redemption arc’ that people are sticking around for, and yes while I do find it enjoyable in OTHER webtoons… This one is beyond repairable. It’s just that badly written… I also do not understand how people are putting up with Kim Dan’s character. I can’t stress this enough, but regardless of how much you like someone as horrible as Jaekyung, your inferiority complex is not the way to deal with it.

Quite frankly after this chapter I have been contemplating dropping the series. I so much love gifts and birthdays that I can't see any reason why it should lead to this. I really really expected something else. But I guess I'm at fault for hoping. If I'm ever to keep reading it, I just hope the Uke does a little more than just leaving him. I might take a break from the manhwa

I cannot say this enough, but while Jaekyung is an unbelievable prick… He’s a hopeless case. Doc Dan needs to strap on a pair and stop being such a suck up even if he has feelings for Jaekyung. If he doesn’t switch the fuck up and do something this entire story will just get worse

Honestly? I don’t even want Jaekyung to get redeemed. He’s an MMA fighter with a huge ego and a fear of losing, while Dan is some wimp that catches feelings for horrible people due to some inferiority complex. It all adds up to a horrible mixture… Alas… No matter how many times I stress how stupid a couple looks the author somehow manages to get them together. It’s always the same boring shit.
For those who haven’t noticed it yet, this is not a smut or porn story. The main point of it isn’t to cater to your fantasies, and the sex does not have to be perfect. TaeHa is inexperienced and he’s overall a complex character. He won’t suddenly change just because he’s fucking the girl he likes. The setting is also not helpful and everything about this is messy like HaeSoo’s life. It makes sense it won’t be as you all expected… again… this is NOT a porno lol.
Fr, just because he didn’t blush at everything like your average shoujo fairytale ML, doesn’t imply that it’s because he’s experienced- He’s so complex and I can’t wait to get a back story from him !
I don’t think you noticed but majority of us aren’t reading for the plot, it’s basically a Wattpad fanfic if we wanted to read for the plot we would read something else. It has the smut tag so we expected at least some smut. Not even yaoi that has plot is as censored as this.
Mature romance to smut romance are different. Also, it’s been censored from the start? Why would it be different since Taeha’s in the frame, you set yourself up for this one.
It’s really not reunion is mature romance to smut romance and at least we saw some dick even though the buildup was 50 chapters at least the authors gave us something.
Smut focuses on heavy explicit adult content, i details and all, though mature doesn’t it’s more plot focused- which is exactly this story. I’m here for the female lead lick back- coming from someone who has never read a watt pad story before so I’m reading this w no projection
Also, I think this is the most penis you’re probably gonna get babes so I think you’ll be disappointed from here in out ngl:/
I’m not sure what tags it has on the official website the author posts on, but from the story you can tell it’s not focused on smut. And so what the majority of you aren’t here for the story…? That doesn’t change the way the author wants to portray the sexual scenes or how they want to present them. In fact, it’s a bit weird to expect something very explicit when you know this story is more about adult themes such as cheating (which is mainly why we got so many of the sex scenes prior to this), poverty, and other mature concepts.
I’ve been literally piecing together a lot of the information given about him, I posted two theories but like… UNFORTUNATELY no one wants to discuss that. All I read is “boombayah” and some other silly things like… why was NO ONE wondering about his scars, his tattoo covering that scar, the fact that he had gone through a RITUAL as a child? I don’t know, to be honest, people can say whatever they want and read this for whatever reasons they want but it’s still disappointing that this comment section lacks any sort of interesting discussion
It really depends on what platform you ‘re on, Mangago is the tiktok of manga/webtoon site- they’re mostly teenagers who grew up chronically online smut lovers tbh so I don’t expect much here- There’s Novel forum’s/ reddit & X/twitter parties that discuss theories & in depth character breakdown if you want to converse with people who are here for the plot!! Even Temple scan has great discussion’s:)
You guys are trying to make the plot deep when it really isn’t. This basically book talk x biker TikTok if they ever had a baby.
um manhwa in general is cringe lol you seem to dislike this story yet always in these comment section on your own free will. go find some smut that'll satisfy your gooner dopamine receptors lol