Bruh he's not a minor you twat (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ I hope you decide to research these sorts of things properly next time... Also you didn't even read it yet you complaining, you should've just scrolled past it ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
(P.s. a lot of people shipping it don't want anything sexual between them and only want a wholesome fluffy relationship, don't just assume a whole group of people think one way)

but you’re saying it: it’s FAKE. i get your point - but it’s the same thing as me saying that you shouldn’t compare fantasy with reality. and honestly, you thinking that just because the jjk world is fantasy so it’s fine to make kids fight is kinda f’cked up. stop being rude while calling me names, enjoy the things you like and let other enjoy what they want :)

What in the Karen is this shit this is why manga creators exist cause they create fiction for us to read, cause it doesn’t happen irl. What happen in manga anime shouldn’t be apply to real life situations,what happen in the story stays in the story. Don’t try to recreate it with real ppl….. nobody says other shouldn’t enjoy what they want, surely I didn’t say that… what I’m trying to say is I do not support p3do in anyways but if it’s happens in story then I couldn’t care less, not a problem ….

Duhh I don’t get why y’all so mad about non existing characters that’s being sexualized by ppl.. at the least what they are doing is non harming actual kids lol, I’m not pardoning their actions but as long they not harming anyone then I don’t see the problem …. Those who are not comfy with this kinds of settings then don’t read n move on

Yeah no shit if i wanted to ignore it i would've already had but y'all really be defending pedophilia and on top of that like i said "it bothers us seeing our fav character getting sexualised with his teacher" and yall justifies it by saying "0h ItS F1cTioN" like that makes it any better of course we gonna attack y'all

What is there to back up when I don’t support pedo? Bruh U not making sense, I clearly stated that nowhere I support this horrifying acts upon minors, but what I’m reading is just a fiction. If it bothers me then I gladly move on from what I read ffs what am I supposed to do about it? Clearly ntg cause this does not impact my life nor anyone NOR ITADORI …. smc lah sial, it’s always the yts

Ur sick if u consider this pedophilia idk what else to tell u honestly it's fucking fiction with unreal characters they are not living beings so wake the fuck up and go lecture some real life pedophiles okay and u attacking us for reading fiction shit doesn't do us shit and we're not stopping just cause u said so lol +the creator made it so that we read it if it were actual pedophilia then don't u think it would be illegal to publish it? Grow the fuck up and stop judging ppl's tastes

Do u actually realize how funny u seem? Can u just not? Ur so toxic sheeeh grow up and stop whatever ur lonely ass is doing it's not fucking real bruuuuuuh what the fuck is wrong with u and u talking like it's actually real lmao u can't even know the difference between fiction and reality and u come here judging ppl and no Loli and incest are just genres ppl love and enjoy i don't go attacking ppl for what they enjoy reading dude I'm not sick and i don't have so much time to waste like u grow the fuck up we're in 2021 already there are literally ppl married to dolls and 13 yo with babies and ppl think that's a flex so why not get ur fat ass there and tell those that they're wrong instead of making a fuss over imaginary shit

Lmao y'all are so fuckin deranged fiction or not its still pedophilia, its the same as a fictional character raping another fictional character and of course y'all are gonna call it rape and label it rapist right? Fiction or not its still rape and vise versa with pedophilia and hmm and I'm the toxic one? Who here is shipping a 15 year old boy to a 28 year old middle aged man? If it and stop saying shit like 13 year old girls getting pregnant promoting teenage pregnancy cause other people are already onto them.
And i ain't attacking no one cuz I'm asserting information to y'all's stupidass brains and y'all stupid ass logic
If it was gojo and someone same or close to his aged it would've been fine but y'all really be defending and romanticising pedophilia here so who's the one who really needs to get a life?

Girl u onto smtg ~~~~~ is that what u want me to say… minor or not, let’s just say that their location are in Japan, Japan legal age is 13 years old, if u r not happy with it then go complain to Japan itself, running around here asserting information where people are aware of it does not go anywhere, rape is rape, pedo is pedo … but if it’s fictional n I’m not comfortable with it I’ll just dislike the manga n move along.. ppl know what they are reading, we alr lose conscience the moment we read on manga go, don’t try to preach here n there like as if ppl who are reading here are bunch of 12yrs old kids that just started to read manga ever since tiktokers recommend it

You gotta be shitting me I'm aware of the legal age of consent were talking about minors here MINORS
a person under the age of full legal responsibility.
And consent??
permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.
A minor can consent something of their own will but that doesn't mean they're in the right state of mind to do so
Its the same logic as "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should"
I'm genuinely concerned about the logic that goes in your head

Rape or not Loli or not incest or not it's still fiction idiot and no I'm not gonna be a toxic bitch and go all over the comments just to tell em it's not right cause no one gives a fuck it's not real and it's not hurting anyone but u just had to because ur sensitive ass wanted to act heroic on a fantasy pedophilia and really would u stop already ur not insulting anyone and ur not encouraging anyone to stop reading cause whoever in their right minds would know that this is just okay on fiction and not in real life ur clearly stupid and just want attention by defending unreal characters instead of real ones lol

Yeahh with the way u type all this shit… it convinced me even more that u read things here just cause it’s on tiktok. Lmao u read just cause it’s fluffy cute bl boys ….. who tf says we are an outcast, u just show us that u r one of the ppl who bullied those otaku’s Yeahh… unlike u I have a partner, yeah sure in different dimensions

Oh so u reply then u block me ? If ur so scared u shouldn't meddle with adults and just so u know if i support pedophilia i would say it to ur face dickhead am not a scaredy cat nor a coward like u ppl acting good while hiding urselfs kids should stay away from this jeez a Fucking 15 yr is lecturing me lmao

The fact that these minors are the same one thirsting over DILF, MARRIED MAN, grown up adults that has a big age gaps with them shut up , focus on ur sch kiddoz what r u doin here on this illegal website that u have been reading for year, which technically saying only last year u started reading this??? Lmao u can’t even vote yet, u mad cause u read this n u were uncomfy with gojo fucking yuuji, but why were u reading a doujinshi in the first place

gugu gaga wee wee mommy I’m scared this little minors are mad that they can’t be fucked by older men’s buzz off kids I can see ur history & u got no rights to talk how uncomfortable this plot is when most of ur list are BL manga & manhwa that consist content of raping, unconsented sex, toxic…… talk to me when u can vote, seems like I only know this website ever since tiktokers publicised it lol

Who tf is romanticising it? Nobody not even one comment here say
- omg yes pls gojo can fuck me like that,
- dangg I like this kind of story yeah , defo my cup of tea
- omg stop hating on this plot yall, yuuji consented it anyways, stay hatin cause ur man can’t fuck u cause u still a minor lololokooll

No it’s u who missed the point, from the start I said that if u are not comfy with the plot buzz off, cause what happen here in these STORY STAYS HERE, nobody NO ONE NOT ONE SINGLE soul should act upon it IN REAL LIfe. I’m not defending A SINGLE SOUL THAT IS SUPPORTING PEDOPHILIA. How is that still a problem for y’all, this is manga, where Ton of plot being written by many creators, if u don’t like it then go away, don’t engage with it anymore. Lol I don’t geddit with kids like u telling me to reread on what I wrote, clearly u missed the point, looks like KIDS LIKE U WANNA GET SO FUCK BADLY BY 2d characters
I feel so bad for Lil Mo, he's been working so hard, and lately, he's had piles of work and stress. I really hope everything gets resolved for him, he deserves better.