Thanks for the translation. Its kinda wonky so its hard to understand if u don't get the gist of the plot though. They characters keep addressing themselves in third person. Wrong pronounce and all but better than nothing. Hope to see a better trans moving forward.
And omg the duke is showing more emotions!?!?!!

I canr remember hyesungs mom what happened to them on the orig story?

She left him with his abusive dad to go be with another man and start another family without baggage. And when they reunited she didn't take accountability for her actions at all and partially blamed Hyesung for not looking for her, and then ran away crying because he didn't welcome her back with open arms lmao

Hyesung's mom abandoned him. Later his dad too. His parent got family on their own while he grew up alone. When he's an adult and got baby locked by his alpba and gonna married, his parent come back and starts to claim him again. His dad wants the alpha's wealth while his mom is regretful about the pas when she left him with his dad. Hyesung can't stand the sight of both of them so his alpha makes sure he never see them again

Oh, yikes. And why is he in contact with the grandmother? Does he just feel sorry for her?
I feel like when Byul finds out about Hyesung abandoning him when he was a baby, he will possibly use it against Hyesung to try to reunite the grandmother and Hyesung. Or Hyesung will reunite by himself, with a little push.
I don’t like the possible idea of a forced reunion. I feel sorry for Hyesung. Obviously he did wrong by abandoning Byul after birth, and a lot of postpartum depression-symptoms can happen, he wasn’t even ready to be a mother. He came back unlike his mother who left him for years+.

It's probably pity tbh, and he most likely believes that although Hyesung doesn't want any contact with his mother he would at least not want her to be homeless ig
And you're probably right, unfortunately. I dislike the fact that she's even included in this story because i'm not interested in her redemption arc at all, but this author loves giving everyone happy endings so it's just going to happen regardless.
His mom will cry again and say sorry and then Hyesung will be guilt-tripped into forgiving her by everyone because she's family and it's been long enough or whatever.
Whats the artists Twitter un?
I think it's @jibung015