One of the reasons I read this manhwa is solely because of the way he treats women. Like yeah I'm all for the male mc having female friends but I've seen the same tropes over and over again where females with throw themselves at the mc and eventually it becomes and ecchi harem and it sucks cuz I'm only here for the action.
TLDR; I love the mcs indifferent attitude towards women.

I might regret saying this later but am I the only one that likes the seme and isn't suspicious of him? Like obviously it's pretty weird that he's paying someone to be in a relationship with him but stuff like that happens irl. He's probably just lonely and noticed how much the uke needed cash, it's a win win for both of them (even though the uke doesn't wanna spend the money lol). And can I just say I love the height difference between them

I wish this had more chapters :( does anyone know if this has raws and if it does how many chapters does it have currently?

https://tkor.work/%EC%9C%84%ED%97%98%ED%95%9C_%ED%8E%B8%EC%9D%98%EC%A0%90_21%ED%99%94.html the raws are its still updating
These chapters feel super rushed, idk if this is the manga adaption for a light novel but so far the mc doesn't have much of a personality. I feel like they're focusing too much on the other lives so I'm not seeing much growth from the mc himself, he relies way too much on the other lives imo.