That’s not how that works. Why do people take writers for people who write stories like it’s an afterthought? The point of this story is in the title. It’s a depiction of high society we’re meant to understand. The only reason why someone of his caliber would ever approach her is because she’s a noble. Novel readers even said there were hints of him looking down on commoners even when he was with Adelaide but she would never truly notice it or disregard it because he was never over the top about it. This has consistently been a plot point about high society in this story.
it's like author made him unlikable later because we need to accept blue haired guy as ML lmao
That big ass hair of his was obviously a sabotage Like come on it looks like a wig
That’s not how that works. Why do people take writers for people who write stories like it’s an afterthought? The point of this story is in the title. It’s a depiction of high society we’re meant to understand. The only reason why someone of his caliber would ever approach her is because she’s a noble. Novel readers even said there were hints of him looking down on commoners even when he was with Adelaide but she would never truly notice it or disregard it because he was never over the top about it. This has consistently been a plot point about high society in this story.