Kids usually cry when their guardian has to leave but haebom has been around so much to the point the kid considers him as a primary caregiver as well ╥﹏╥ her dada may be gone but her papa is still here so it's all good. He's thinking of he deserves the right to call him her father but all this time she considers him as one, ughhhhhhhhhhhhh my hearttttttttt
Oh? Seems like this arc developed the actress more than the mc, should I expect more appearances from her? It was established that she's a good actress though with a bad personality, but it seems like this experience might finally get her to become better now that she isn't letting her toxic ex get to her. I wonder if she'll be back to act together with mc...
I know she's trash and a bully but the way this arc ended really do feel like we're gonna be seeing more of her.
Chapter 3 made me cry ╥_╥
It was honestly hot and sexy but his inner thoughts just went straight to my heart. He's so so lonely and starved for affection, so when he was being hugged and head held while kissing I was so touched cuz he deserves that kind of intimacy. I really love it when they hold the head while kissing, it really portrays that they treat you as someone precious, hot and pure at the same time
I can kind of understand her angle of being different is difficult BUT she herself said that she's happy, has friends who celebrated her birthday and spent the day with her, who obviously loves her and didn't treat her differently despite being neglected by her parents. She wasn't even ostracized! So why is she preaching about the people in their town judging our green flag couple!? The fcking audacity to butt in with her outrageous and unfounded opinions when all her reasons was because she was miserable and wants to feel like she's doing something "good".
She's the one who feels different and that's why she wants other people to suffer and feel different as well. What a pathetic lowlife, the kind who thrives in bringing others down. She's basically just a nasty person. I pray she doesn't do this kind of sht to her friends too
All these drama and meddling was all because miss ma'am is a sad ghorl!????? Ughhhhhh I was honestly trying so hard to make excuses for her cuz she's so young and I thought it's gonna be atleast related to society or internalized homophobia or some sht. But it turns out she was projecting the heck out of a simple kiss. How pathetic do you gotta be to be miserable cuz two dudes are making out and somehow connect it into being neglected by your parents wtf. She's delulu af.
I canttttt she's actually kinda triggering me cuz I've got a coworker who's also got a victim mentality and loves spreading her misery and making up stories and just being so negative. Go to therapy, don't traumatized us as well damn it
Oh god, please, I hope Juheon's character development and confidence is enough for the the inevitable fallout and angst incoming. I need him to never doubt that Dohu likes him despite all these people and Dohu himself saying he doesn't have the capacity for emotions and love. I want noona to see how Dohu acts when it comes to Juheon, so she'll realize her baby brother really can love and she can be the voice of reason when sht hits the fan.
Ugh I'm already preparing my heart to be destroyed in this arc, author please be gentle
Like, at this point I'm just waiting for the angst to come cuz for sure when the secret about mc using the ml as a reference for his book gets revealed some sht is about to go down. If not that then something else which will make them be apart. I'm hoping though, that this birthday promise will somehow allow our mc an opportunity to reconnect. We need his idgaf attitude to shamelessly celebrate a birthday with ml even when they're fighting lol. That'd take a year though but lemme have fun imagining scenarios (≧∀≦)
Seojun is essentially still a kid despite reincarnating so many times. He shares his worries with his peers just like a child and takes their advices as seriously as he would from adults. It's not that it's bad when a reincarnated character isn't childlike, it's just that I'm so tired of them rushing to become adults. Cus now that I'm working and sht, I wish so much that I'm still a kid with no worries and responsibilities. I'm definitely gonna play all I want and enjoy life if I'm a kid lol
I refuse to label my boy Akato as the 2nd male lead, please no please. Everybody here knows what happens to the 2nd ml, I don't want that kind of fate to befall my boy nooooooooo
(I'm honestly so stressed cuz the title pertains to Noah so he might be end game but I'm hoping it's just to capture the attention of readers cuz Akato is seriously such an interesting lead ╥﹏╥ their chemistry is amazing and they're not siblings!!!!!)
As a Dohu apologist who used to fight for their life defending him in the comments, I felt so validated with the way he comforted the ml ╥﹏╥ he even opened up about his life. My man's really just a newbie at love and yet look at him, he's doing so good!!! He may not outright say that he loves the ml, might not even be aware it's love he's feeling, but his actions itself proves and shows that he has truly fallen in love. I'm really hoping that the ml holds on to what he's seen and experienced when sht inevitably hits the fan and it's revealed that he was used as a reference material. That regardless of how everything's started, the truth of the matter is what they have between them is love.
Im honestly impressed with the artist's versatility, they definitely have range cos the way they can make the scenes hilarious as intended and scary when it matters is amazing. It really cements the fact that despite being born "human" and getting treated as Yoojin's babies, these beings he's raising are monsters in sheeps clothing. Damn Yoohyun you're so fcking scary when you're off your hyung's leash, have mercy on the actual baby monsters please ╥﹏╥
If I had known the chapter is gonna attempt to kill me, I wouldn't have read this at work lmaoooooo I was fighting for my life not to scream and giggle hysterically ohmygod everybody blushing and now me too aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
Been reading this for 8 years now, not that long compared to some of y'all ohmygod, but I'm still as enamored as I was when I started reading this. And I wouldn't even mind if it continues for longer cus I love this story that much. I can't believe I'm about to be older than Ren in a months time, even though the story's timeline has only been over a year ╥﹏╥ thank god for fanfics, that way I could actually read about them acting together, married and successful (≧∀≦)
My heartbreak with the censoring aside, it's amazing how such a fcked up story, with a convoluted start, has one of the most beautiful portrayals of love I read. There's so many moments where I thought they wouldn't last but oh god they did, and it was so good. So many compromises and sacrifices done for the sake of remaining together, and still there's no regret. It actually true love ohmygod. I'm honestly so happy for this couple jfc and then they keep making these decisions to make their significant other happy, mc made a death pact just so he can assuage the mls fear, talk about dedication. Likewise, ml literally changed his entire outlook in life just to be with mc cuz he knows if he continues down that path he'll die early/commit something irreversible.
I know for sure the author desperately wanted this story to be bl but unfortunately can't, so they're doing the best they could to make everything seem "platonic", even though they've got the subtlety of a stampede. They can't help but put tons of scenes reeking of innuendos. It's basically mpreg with a twist ohmygod ╥﹏╥ and the artist is definitely in cahoots with the gay agenda cuz why is a scene where Yoojin is suffering looks so sexy? Umm!??? Choking ans chains jfc the men are out to get him
Anyways, I wanna read some fanfiction now featuring yoojin getting it
Mc is getting dragged by everyone (as he should) but I'mma defend my boi even if I'm alone in doing so. HE'S JUST A DUMMY, PRACTICALLY A BABY WHEN IT COMES TO LOVE, HE DOESNT KNOW SHT PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON HIM (/TДT)/
Honestly though, it's really cruel of him to make ml hope for something more that he can't and won't give. But he literally isn't as emotional as a regular person. He never even thought of himself capable of feeling love. It's actually already a huge progress on his part to acknowledge that he does feel something for Juheon, he just isn't aware that it's love.
I always eat it up when a character is a newbie at love, bonus points if they never thought they're capable of it. It's so relatable, I live vicariously through them cuz I've never fallen in love myself ╥﹏╥ go get y'all's mans!
I need mc and the psychic to meet, as well as the bl writer cmonnnnnnn I've already read fics with them as friends and the dynamic is so good cuz they're all meta in some way, people who in some way or another, aware of how this world works. Mc who knows the truth and does his best to escape it, the writer who's wish already came true and the psychic who suffers from knowing way too much and too little at the same time. Plus, I just want them to have their own people who can understand them, they've been lone wolves all this time and I honestly feel so bad for the psychic, he's been taking damage after damage ever since his introduction ╥﹏╥
Adult mc is definitely gonna beat the crap out of his younger self if they ever meet. He's his own enemy ╥﹏╥ all his efforts to avoid flags only to be fcked over by baby mc establishing the first chapter of his own bl manga. He can win against the bl world's machinations but he ain't gonna win against himself (≧∀≦) honestly though he's really charming and adorable, I get why the universe is trying so hard to pair him up with basically all the tropes lol