I’m used to stories that are filled with drama or fluff but this just felt so slow paced and peaceful yet it pulled me along so easily. The flow of the story was beautiful and the mc’s partner at the end unexpected.
It also shows how mc struggles to find LOVE and not just some temporary date as a gay guy, which I love the inclusion of.
I hope we see more of the high schooler tho… how he ends up as an adult, if he ever visits the mc for that suit, how he felt about mc and if he missed seeing the mc during his summer break. But ig that’s not gonna happen so that’s a pity….

I'm sorry you need to hear people say "toughen up" or " get used to it". You already give us something which costs money to us for free... thank you for that. I know it doesn't seem like it, but some of us really appreciate it. We understand and will wait for you. And I'm really glad to know that you'll finish uploading this comic. Thank you.

Yes! Show them! Mc, kill that bitch with kindness if that’s what you’re goin for. Shove it in her face that all of the problems she has with the group is her fault. And that if she’s gonna spread rumours bout you at least make sure to not be found out. Cu’s it’d be EmBarAsSiNg to be found out~ And YoonJung (I’m sorry if I made a mistake with her name, I meant the blond badass female character ) get him! ISTL, stalker dude needs some sense knocked into him. Liking someone? No it’s not a crime. But stalking someone? It is. And no ones gonna be buddy buddy with the person who just stalked them. Like, that’s creepy. Oh! And how he shows it off as your fault for not likening him back! Like dude. Shut it. No one likes you and never will like you if you keep up that attitude. Tone down the ego a bit. Yeah?

I swear, if you don’t go to jail, imma find you and rip your skin off, bit by bit. Then proceed to cut your dick off, Cu’s let’s be honest, it’s not even worth looking at. I bet you’d need to pay to get some anyway. Then I’ll fill up all the god damn holes in your body with ghost pepper and drench your highly wounded body in lemon juice. Just so that it hurts you more. And let you die slowly on the cold hard floor.
What I’m getting at here is, if you don’t go hide yourself in jail, imma stalk your ass then torture you to death.

Hey! You know what? Our mc, well... he’s much better at gaining popularity compared to you. And he can do that without ruining others lives! Cool, right? Ahhhh.... bet you regret not asking him out before. But oh well, he now has people who genuinely care bout him. Not people who are just around Cu’s they want gossip. Ahhh... but you dont care do you? Oh. But he also has the 2 most popular and pretty people completely in love with him, despite how he used to look or how he will look in the future!
So... yeah. Please fuck off before we kill you in the most painful way possible. Cu’s you know, we won’t let you have a whole corpse after killing you.
Hope you die soon.
Love how Kayden too now has REAL friends willing to die for/ with him, and how he’d do the same without a second thought~
They kept saying how Jiwoo was abnormal for having trusting friends but look at them nowヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
but they don't agree to that,such tsunderes they are
IKR! God if they’d just admit they’re actually friends