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Some parents give their kids an inheritance. Some give their kids a car. Jinwon's parents gave ...

  • Author: Uhrin
  • Genres: Yaoi / Romance / Webtoons / Comedy / Smut
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Idk, I mean I do feel guilty reading yaoi a little...*awkward silence* ok maybe I don’t YET. My Asian family is religious, I do wonder if I’m gonna go to hell because of my obsession with yaoi and bl. I also have Sunday school zoom. Honestly idk anymore. When I think of church I get, scared? I’m very much scared of ghosts and demons. But thin......
Weeaboba_ followed question about chat your crush

And first I want to start off by saying I don’t think religion is inherently bad, I just have religious trauma because I was told I was going to be tortured in hell & that god is disappointed in me constantly at a young age (even more so after I came out). I have really intense nightmares now about burning in hell and being tortured. Church make......

16 12,2020