val's experience ( All 0 )

val's answer ( All 16 )

i am so sorry if i sound rude, but isn't that.. how being a person works? like isn't that normal? people changing? unless i'm completely missing a super important puzzle piece that i'm not getting or something, then i don't think this is such a big deal? i thought everyone does this (´O`)   reply
19 12,2020
the people who agree... are you guys okay /lh /j   1 reply
19 12,2020
this is a fun (actually, not so fun) fact i learned recently. it's quite sad! tw / animal death . . . . . . . . . . . . . i found out dogs and cats tend to run away or hide from their owners when they're about to pass away :( they want to be alone when they die because they don't want us to see them pass. was that too sad? i'll tell you a happie......   1 reply
19 12,2020
val 19 12,2020
hi, sweetheart! so, for me personally, i use a A4 Lyra Sketchbook, and it's working fine for me! the paper works with my supplies and it holds up pretty well after i neglected it for a long time ^^;; i think the only negative impression i have with the A4 Lyra Sketchbook is how easy the paper at the edges kinda, how do i say it, soften? limps? not......   1 reply
19 12,2020
baby (´꒳`*) haha, but in all seriousness, i think i'd describe myself as "complicated"!   reply
19 12,2020

val's question ( All 4 )

val 19 12,2020
i've been feeling under the weather these past few days and reading some stuff that was just beyond me made me feel angry, and i didn't wanna add fuel to the fire by feeling more negative, so here's some positivity in these trying times!

you are loved. you are wanted. you are worth it. i know lots of you feel like there's no one out there for you, but i promise you, there is. i know you hear this tons of times, and you think, "i know i'm loved! but by who?" because you feel like no one is there, but i'm here to say that i'm right here. i love you. i really do. and if you don't have someone to lean on to, i can be that someone for you. i know it's probably the hardest thing for you, either being alone or feeling lonely. but, again, i'm here to stay and i love you tons. you have pretty eyes, you have lovely hair, your skin is beautiful and your smile fits your face so perfectly that the stars get jealous when you smile because you shine brighter than they do. you might feel like you're not pretty, beautiful, or handsome or whatnot. but that's because you see yourself how you see you. does that make sense? haha! what i mean is, no one sees you the way you think they do. you're gorgeous, and i promise, you are perfect in someone else's eyes.
and in case no one said this to you today, i'm going to say it to you :
i'm proud of you.
i'm really, really proud of you. i'm proud of you for waking up in the morning, or sleeping early, or eating, or drinking, or just breathing. i'm so proud of you for being alive, so proud that you're still here, despite things being hard, you're still here with a beating heart. and that's something a lot of people struggle with, so i'm really glad that your heart's still beating. so proud that you got out of bed! and if you haven't, i'm proud that you're on your phone! i'm so proud you still sleep, even if you sleep really late!

remember that you always have a place somewhere, okay? you are so worth it. you're good enough. ♡
19 12,2020
val 18 12,2020
can we PLEASE for the love of god stop referring gay people to their sex positions? like the seme/uke/top/bottom/switch labels and for people to just slap those labels onto gay couple irks me so bad..
i've seen some people refer to gay couples as uke/seme/top/bottom because of how they present themselves and it's always "the smaller and more feminine one is uke/bottom! taller and masculine one is top/seme!" and it's just so gross.. like, it may be the case for some gay couples but not all of them fit into that heteronormative stereotype and overall it's pretty disrespectful to us how all you'll ever see of us is nothing but our sex position.
and in a lot of tiktok videos i've seen gay couples being open about their relationship and i rush into the comments and find tons of people going "uwu so cutee the small one must be the uke" or "which one is uke which one is seme" and it's so gross to see.

call me sensitive, call me a killjoy; whatever. but as an mlm, i just feel like we're so fetishized to the point that a lot of you guys don't see anything wrong with strangers calling us by sex position labels, yknow? (it's a different story when friends are joking around and both parties are okay with it. ex: my friends calling me a bottom and me laughing it off because i know they meant it in an insulting/joking way)
18 12,2020
val 16 12,2020
hello i'm new to using mangago with an account, so i'm not sure if it's always been like this or if this is happening to anyone else? but whenever i try to ask a question in the topic page or something(?), my post disappears right after i refresh the page and i'm not sure if it's cause i have a new account so it might take a while to approve my account or if anyone's having the same problem. and if anyone else is having the same problem, how do you fix it? i thought it was cause i didn't have an account so i made one but it was the same with an account too! i'm not even sure if this is going to be posted since i'm scared it'll disappear after i post it.. but do you guys have any idea on why this is happening and how to fix it? thank you tons! ♡
16 12,2020

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