uhm so, there is already a new uploader of this manhwa with the official English translation from t@pas. chapter 23 is the latest uploaded chapter on t@pas and the uploader said they'll upload every MONDAY.
the scanlation team dropped this manhwa last December 15 and a new uploader picked this up last week and uploaded the UPDATED version of the chapter (OFFICIAL ENGLISH TRANSLATION) so I don't think there's still a need for fan translations when there's literally official English translation on t@pas.

And to the people who said "but chapter 23 was uploaded here in December, that's so long ago": when this manhwa was getting an 0fficial english translation on t@pas, the original scanlation team decided to drop it and uploaded HALF of chapter 23 here. 2 months later, the 0fficial translation finally caught up to what was left her, and an uploader replace that half of chap 23 with the 0fficial one from T@pas. Mangag0 just didnt bother to change the date here - but if you follow this manhwa here you'd receive a notification for chap 23 a few days ago.

hi, are there manhwas/huas which are abandoned ??? pls reply them and i'll try to continue uploading their chapters thank u hehe

i think this got dropped? idk it’s hasn’t been updated in some time
some panels are missing... this is why yall should wait for the uploader who picked this up LAST WEEK to upload the official english version from t*pas. tl