yuyuyu November 17, 2024 10:18 pm

i saw this coming from a mile away i knew his feelings for mc would be revealed eventually but damn didnt think itd be this direct

yuyuyu November 15, 2024 12:17 am

oh... and we were doing so well too..

yuyuyu November 13, 2024 2:37 pm

a single tear just running down my cheek...

yuyuyu November 11, 2024 10:44 pm

the way my stomach dropped at seeing the lookalike... i saw someone mentioning magic and i dont remember if magic is canon in this universe but it would make so much sense. bc how is it possible for them to find mutliple abel lookalikes that look that similar to the real thing

    Baby tiana November 12, 2024 6:56 am

    I think I remember some say they are cloning Abel to some degree. Like the king's heart are the ones doing it because they think this is the kind of regas karas likes and want to control him through them like they did with the previous kings and their regas

yuyuyu November 7, 2024 9:16 pm


yuyuyu November 7, 2024 12:44 pm

this shit makes me actually nauseous. everything about this is whats wrong with the world and how society treats and views women- like sex objects

yuyuyu November 6, 2024 1:58 pm

gestella coming out of nowhere and then immediately peacing out

yuyuyu November 3, 2024 8:39 am

what confuses me is why suo is so fixated on knowing geon's past sex life like why does he care so much, its not like geon cheated or anything. he was just enjoying adult activities as an adult it should not be this big of a deal. geon spent his entire life surpressing the fact that he is gay, so its only natural for him to find it hard to talk about these kinds of things, especially to someone who wasnt originally gay or ever had the gay experience in a conservative country. suo is focused on the wrongt thing. fixating on geon's past sex life is only driving him up a wall, making him feel like he has to choose between his relationship and his trauma. what he needs is a patient and understanding voice to let him know that no matter what kind of promiscuous past he had, he will still be loved unconditionally and suo is not doing that i cant blame him bc he couldnt possibly know whats stressing geon out so much, but u cant deny that his tone and delivery are interrogative and confrontational when it should not be

    Cherry Tomato November 3, 2024 1:56 pm

    Suo just wants Geon to be honest. Especially when people keep coming up to them and asking Geon about sex. It’s not “the past” if it’s still occurring.

    yuyuyu November 3, 2024 3:00 pm
    Suo just wants Geon to be honest. Especially when people keep coming up to them and asking Geon about sex. It’s not “the past” if it’s still occurring. Cherry Tomato

    again, its tough to be honest towards someone who is not typically in a safe space like gay bars and whatnot. hes never had to have this kind of conversation and its so tough watching him being driven into a corner like that bc i empathize with him as someone who is queer and korean. i dont think suo even thinks that his promiscuous sex life is still on going, im pretty sure hes just listening to the terrible advice that's being given to him. but he doesnt know those people and should have trusted is ORIGINAL instinct in letting geon process his feelings before having a conversation as sensitive as this

yuyuyu November 3, 2024 8:21 am

guys im scared, hold my hand

    Sleepy... November 3, 2024 9:38 am

    Fr this story always puts me on edge Hold mine too

yuyuyu November 1, 2024 6:59 pm

why is the rating so low, this was such a cute story :(

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