Tenmanyashiki November 15, 2023 9:22 am

The translation is abysmal. Full offence but why not take the time you put into "trying" to translate to actually learn how to properly TL? If people upload shit TL's it gives less motivation to the people that actually wanna TL works because it's already been "done" in a half-assed way.

    Lalal November 15, 2023 10:35 am

    Woah.. Calm down.. You reading this on illegal site after all.. Dont complain unless you do it your self

    Tenmanyashiki November 15, 2023 11:11 pm

    Lol just because I'm reading on an illegal site, doesn't mean I don't support the author. I already have the Korean raws. People actually buy the raws cause its cheaper and then read unofficial TLs online. It's actually a thing if you didn't know.

    And your "don't complain if you do it yourself" arguement is baseless. It's equivalent to critiquing a media and saying something like "make your own film"

    Tenmanyashiki November 15, 2023 11:12 pm

    I'm also a translator for other series in JP. I don't have time to pick up another project, let alone another language.

Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 2:05 pm

Chapter 1: Literally has a trigger warning and explicitly states it's fiction, not reality. Has the word "Assault" in the title.

Crybaby Readers: Waaaah why is there rape!!!! Why do I have to subject myself to this! It's the authors fault for making me read this. They should make a story with consensual sex just for me!

God, entitled readers that whine about rape are so annoying. They think it's their job to police the content that authors create and publish instead of curating the things they choose to consume. If you don't like rape, why the fuck would you read it? Fiction is a safe space to explore kinks and whatnot.

    HELPMELMAO November 7, 2023 2:14 pm

    hold up, you saying rape is a kink?? non-consensual intercourse.. is a kink?? brother i get your point, but you wordin it hella wrong, or was this your intention? get yo shit straight man

    Kspacesystem November 7, 2023 2:18 pm

    Rape shouldn't be a kink ;;, unless you're talking about CNC, which is totally different than rape. ;; I understand your point really well don't get me wrong! I was seriously hoping this story would be realistic with the portrayal of rape to help me personally, cope.

    I really think this is a misunderstanding. ;;

    ~ Urah

    toilet terrorist November 7, 2023 2:37 pm

    The sadistic beauty defender is talking im now deaf and blind

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 2:40 pm

    It's not wrong to look for realistic portrayal but trying to look for that in fiction is the issue. Especially if it's obvious there is rape but the only criticism readers in this site that are commenting on is that why does it have rape or the author should go to jail. Fiction is not real. Non-fiction is. If you want a realistic portrayal, try documentaries.

    And no rape isn't a kink, it's a fantasy. There's a difference.

    A kink, as extreme at it could be, is always consensual. Meaning that it needs 2 people with their full mental capacity intact, wanting to do it, and capable of understanding everything they are doing, possible consequences, aware of the legality of the practice they are performing.

    A fantasy is a desire or even only imagination that arouses you, that one can be willing perform, or just stay as a fantasy without intention of doing it, even more, even disliking it in reality (rape fantasy, for example)

    That's why it annoys the hell out of me when I see authors insulted in the comments. What’s so wrong for people to explore their darkest and most deprived desires in a safe and consensual environment? That's what fiction is for. People like crime novels and serial murder plots, doesn’t mean they’ll go out and kill someone. It really is just exploring different situations and context with no harm to anyone else. 

    Kspacesystem November 7, 2023 2:44 pm
    The sadistic beauty defender is talking im now deaf and blind toilet terrorist

    I'm sorry, what? They did they? That story was trash, and clearly shows the authors health going downhill ;;

    ~ Urah

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 2:45 pm
    The sadistic beauty defender is talking im now deaf and blind toilet terrorist

    Oh, you weren't blind before commenting? I thought you were already blind considering you missed the trigger warning.

    Kspacesystem November 7, 2023 2:47 pm
    It's not wrong to look for realistic portrayal but trying to look for that in fiction is the issue. Especially if it's obvious there is rape but the only criticism readers in this site that are commenting on is... Tenmanyashiki

    People are allowed to comment on things, also. Don't tell me how to cope, ;; I use fiction over nonfiction for a multiple of reasons. As long as I'm not hurting anyone finding realistic portrayals of CSA/Rape in fiction. It exists, I know it does.

    And honestly, people fantasies of rape are weird and they NEED help. It's not good, and it's fun. It's not something sexy.

    ~ Urah

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 2:47 pm
    hold up, you saying rape is a kink?? non-consensual intercourse.. is a kink?? brother i get your point, but you wordin it hella wrong, or was this your intention? get yo shit straight man HELPMELMAO

    No? Rape isn't a kink, it's a fantasy. There's a difference.

    A kink, as extreme at it could be, is always consensual. Meaning that it needs 2 people with their full mental capacity intact, wanting to do it, and capable of understanding everything they are doing, possible consequences, aware of the legality of the practice they are performing.

    A fantasy is a desire or even only imagination that arouses you, that one can be willing perform, or just stay as a fantasy without intention of doing it, even more, even disliking it in reality (rape fantasy, for example)

    That's why it annoys the hell out of me when I see authors insulted in the comments. What’s so wrong for people to explore their darkest and most deprived desires in a safe and consensual environment? That's what fiction is for. People like crime novels and serial murder plots, doesn’t mean they’ll go out and kill someone. It really is just exploring different situations and context with no harm to anyone else.

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 3:00 pm
    People are allowed to comment on things, also. Don't tell me how to cope, ;; I use fiction over nonfiction for a multiple of reasons. As long as I'm not hurting anyone finding realistic portrayals of CSA/Rape i... Kspacesystem

    Not stopping from people from commenting but venting and making fun of how annoying it is when other people are trying to enjoy the manga as it. I wouldn't mind so much if it was actual valid critism, but commenting on a story that specifically states there is sexual assault and then complaining why there is serial assault is stupid as fuck. I mean, you do you. If you want to comment looking like an idiot with a broken record, go right ahead.

    And well, some people find it arousing. That's why there are rape themes in porn, novels, manga, etc. You may find it weird but others see it differently. At the end of the day, it's only a fantasy depicted in fiction so it's not real.

    Honestly, you're the weird one trying to enforce your "poetic justice" on others and saying they need "help" when it doesn't affect you or hurt you in any way. Let people enjoy what they want to enjoy in a safe environment. It's not like the author forced you to read their manga.

    Kspacesystem November 7, 2023 3:03 pm
    Not stopping from people from commenting but venting and making fun of how annoying it is when other people are trying to enjoy the manga as it. I wouldn't mind so much if it was actual valid critism, but comme... Tenmanyashiki

    It's not that, it's just I've been raped. I know what it is like. It's not something to be a fatansy. ;;

    People are allowed to complain, because admittedly this story is dry and terrible. It's not just the fact of Rape, it's just so far a terrible story.

    ~ Urah

    MangaSanctuary November 7, 2023 3:21 pm
    It's not that, it's just I've been raped. I know what it is like. It's not something to be a fatansy. ;;People are allowed to complain, because admittedly this story is dry and terrible. It's not just the fact ... Kspacesystem

    I'm really sorry that you went through such tragic experience, I hope one day you'll overcome this.
    Though I understand your disappointment, I don't think this one is the kind to show a realistic portrayal of rape and rape survivors. It's just smut with rape and assault to thiken a bit this plotless porn.

    MangaSanctuary November 7, 2023 3:26 pm
    Not stopping from people from commenting but venting and making fun of how annoying it is when other people are trying to enjoy the manga as it. I wouldn't mind so much if it was actual valid critism, but comme... Tenmanyashiki

    It's clear that there're warnings etc, though you can't dismiss the fact there are also the tags "psychological" and "drama", which can be misleading for the readers, who may expect something more than just porn and smut.
    After all, the premise and context of the rape makes us think he'll do domething following the agression, but clearly he did nothing.
    It's clear for me that this manhwa is just porn material, therefore these 2 tags have nothing to do here.

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 3:27 pm
    It's not that, it's just I've been raped. I know what it is like. It's not something to be a fatansy. ;;People are allowed to complain, because admittedly this story is dry and terrible. It's not just the fact ... Kspacesystem

    Yeah okay suuuuure, you were raped. I'll take your word for it I guess.

    So if you were really raped, why are you reading a story on sexual assault in the first place when you know what its like? Why would you read past the trigger warnings? Why would you look for a way to cope with your real life trauma with fiction? Why not get actual help in real life?

    Also, I think you’re equivocating here and it makes dissimilar things look similar. (Sexual fantasies about rape* =/= fantasizing about committing rape)

    You said you were raped but that doesn't mean people should stop having it as a fantasy when it's their own pleasure in the first place. They have no relation to you whatsoever. If it hurts you so much to read or hear about it, then stop reading stories on sexual assault?

    Look at the majority of the content section and what half of the complaints are. It's literally all about them commenting on rape as a them. Those comments sort of feels like eating a steak and getting mad that it tastes like steak. There are multiple trigger warnings given by the author and translator.

    Kspacesystem November 7, 2023 3:32 pm
    Yeah okay suuuuure, you were raped. I'll take your word for it I guess.So if you were really raped, why are you reading a story on sexual assault in the first place when you know what its like? Why would you re... Tenmanyashiki

    If you don't believe that's fine ;; but I assure you, I was. Why would I lie? I do get help in real life and a lot of them do understand how I cope? Honestly, the reason I look for realistic portrayals is to hopefully understand what happened to me, and not make it out as a my fault thing. If that explains it. ;; my main issue is thinking I caused it, and reading stories with realistic portrayals makes me understand no. ;; thats why I, myself look for realistic portrayals.

    What people do in their bedroom is one thing, but I don't like the idea of sexualization of rape. As again, it's it something to be wished, it's traumatizing and terrible. I do know why people wish it, besides the lack of control. But I don't want people to think that rape is something to want.

    ~ Urah

    Kspacesystem November 7, 2023 3:33 pm
    I'm really sorry that you went through such tragic experience, I hope one day you'll overcome this.Though I understand your disappointment, I don't think this one is the kind to show a realistic portrayal of ra... MangaSanctuary

    I agree, ;; it seems to be just a rape fantasy.

    ~ Urah

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 3:40 pm
    It's clear that there're warnings etc, though you can't dismiss the fact there are also the tags "psychological" and "drama", which can be misleading for the readers, who may expect something more than just por... MangaSanctuary

    You're reading on a site that allows uploaders to manually edit the tags. The official site doesn't have these tags included whatsoever.

    MangaSanctuary November 7, 2023 3:44 pm
    I agree, ;; it seems to be just a rape fantasy.~ Urah Kspacesystem

    it'd be much better for the BL Yaoi genre and for readers if we have stories with a more realistic portrayal of that subject; how victims are fighting and overcoming their trauma..., but infortunately Yaoi isn't the best place for that, as you know. Stories are very unrealistic and most of the time it's just porn or romanticized rape :/

    MangaSanctuary November 7, 2023 3:46 pm
    You're reading on a site that allows uploaders to manually edit the tags. The official site doesn't have these tags included whatsoever. Tenmanyashiki

    That doesn't change the fact that these tags are here; are misleading the readers. Btw not everyone will check the official version or whatever.
    It's perfectly clear for me that this one is just porn material, though others may think otherwise.

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 4:09 pm
    If you don't believe that's fine ;; but I assure you, I was. Why would I lie? I do get help in real life and a lot of them do understand how I cope? Honestly, the reason I look for realistic portrayals is to ho... Kspacesystem

    Well, the fact that you're saying "I assure you I was raped" like it's some badge and then going off on how you're seeking out validation in fiction to get over your trauma is a dead giveaway. You're saying it's a terrible thing that happened to you yet you're still going out of your way to read someone getting raped. This series being a prime example.

    And again, rape is a fantasy that some people just have, as in its imaginary, not something they're going to act upon it. If you're not old enough to understand rape in fiction doesn't equate to reality then you're not old enough to read the material in the first place considering it's an actual crime.

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 4:10 pm
    That doesn't change the fact that these tags are here; are misleading the readers. Btw not everyone will check the official version or whatever.It's perfectly clear for me that this one is just porn material, t... MangaSanctuary

    So it's not on the author? Yet a majority of the comments are saying it is and thats my complaint. I don't deny its just porn, that's why I'm reading it.

    Kspacesystem November 7, 2023 4:14 pm
    Well, the fact that you're saying "I assure you I was raped" like it's some badge and then going off on how you're seeking out validation in fiction to get over your trauma is a dead giveaway. You're saying it'... Tenmanyashiki

    Have you not heard of hypersexuality? ;; it's just my habit of sorry 'I assure you' as a way to say I was and not faking it. ;;

    Again, they shouldn't have that fatansy, it's not good. For their health and god knows what else.


    HELPMELMAO November 7, 2023 4:18 pm
    No? Rape isn't a kink, it's a fantasy. There's a difference.A kink, as extreme at it could be, is always consensual. Meaning that it needs 2 people with their full mental capacity intact, wanting to do it, and ... Tenmanyashiki

    okay yeah i get that, but it still shouldnt be a fantasy it dont make no sense, rape is wrong and horrible. a kink can also work without consent no?? majority of manwhas follow the route of rape, and by that they experiment their kinks on the other individual, thats kink but its not consensual - so what would that fall under exactly?? it doesnt make sense. rape fantasy shouldnt be a thing, the crime novels and serial murder plots you mentioned are very different to this - studying criminology might have a take on this, looking for ideas to base a novel for eg around this might have a take on this. however, you never know. it could lead people do to this. it INFLUENCES them if their mentality is corrupt, and so rape is just as easy - thus, you’re saying rape is a kink. by that person exploring their ‘darkest and most deprived desires’ are wrong, especially if this goes alongside with the rape topic we are on. it motivates them to do it, it influences them to do it. if YOU are so annoyed by what others are saying, then why dont YOU just take the cue to leave - its clear, many dont go along you’re opinion. so, seriously, stop whining.

    MangaSanctuary November 7, 2023 4:23 pm
    So it's not on the author? Yet a majority of the comments are saying it is and thats my complaint. I don't deny its just porn, that's why I'm reading it. Tenmanyashiki

    Did I speak about the author?
    I'm talking about the tags that are misleading. Though, to be fair, not only the tags are misleading but the context is also, because the bottom here was harshly beaten, then raped by two guys. One can see the whole situation as just porn, though we can't prevent others to think there is something more to the "plot" than just plain porn, therefore many are disappointed. If it was just "rape play" and clearly displayed as such without all the beating etc, then people won't complain so much.

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 4:30 pm
    Have you not heard of hypersexuality? ;; it's just my habit of sorry 'I assure you' as a way to say I was and not faking it. ;; Again, they shouldn't have that fatansy, it's not good. For their health and god k... Kspacesystem

    Uh, do you know what hypersexuality is? If you actually have hypersexuality then why are you here? You said you receive help in real life so why are you trying to use BL fiction to get over your trauma?

    Hypersexuality isn’t healthy and is recommended to be treated through therapy, not through reading fiction.

    Kspacesystem November 7, 2023 4:32 pm
    Uh, do you know what hypersexuality is? If you actually have hypersexuality then why are you here? You said you receive help in real life so why are you trying to use BL fiction to get over your trauma? Hyperse... Tenmanyashiki

    I'm saying that really, it's different. Personally, I'm sex repulsed. I hate the idea of vaginal penetration and it makes things different. Really, I'm pointing out the flaws of your argument. ;;

    I'm getting help, and seeing sex is helping. Again, as long as I'm not hurting anyone. It doesn't matter what I do. ;;

    I hope I make sense, since this topic is sensitive and I may be misunderstanding you. But again, rape shouldn't be a fatansy.


    Kspacesystem November 7, 2023 4:33 pm
    okay yeah i get that, but it still shouldnt be a fantasy it dont make no sense, rape is wrong and horrible. a kink can also work without consent no?? majority of manwhas follow the route of rape, and by that th... HELPMELMAO

    Go! Go! Go! You had my points!

    ~ Urah.

    HELPMELMAO November 7, 2023 4:44 pm
    Go! Go! Go! You had my points!~ Urah. Kspacesystem

    crazy how they ignored me

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 4:54 pm
    I'm saying that really, it's different. Personally, I'm sex repulsed. I hate the idea of vaginal penetration and it makes things different. Really, I'm pointing out the flaws of your argument. ;;I'm getting hel... Kspacesystem

    "Again, as long as I'm not hurting anyone. It doesn't matter what I do."

    You literally just said it.

    Then don't prevent people from having fantasies in rape? They're not hurting you? It's all imaginary in the end. Try taking your own advice.

    Misaki November 7, 2023 5:09 pm

    Hi, everyone can have a say and an opinion. Just like you having the freedom to type whatever u just said. You shouldn't judge others that they're "crybaby" readers. We can read it out of curiosity despite the TWs, but end up hating it. For example, manhwas like killing stalking, is one of those dark BLs that has a "good" story and plot. This however does not have, or at least so far. Hence some people saying it is bad and that it shouldn't all be just rape, it's understandable. The art style potential is wasted. It seems that your mindset is pretty dark, and i'm blatantly saying this, but you haven't been raped, have you? Please be mindful of your words, as it can hurt others, fiction or reality. Also, rape being perceived as a fantasy to you, you surely must be educated

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 5:11 pm
    okay yeah i get that, but it still shouldnt be a fantasy it dont make no sense, rape is wrong and horrible. a kink can also work without consent no?? majority of manwhas follow the route of rape, and by that th... HELPMELMAO

    Rape is not a kink. Is kink the only words in your dictionary? Kinks are consensual to both parties so rape fantasy doesn't fall under the category.

    Try looking up kinks, paraphilias, fantasies and coercion. Maybe you'll learn something.

    Fantasies don't equate to kinks. They're two separate things.

    And you commented on my thread, I merely posted the initial thread to make fun of the people who complained about sexual assault when it clearly states there's sexual assault. If that triggered you to comment, that's a you problem. There's no point in me leaving because I for one actually enjoy the series as is while people who don't like it can leave and read something rhet actually enjoy.

    Misaki November 7, 2023 5:14 pm
    "Again, as long as I'm not hurting anyone. It doesn't matter what I do."You literally just said it. Then don't prevent people from having fantasies in rape? They're not hurting you? It's all imaginary in the en... Tenmanyashiki

    Honestly you're sick in the mind for blaming a RAPE VICTIM?? BROS DIGGING A HOLE FURTHER god. SURELY u have not get raped. Hope your fantasies come true! Toodles

    Misaki November 7, 2023 5:16 pm
    Have you not heard of hypersexuality? ;; it's just my habit of sorry 'I assure you' as a way to say I was and not faking it. ;; Again, they shouldn't have that fatansy, it's not good. For their health and god k... Kspacesystem


    MYAN November 7, 2023 5:18 pm

    "fiction is a safe space to explore kinks or whatnot" you saying this while the chapter is clearly depicting assault and rape as some sort of kink just says so much about how chronically online you are

    the authors way of using "rape" for a plot with actual story/meaning is okay but guessing from those who read the raws there's no plot to this so of course people would hate it and rant about it, its basic common sense which I can clearly and safely state that you lack

    "fiction is a safe space to explore kinks or whatnot" while it shows actual rape not as a kink but a crime... what a fucking incel you are

    Misaki November 7, 2023 5:22 pm
    "Again, as long as I'm not hurting anyone. It doesn't matter what I do."You literally just said it. Then don't prevent people from having fantasies in rape? They're not hurting you? It's all imaginary in the en... Tenmanyashiki

    Have u ever heard WORDS CAN HURT??? Your arguement SOUNDS SO LIKE I'M DEADASS FLABBERGASTED SOMEONE LIK U EXIST OMG. Does HER WORDS hurt others? No. SHE'S TRYING TO GET HELP FROM BEING RAPED THROUGH VARIOUS METHODS. As a rape victim, OR EVEN A NORMAL HUMAN,seeing someone ignorant like you arguing about "how people are such strawberries and arguing about the rape scenes when there is TWs" IS JUST INSANEEEE..... i get it, it's not reality. THE WAY U JUDGE OTHERS FOR HAVING MORALS. PLEASE. LMFAO. shows how nonsensical u are and how twisted u are. Get help. stop being ignorant and STOP BEING SO DEFENSIVE LMFAO. Are u a kid? Learn to GROW UP and realise your opinion is judged WAY MORE than our logical opinions. If everyone is commenting and judging you, maybe you're the problem.

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 5:23 pm
    Honestly you're sick in the mind for blaming a RAPE VICTIM?? BROS DIGGING A HOLE FURTHER god. SURELY u have not get raped. Hope your fantasies come true! Toodles Misaki

    It's hard to blame a rape victim when they haven't been actually raped.

    Alsp you do realize that fantasies can be imagination that stay as a fantasy without intention of doing it, right? Please pick up a dictionary or something, maybe you'll learn something. Toodalo!

    Misaki November 7, 2023 5:23 pm
    "fiction is a safe space to explore kinks or whatnot" you saying this while the chapter is clearly depicting assault and rape as some sort of kink just says so much about how chronically online you are the aut... MYAN


    Misaki November 7, 2023 5:30 pm
    It's hard to blame a rape victim when they haven't been actually raped. Alsp you do realize that fantasies can be imagination that stay as a fantasy without intention of doing it, right? Please pick up a dictio... Tenmanyashiki


    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 5:30 pm
    "fiction is a safe space to explore kinks or whatnot" you saying this while the chapter is clearly depicting assault and rape as some sort of kink just says so much about how chronically online you are the aut... MYAN

    It's like I'm taking to minors that can't differentiate between what's real and what's not. God God.

    BL is a legit safe way to explore what people don't want to act out in reality. This can be a kink or fantasy. Rape isn't a kink, how do you people not understand this?

    Fiction allows authors to express interest in other forms of being dominated while still having the power to "stop" it or say "no"--that is, by putting the book down and knowing you're not in any real danger. Just look at romance novels in general, which like BL, is mainly a community for straight women. Obviously no one wants that to happen to them in real life, but self-insert fiction.

    Enjoying stories like this where it's just porn is a valid and safe form of sexuality for many people to explore.

    MYAN November 7, 2023 5:31 pm

    this is what happens when kids that has no parents to rely on to learn basic intelligence and won't bother to try to educate themselves, basically they are neglected kids who stand on what they see as right even if its wrong in every aspect, in this case rape

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 5:32 pm

    Oh yeah, I can definitely tell now that a majority you all in this thread are under 16 years old, yeesh no wonder.

    Misaki November 7, 2023 5:33 pm
    It's hard to blame a rape victim when they haven't been actually raped. Alsp you do realize that fantasies can be imagination that stay as a fantasy without intention of doing it, right? Please pick up a dictio... Tenmanyashiki

    You're so illogical and a fucking twat, refusing to get educated. This is why you're SICK in your mind xD i mean, like what i said, ignorant!
    Imagine someone telling you they're rape, and you're like "no you're not" LMFAOO cao ni ma 有毛病吧,快点去医院笑死了

    HELPMELMAO November 7, 2023 5:34 pm

    you literally make it sound like rape is a kink, you’re going back and forth w this and its going no where, you are repeating the same shit man. you’re making fun of people stating its sexual assault? how fucked are you bro, everyone b entitled to an opinion, whats it to you. it ain our problem you enjoy this deranged shit. what some dont understand is that even if you hate it, you can keep reading it, shocking right?? does that make you mad n pouty n boohoo that people arnt listening to you and not reading something else, oh mayn!! :3 did the pwoor feewing pwide get hwurty that people arnt listening to the big ‘ol man who just knows everything!!! its the fact that you’re tryna defend this shit. and blaming a rape victim?? bffr, imagine you were in their place and no one is believing you. be damn ashamed, telling us to grow up and callin us kids where really, its you with your silly ‘ol arguments !!

    Misaki November 7, 2023 5:35 pm
    Oh yeah, I can definitely tell now that a majority you all in this thread are under 16 years old, yeesh no wonder. Tenmanyashiki

    Do you realise how contradictory your words and message is? You're worse than a toddler. Anyways I'M not a fucking teen lmfao you're judging us based on our comments? I'll fucking judge you then. Fucking kid

    HELPMELMAO November 7, 2023 5:36 pm
    you literally make it sound like rape is a kink, you’re going back and forth w this and its going no where, you are repeating the same shit man. you’re making fun of people stating its sexual assault? how ... HELPMELMAO

    oh shit this is supposed to be replied to the comment that they gave me mbmbmb

    Misaki November 7, 2023 5:38 pm
    oh shit this is supposed to be replied to the comment that they gave me mbmbmb HELPMELMAO

    Btw ur comment was fucking fire. They can't take the hintGod there are ppl like this?

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 5:39 pm
    You're so illogical and a fucking twat, refusing to get educated. This is why you're SICK in your mind xD i mean, like what i said, ignorant!Imagine someone telling you they're rape, and you're like "no you're... Misaki

    The fact that you actually believe it is hilarious.

    Misaki November 7, 2023 5:41 pm
    The fact that you actually believe it is hilarious. Tenmanyashiki

    And the fact YOU'RE IGNORANT is so hilarious xD

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 5:41 pm
    you literally make it sound like rape is a kink, you’re going back and forth w this and its going no where, you are repeating the same shit man. you’re making fun of people stating its sexual assault? how ... HELPMELMAO

    You type like your under 16 too. If I wasn't sure before I definitely am now. Hopefully one day you'll grow up and maybe learn a few things.

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 5:43 pm
    And the fact YOU'RE IGNORANT is so hilarious xD Misaki

    Maybe someday you'll learn not to be so gullible. I'm rooting for you.

    HELPMELMAO November 7, 2023 5:43 pm
    Btw ur comment was fucking fire. They can't take the hintGod there are ppl like this? Misaki

    i appreciate that brother, makes me feel all high and mighty but nah fr its crazy, they jst in their own damn world

    MYAN November 7, 2023 5:43 pm
    It's like I'm taking to minors that can't differentiate between what's real and what's not. God God.BL is a legit safe way to explore what people don't want to act out in reality. This can be a kink or fantasy.... Tenmanyashiki

    you say "Fiction allows authors to express interest in other forms of being dominated while still having the power to "stop" it or say "no"--that is, by putting the book down and knowing you're not in any real danger. Just look at romance novels in general, which like BL, is mainly a community for straight women. Obviously no one wants that to happen to them in real life, but self-insert fiction."

    funny how you emphasized that the author is expressing interest in forms of being dominated while having the power to say "stop" while straying away from this story which depicts nonconsensual and forced sex l

    saying "Enjoying stories like this where it's just porn is a valid and safe form of sexuality for many people to explore" in this case you're actually implementing that people should explore rape not as some sort of informative medium to learn but to explore rape because it is safe form sexuality is crazzzy you're literally saying that rape is a kink in that very sentence

    I will literally use all your words against you i because everything you say is contradicting yourself

    HELPMELMAO November 7, 2023 5:45 pm
    You type like your under 16 too. If I wasn't sure before I definitely am now. Hopefully one day you'll grow up and maybe learn a few things. Tenmanyashiki

    whats typing gotta do shit w age man, my uncle always b sending me sneaky lil messages like no other old man has done makes me feel like hes the same age, or is that his intention my point being, its clear ur arguments are dying out, DYING OUT SO BAD U GOTTA BRING IN THE WAY A PERSON TYPES?? LMFAOO

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 5:47 pm
    Do you realise how contradictory your words and message is? You're worse than a toddler. Anyways I'M not a fucking teen lmfao you're judging us based on our comments? I'll fucking judge you then. Fucking kid Misaki

    No, your definitely not a teen. You're actually younger than one. The fact that you can't even tell from a lie online to not being able to consume R rated material without separating from reading just a story to comparing it to actual in real life rape tells it all.

    MYAN November 7, 2023 5:47 pm
    You type like your under 16 too. If I wasn't sure before I definitely am now. Hopefully one day you'll grow up and maybe learn a few things. Tenmanyashiki

    I think you're the one who should definitely learn things like basic vocabulary and having actual arguments and to avoid this case on how you're trying to argue your side then stating things that contradicts what you're defending It's like we're talking to a toddler a very stupid one at that

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 5:48 pm
    whats typing gotta do shit w age man, my uncle always b sending me sneaky lil messages like no other old man has done makes me feel like hes the same age, or is that his intention my point being, its clear ur... HELPMELMAO

    Nope it's just clear to me I'm talking to a minor so there's no point in continuing this conversation.

    rose94 November 7, 2023 5:49 pm
    Rape shouldn't be a kink ;;, unless you're talking about CNC, which is totally different than rape. ;; I understand your point really well don't get me wrong! I was seriously hoping this story would be realist... Kspacesystem

    Cope with what don't try to find therapy in yaoi

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 5:50 pm
    I think you're the one who should definitely learn things like basic vocabulary and having actual arguments and to avoid this case on how you're trying to argue your side then stating things that contradicts wh... MYAN

    "Learn basic vocabulary" says the kid that didn't know the difference between kinks, paraphilias, fantasies and coercion.

    Misaki November 7, 2023 5:52 pm
    Maybe someday you'll learn not to be so gullible. I'm rooting for you. Tenmanyashiki

    Maybe someday you would stop being such an egoistic bitch that digs their whole further well what can i say, perhaps you're a masochist? Fucking loner anyways, where is ur common sense? Who tf jokes about being raped? Shut the fuck up and sit ur ass down lmfao. You've never been raped SHUT THE FUCK UP.

    MYAN November 7, 2023 5:52 pm
    "Learn basic vocabulary" says the kid that didn't know the difference between kinks, paraphilias, fantasies and coercion. Tenmanyashiki

    says the person who can't comprehend that they're contradicting themselves in every arguments they present... depending fictional rape, god forbids a man get mad at seeing nonconsensual sex

    Misaki November 7, 2023 5:53 pm
    No, your definitely not a teen. You're actually younger than one. The fact that you can't even tell from a lie online to not being able to consume R rated material without separating from reading just a story t... Tenmanyashiki

    The fact that you're so consumed by the rapes in BLs that are SEXUALISED and consider fantasies of RAPE is SOOO BAFFLING GO AND TOUCH SOME GRASS KID

    MYAN November 7, 2023 5:54 pm
    Nope it's just clear to me I'm talking to a minor so there's no point in continuing this conversation. Tenmanyashiki

    given the circumstances that if they're a minor and you're the adult here just proves that you're much stupider than an actual kid, stop embarrassing yourself lmao

    Misaki November 7, 2023 5:58 pm
    You type like your under 16 too. If I wasn't sure before I definitely am now. Hopefully one day you'll grow up and maybe learn a few things. Tenmanyashiki

    "You type like your under 16 too" LMFAO BITCHASS IS UNDER 16 BOOHOOO SO SCARRYYcaught u bae. And it's "you're" not your. Bye kid. I hope this "cyberbully" boohoo so sad

    MYAN November 7, 2023 5:59 pm
    The fact that you're so consumed by the rapes in BLs that are SEXUALISED and consider fantasies of RAPE is SOOO BAFFLING GO AND TOUCH SOME GRASS KID Misaki

    they probably can't they lock themselves up in their dark dirty and foul scented room like the fucking roaches that they are Lmaooooo

    Misaki November 7, 2023 6:00 pm
    Nope it's just clear to me I'm talking to a minor so there's no point in continuing this conversation. Tenmanyashiki

    Sit ur ass down teenage kid. Don't talk cock if you haven't even tried tasting one bitchyou think we can't step on you? Bet you're crying now, bohoo so sad

    Misaki November 7, 2023 6:01 pm
    given the circumstances that if they're a minor and you're the adult here just proves that you're much stupider than an actual kid, stop embarrassing yourself lmao MYAN

    She's a fucking kid trust meshe doesnt even know what she's talking about.

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 6:01 pm
    Maybe someday you would stop being such an egoistic bitch that digs their whole further well what can i say, perhaps you're a masochist? Fucking loner anyways, where is ur common sense? Who tf jokes about bein... Misaki

    People who try to use it as an arguement? People who want attention? The list is endless.

    Misaki November 7, 2023 6:02 pm
    "You type like your under 16 too" LMFAO BITCHASS IS UNDER 16 BOOHOOO SO SCARRYYcaught u bae. And it's "you're" not your. Bye kid. I hope this "cyberbully" boohoo so sad Misaki


    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 6:04 pm
    given the circumstances that if they're a minor and you're the adult here just proves that you're much stupider than an actual kid, stop embarrassing yourself lmao MYAN

    No, it's this unspoken rule that minors will never understand R- rated content isn't real no matter how its explained which is why it's pointless to continue.

    Misaki November 7, 2023 6:04 pm
    People who try to use it as an arguement? People who want attention? The list is endless. Tenmanyashiki

    Who would want to be vulnerable and tell others they've been raped..you seem to not even know what you're saying atp LMFAO. If you can't defend yourself, JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND APOLOGISE TO EVERYONE LMFAO. stupid ass kid

    Misaki November 7, 2023 6:05 pm
    People who try to use it as an arguement? People who want attention? The list is endless. Tenmanyashiki

    I think a kid has more common sense than you, shows how chronically online u are!

    Misaki November 7, 2023 6:07 pm
    No, it's this unspoken rule that minors will never understand R- rated content isn't real no matter how its explained which is why it's pointless to continue. Tenmanyashiki

    Honestly it's useless talking to you, you really need to see a doctor. I hope you do get ur desired fantasy rape irlu know, dreams do come true!

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 6:10 pm

    Cyberbully? No one above the age of 12 uses that word any more. This is an online forum and I don't know who you even are, why should empty threats and insults work?

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 6:11 pm
    Honestly it's useless talking to you, you really need to see a doctor. I hope you do get ur desired fantasy rape irlu know, dreams do come true! Misaki

    "Its useless taking to you" and yet you're still here...

    Misaki November 7, 2023 6:13 pm
    "Its useless taking to you" and yet you're still here... Tenmanyashiki

    And yet you're still here being an ignorant cunt...fuck off dip shit. I say whatever i wanna say, not happy?

    Misaki November 7, 2023 6:13 pm
    Cyberbully? No one above the age of 12 uses that word any more. This is an online forum and I don't know who you even are, why should empty threats and insults work? Tenmanyashiki

    Are u living under a rock?

    MangaSanctuary November 7, 2023 6:14 pm

    A civilized discussion is it possible? Without all the insults and ridicule, I mean... Such a sad thread, tbh.

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 6:15 pm
    Who would want to be vulnerable and tell others they've been raped..you seem to not even know what you're saying atp LMFAO. If you can't defend yourself, JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND APOLOGISE TO EVERYONE LMFAO. s... Misaki

    Who would want to be vulnerable? The person who said they were raped apparently did? Who finds therapy in Yaoi. That's so ridiculous

    Misaki November 7, 2023 6:17 pm
    Who would want to be vulnerable? The person who said they were raped apparently did? Who finds therapy in Yaoi. That's so ridiculous Tenmanyashiki

    So u admit that they are raped then? You're not making sense. 1st u did not believe they're a rape victim, now you're saying they are?

    MYAN November 7, 2023 6:17 pm
    No, it's this unspoken rule that minors will never understand R- rated content isn't real no matter how its explained which is why it's pointless to continue. Tenmanyashiki

    that is not an unspoken rule stop making shit up, you can't keep embarrassing yourself like this

    Misaki November 7, 2023 6:18 pm
    A civilized discussion is it possible? Without all the insults and ridicule, I mean... Such a sad thread, tbh. MangaSanctuary

    It is not a discussion when she first judge people and grouping them as "crybabies", so who started first?

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 6:18 pm
    So u admit that they are raped then? You're not making sense. 1st u did not believe they're a rape victim, now you're saying they are? Misaki

    They want to be vulnerable to try and force other's to pity them? It's a thing. Doesn't mean they were really raped.

    Misaki November 7, 2023 6:19 pm
    They want to be vulnerable to try and force other's to pity them? It's a thing. Doesn't mean they were really raped. Tenmanyashiki

    I am BEGGING for u to be raped

    MangaSanctuary November 7, 2023 6:24 pm
    It is not a discussion when she first judge people and grouping them as "crybabies", so who started first? Misaki

    There are though better ways to make her understand your pov.
    In the end, each is likely to stick to their opinion so there's no point in being rude.

    MYAN November 7, 2023 6:25 pm
    I am BEGGING for u to be raped Misaki

    girl thats too much, beg for them to get something less bad like idk getting hit by a truck and breaking 80% of his body but keeping his vital organs intact and functioning so he can keep living on as a fucking vegetable?? idk

    MYAN November 7, 2023 6:28 pm
    A civilized discussion is it possible? Without all the insults and ridicule, I mean... Such a sad thread, tbh. MangaSanctuary

    I mean you can't really have a civilized discussion with a person who's logic goes by "yOur'E a dEfiNetLy a kId wh0 cAn't dIfFeRentIaTe fIcT0n fROm ReALitY" because god forbid, people getting mad at fictional rape

    MangaSanctuary November 7, 2023 6:30 pm

    ... Which is no good either...

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 6:30 pm
    I am BEGGING for u to be raped Misaki

    Uhhh OK???

    MangaSanctuary November 7, 2023 6:38 pm
    I mean you can't really have a civilized discussion with a person who's logic goes by "yOur'E a dEfiNetLy a kId wh0 cAn't dIfFeRentIaTe fIcT0n fROm ReALitY" because god forbid, people getting mad at fictional r... MYAN

    There are indeed a lot of underage readers who read +18 rated porn yaoi, and those who cling to these extra toxic and rapey stuffs just for the sake of hating or doing justiciers. I don't think it is your case, but there are a lot of kids here and this is sadly true.

    TBH this title is clearly nothing more than a PORN MATERIAL, where the beating and rape were used as plot devices to show the smut. It's disguting but there are a lot of these in this genre, let's be honest. It's kind of not productive to argue with the readers, it'll be better to tell author for them to change the content of their work.

    Misaki November 7, 2023 6:53 pm
    girl thats too much, beg for them to get something less bad like idk getting hit by a truck and breaking 80% of his body but keeping his vital organs intact and functioning so he can keep living on as a fucking... MYAN

    They want it and ask for it, i dont see why they shouldn't experience it

    Misaki November 7, 2023 6:54 pm
    girl thats too much, beg for them to get something less bad like idk getting hit by a truck and breaking 80% of his body but keeping his vital organs intact and functioning so he can keep living on as a fucking... MYAN

    I know that was too much, i just simply don't care about her feelings

    Misaki November 7, 2023 6:56 pm
    girl thats too much, beg for them to get something less bad like idk getting hit by a truck and breaking 80% of his body but keeping his vital organs intact and functioning so he can keep living on as a fucking... MYAN

    I don't think they should get it less bad. Entitled people like these have to be humbled and perhaps experience bqd things in life. Don't baby them. That's how she can grow

    Kspacesystem November 7, 2023 6:58 pm
    There are though better ways to make her understand your pov.In the end, each is likely to stick to their opinion so there's no point in being rude.(Sigh......) MangaSanctuary

    The person litterally claimed we weren't raped. I think I'm allowed to be annoyed.


    Kspacesystem November 7, 2023 7:06 pm

    We were, we gained a disorder called d.i.d which hopefully you understand the implications. Do you want the gory details about us being raped? Because I assure you, looking through our notes I can give you gory details.

    Anyways, Urah point is freedom of speech, people are allowed to read what they want. However, for them. Reading BL is a way to not make sex seen as a disgusting thing. Which it isn't, their point is the fact rape fantasy and getting off to rape is actually pretty damaging.

    CNC is something that I can understand, and is also used as coping. Which you apparently disagree with, even though it helps gain control of a situation.

    Your main point is 'We're kids' but to be honest, I'm at least hundred. My source states that, but nonetheless. Age doesn't equal maturity, you're an adult complaining about freedom of speech and about people stating their own opinion. It shows me and others you don't understand empathy. Which isn't always a bad trait but for your case, it is.

    We didn't gain this disorder from nothing, dealing with going to court for our rapist and thankfully, part of the one percent. Urah was saying their experience and you doubted them because their way of coping doesn't make sense. They look for real portrayals so they don't go spiraling into thinking they were at fault. Which tell me, how is the body uncle raping at us five, our fault?

    In the end, your delusional; and someone that frankly needs more friends but I doubt you will because you see yourself as better. Not to mention, you spend time thinking its hot to be raped. Why would anyone listen to anyone as crazy as you.


    Kspacesystem November 7, 2023 7:07 pm
    I am BEGGING for u to be raped Misaki

    I don't think that's appropriate. No one should be raped, we shouldn't and neither should they. They're ignorant and doesn't understand anything they claim they do, but in the end. It's pointless to talk to them. I said my final piece, and rather or not they reply, or you. Doesn't matter anymore.


    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 7:08 pm
    We were, we gained a disorder called d.i.d which hopefully you understand the implications. Do you want the gory details about us being raped? Because I assure you, looking through our notes I can give you gory... Kspacesystem


    Misaki November 8, 2023 3:19 am
    I don't think that's appropriate. No one should be raped, we shouldn't and neither should they. They're ignorant and doesn't understand anything they claim they do, but in the end. It's pointless to talk to the... Kspacesystem

    I agree, i was too frustrated by this idiot. I understand where you're coming from, but i still stand by what i said, this person must learn the hard way, then they'll grow up.

    Misaki November 8, 2023 3:20 am
    I don't think that's appropriate. No one should be raped, we shouldn't and neither should they. They're ignorant and doesn't understand anything they claim they do, but in the end. It's pointless to talk to the... Kspacesystem

    It honestly doesn't, hope u have a good day

    Misaki November 8, 2023 3:29 am
    I am BEGGING for u to be raped Misaki

    I'm sorry if this made yal mad, i was too frustrated by this idiot. I understand this might be too much, and i know i shouldn't wish bad things upon someone. However, i still feel they shouln't be treated lightly. That's all i want to say, bye.

    MangaSanctuary November 8, 2023 12:00 pm

    Good, good... We're for the vast majority are girls and women reading these terrible fictions here, we know our vulnerability and wouldn't really wish for the least of the world for another fellow girl to undergo such horrible experience. Plus, we clearly can't go rape people (not as easily, in any case...).
    In the other hand, being empathic and supportive is also important because people wouldn't be going around telling they've been r*ped that easily.


    During one of my jobs before, an old (married) man collegue of mine cornered me, wanting to do something to me; it was sexual harassment and it happened few times. I escaped, but even today I feel deeply disguted whenever I recall this job.
    So I can't even imagine what would that be if it went further than that.
    Let's be careful about our surroundings wherever we are, watch whoever we hang out with, don't eat or drink something given to you by somebody you don't know well... Our body is our treasure.

    GrievingSanctuary November 8, 2023 7:51 pm
    It's not wrong to look for realistic portrayal but trying to look for that in fiction is the issue. Especially if it's obvious there is rape but the only criticism readers in this site that are commenting on is... Tenmanyashiki

    I like reading comments from people with a brain like this one.

    GrievingSanctuary November 8, 2023 8:08 pm
    I am BEGGING for u to be raped Misaki

    You are out here trying to defend rape victims then proceed to wish someone to get raped. Not only are you a hypocrite, but this statement alone has made your previous points invalid. The way you fail to see the irony in this comment is so laughable.

    GrievingSanctuary November 8, 2023 8:16 pm
    I'm sorry if this made yal mad, i was too frustrated by this idiot. I understand this might be too much, and i know i shouldn't wish bad things upon someone. However, i still feel they shouln't be treated light... Misaki

    "I'm sorry if this made y'all mad" not even admitting to their own mistake but proceeds to blame other people for being mad about such a disgusting statement they made. You people are hypocritical it is beyond disgusting. I don't know why you freaks think it is appropriate to wish ill upon real actual human beings over fiction.

    nut in yo mouth November 9, 2023 10:09 pm

    being delusional enough to say shit like this is literally such a major sign that there's something genuinely wrong with you and that you need to get off social media

Tenmanyashiki November 6, 2023 6:04 am

Phewww that was spicyyy. Can't wait for the next update.

    Kokichi November 7, 2023 1:34 am

    Ofc u find rape spicy..Fucking weirdo

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 2:22 am
    Ofc u find rape spicy..Fucking weirdo Kokichi

    Ofc you treat fiction as reality... fucking weirdo.

    Kokichi November 7, 2023 6:46 am
    Ofc you treat fiction as reality... fucking weirdo. Tenmanyashiki

    Ofc u treat a very much real and serious topic as something spicy and something to get off of fucking weirdo

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 7:23 am
    Ofc u treat a very much real and serious topic as something spicy and something to get off of fucking weirdo Kokichi

    Ofc you're one of the entitled readers that think it's your job to police the content other authors create and publish instead of curating the things that you choose to consume.

    I can't believe I actually have to type this. There is a difference between fantasy and reality. If you want to read bring "serious topics" go watch a documentary or something.

    BL is a legit safe way to explore that kink or other forms of being dominated while still having the power to "stop" it or say "no"--that is, by putting the book down and knowing you're not in any real danger. Also rape is definitely a fetish thing retard. How old are you that you don't know this? Just look at romance novels in general, which like BL, is mainly a community for straight women. Obviously no one wants that to happen to them in real life, but self-insert fiction.

    Not only are you worse than a fucking weirdo trying to kink shame others for enjoying it, you're an actual retard. Reading BL is a safe place for exploring kinks and fetishes in fiction. It' s a valid and safe form of sexuality for many people, particularly women, to explore. Don't like? Then don't read.

    Misaki November 7, 2023 5:27 pm
    Ofc you're one of the entitled readers that think it's your job to police the content other authors create and publish instead of curating the things that you choose to consume.I can't believe I actually have t... Tenmanyashiki

    STOP URE REALLLYY THINKING RAPE IS A FETISH GOODBYYEEE AND YOU'RE SHAMING PPL FOR HAVING MORALSGO GET SOME HELP PLS. I get your point but people can read it out of curiosity and also hate it??

    Misaki November 7, 2023 5:28 pm
    Ofc you're one of the entitled readers that think it's your job to police the content other authors create and publish instead of curating the things that you choose to consume.I can't believe I actually have t... Tenmanyashiki

    Ps u sound so defensive, what made ur ego so big? Just so curious, never get stepped on before? No wonder, fucking girl is chronically online. Go touch some grass

    Kokichi November 7, 2023 7:28 pm
    Ofc you're one of the entitled readers that think it's your job to police the content other authors create and publish instead of curating the things that you choose to consume.I can't believe I actually have t... Tenmanyashiki

    U are so pathetic..it’s sad..I'm guessing it’s safe to assume ur a young girl who doesn’t know shit about morals and doesn’t know what a ACTUAL kink and fetish is. What makes rape in bl or ANY type of book, show
    , comic, etc. that and you say a slur? Yea ur the actual weirdo here
    That isn’t developed well and handled with care is insulting to the victims of ACTUAL rape. Let me educate ur dumbass rq sense ur so deep in ur nonsense that u refuse to see the truth about what u said is wrong and fucking disgusting.

    Let me start with this I know the difference between fiction and reality! Do you though? Seems like u don’t, See I know where that “Fiction and reality” line crosses into bad territory! See this...This is one of them. Rape, Sa, let’s see what else?.. Abuse, suicide Etc. in books should still be handled with care NO MATTER IF IT IS FICTION OR NOT! Because guess what? It’s very much real and it very much traumatizes people to the point of killing themselves or harming others! It should not be romanticized by weird bitches online like u and these authors! Yk what we call those? Fetishers. Disgusting bitches who need to rot! And u just so happen to fit into said category! You and all the authors who add these themes to their stories without backing it up with actual plot and just use it as smut! But I’ll explain why later!

    Second topic!! Let me ask u a question rq Do you know why people get arrested for having child corn on their devices? Even if it’s just a drawing of a fictional character? Think about that for a second! Now let me tell u about an incident that happened maybe in 2020? 2022? Sometime not to long ago, a anime character from a show died in the manga. It was a fan favorite, the character, And yk what people did once they found out? They killed themselves. Yep they took their own life because a fictional character ended up dead in the manga! Fiction has an impact on real life things/People! Done thinking about the question I asked you? Here let me give u the answer! Because those people, those adults with the pictures are most likely pedos irl! They could read shota porn, they can draw it, they can write it; they can even hold those pictures in their computer but can still be arrested and not be trusted around children because that is pedo material, because they are most likely to actually be pedos irl. What u read, what u defend, What u say can really speak VOLUMES about you! (Not comparing this, nor what u said to pedos just merely giving an example to back up my claim)
    ah also i can be 6 for all u know but STILL have more knowledge than u on this which is sad actually but my age ain’t important! Just know this, Without reality fiction would be a nothing! Fiction can only exist with reality, with morals, because humans made it. Because humans use Real life day to day things, events facts etc. To make fiction just know that

    Rape is not a kink/fetish, it should NOT be a kink or a fetish! It should not be romanticized by weirdos like u and this author. U can add it to a story, u can add a lot things to a story! But serious shit like this? Should not be added without reason, without claim! Without impact!! I cant believe i ACTUALLY have to say all this just to get it in ur thick disgusting skull! If rape is ur kink then u need help

    Kokichi November 7, 2023 7:29 pm
    U are so pathetic..it’s sad..I'm guessing it’s safe to assume ur a young girl who doesn’t know shit about morals and doesn’t know what a ACTUAL kink and fetish is. What makes rape in bl or ANY type of b... Kokichi

    Damn this is mad longShit if u don’t read it I don’t blame uI wouldn’t read it either

    Kokichi November 7, 2023 7:30 pm
    STOP URE REALLLYY THINKING RAPE IS A FETISH GOODBYYEEE AND YOU'RE SHAMING PPL FOR HAVING MORALSGO GET SOME HELP PLS. I get your point but people can read it out of curiosity and also hate it?? U CAN DITCH UR MO... Misaki


    MJHE February 22, 2024 11:44 am
    STOP URE REALLLYY THINKING RAPE IS A FETISH GOODBYYEEE AND YOU'RE SHAMING PPL FOR HAVING MORALSGO GET SOME HELP PLS. I get your point but people can read it out of curiosity and also hate it?? U CAN DITCH UR MO... Misaki


    like she defends rape, incest, pedophilia, abuse of power AND she uses a slur like........

    i know that room stinks worse than a discord mod's

Tenmanyashiki November 5, 2023 5:51 am

Loool the conflict between Theo and Momo is jokes considering they're fighting who's closer to him in totally different ways. I hope it's a running gag cause it's cute.

Tenmanyashiki November 5, 2023 4:15 am

I really love that Avald didn't let his jealousy take over and hit Banys before assessing the situation instead of making his own conclusions.

Also I loooove the threesome fan service. If Lute didn't end with Avald, I'd be fine if he ended with Banys. It's also pretty obvious it's the drugs talking. This is a fantasy fiction in a BL world. What do people expect lmao? It's not out of this world for an aphrodisiac to cause you to choose pleasure over logic.

And we know Lute is head over heels with Avald, it's not gonna end in a threesome so you don't have to worry.

Tenmanyashiki November 4, 2023 8:20 pm

I genuinely love this toxic ass relationship. Of course it makes me sad to see them this much at each others throats this chapter but it'll make be worth it once they makeup.

Also Dohyeok going from power bottom "fuck me" to melting in Siwoo's hands makes me feel things.

Tenmanyashiki November 3, 2023 11:21 pm

How did I get to this point, damn? Everytime I read BL, I think the bottom is my fav of all time but the moment Dohyeok appeared, he knocks them all out of the park. He meets all the requirements I never knew I was looking for when it comes to my type of uke.

Dohyeok is just so, so cute, especially when it comes to his interactions with Siwoo where his tsun side his dialed up ten-fold. When he drowns in jealously and tries not to subtly show it or when he's throwing empty threats is super adorable.

And when he was gangraped but he's still trying to put on a strong front like that trauma didn't phase him but he finds solace with Siwoo's presence is just so... HNNNNGGG!!!

Side note, that one scene where he's cornered in the men's stall was so hot. I feel bad for my boy but phew.

I don't care what anyone says, Siwoo seems to care a bit for Dohyeok and Dohyeok seems to like Siwoo which is enough for me. I hope they get their happy ending.

    n1dohyeokdeffender November 4, 2023 1:49 am


    Bear November 4, 2023 6:34 am

    you're so real for this comment

    chathafeel November 4, 2023 7:33 am


    Min November 4, 2023 11:38 am

    i've never felt more seen from a comment

    dulcedays November 4, 2023 1:38 pm

    if i could upvote this 10000000000000000000%...that special brand of assholery, arrogance, but strange cuteness when he's vulnerable against his will, his sensuality but being an ACTUAL strong domineering character...idkidk he hits my checklist like no one else (and also my kinks omg i want to put him over my knee). there's no one else like him????

Tenmanyashiki November 2, 2023 1:31 pm

Dohyeok doesn't have me fooled.

- Uses threats to try to keep Siwoo by his side
- Constantly asking how far Siwoo's gone with any guy within 1meter of his vicinity cause he's jealous
- Calls Siwoo when he's feeling vulnerable cause he feels safe with him without knowing
- "Investigating" Siwoo's background cause he's interested in him as a person

Dohyeok be more honest!

    Heu77 November 3, 2023 5:17 am

    His prideful ass is a pain

Tenmanyashiki November 2, 2023 12:46 pm

God, Dohyeok is so my type of uke. I love him so much, especially seeing him trying to act tough when vulnerable.

    Matsuo November 2, 2023 11:04 pm

    yeah YOU GET IT !

    Heu77 November 3, 2023 5:17 am

    Yeah just forget what he did in the past lol. It’s side story now could care less. I don’t wanna linger in the past too long, I just wanna see him admitting defeat to Siwoo and being a bitch

Tenmanyashiki October 20, 2023 7:50 am

Loool this author and her fetish with guys with vaginas. Art is nice and story is fine but I had enough of that trope in their other story "Boy meets Girl" so I'm prob gonna skip this one.

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