ania November 15, 2023 10:12 am

usually if I decide to get into triangle/harem type of story, I do it ONLY AFTER I know the endgame (so I may save some nerves lol). but this one is so so goooddddd I can't wait till the end ugh. guess I'll be here for a full ride

ania November 15, 2023 12:26 am

I feel like this couple is such an adoptive parents material (even tho they already have a baby, but that's exactly why I can see them adopting more)

ania November 7, 2023 10:51 pm

this one here puts to shame all the mangas I previously tagged as "Cute" bc THIS t h i s is the embodiment of cuteness I just *overload*

ania November 3, 2023 3:00 pm

I guess it's the first time I find these erotic dress-ups REALLY hot. mostly I feel nothing (or giggle a bit) when I see one in mangas/manhwas, but this one just hits different dayum

ania October 27, 2023 9:07 pm

may your union be blessed my loves

ania October 21, 2023 4:00 pm

I may be overthinking but I keep noticing this pattern in manhwas when they make those small villains SUPER ugly (so it's "easier" to hate them?), idk to me it looks like a byproduct of pretty privilege, especially in korean society. ugly(not conventionally attractive) = bad, pretty = good. ugly person will act petty and bitter, pretty one - be the hero of the day. I wouldn't mind if they made "bad" characters just basic, but no, they are usually drastically different even in terms of character design from EVERYONE else.
I do get why main characters are usually attractive, I do, no problem, but when they make villains like this I feel that I'm treated like a preschooler who's reading a fairytale and the witch is always ugly cuz she's B A D. my level of comprehension is a bit higher than that man, I can deal with basic-looking villains (or even hot wow) and still hate them based on how they act, you don't need to hyperbolize all the visual traits just to let me know "ew we hate that dude"
I feel like I can write an essay about it lol, so I'll stop now

    bloop October 21, 2023 4:08 pm

    i think it's the other way around, i'll often see the most disgusting pos male characters but will forgive them, ogle them, etc. just because they're attractive. It pisses me off to no end and makes me hate humanity as whole sometimes. I'm gonna shut up now lol

    ania October 21, 2023 4:27 pm
    i think it's the other way around, i'll often see the most disgusting pos male characters but will forgive them, ogle them, etc. just because they're attractive. It pisses me off to no end and makes me hate hum... bloop

    yeah that happens a lot too, but it's basically just the other side of the same coin. these types of characters can act like the nastiest pieces of sht, but they are forgiven JUST CUZ THEY'RE HOT (which is quite literally pretty privilege).
    but I guess it all depends on their purpose. if the character is important for the plot (ml maybe) and is meant to be forgiven/be the endgame, they are gonna be hot. but if the character is just needed for plot progression and is _not_ meant to be forgiven - they're ugly af. both cases are manipulation through viasual, and to be honest both make me kinda sick already

    venom_234 October 21, 2023 4:34 pm

    I think it’s not that deep lol

    Dough. Not October 21, 2023 6:08 pm
    I think it’s not that deep lol venom_234

    Yea lol

    ania October 21, 2023 6:17 pm
    I think it’s not that deep lol venom_234

    well it's something I've been thinking about for a while, not that this particular manhwa opened my eyes lol. just reminded about it. and yeah it may seem subtle, like hints every now and then, but the issue is real. and overall I just like to analyze (or overanalyze) stuff since my major is editing and publishing ahahh

    npc October 21, 2023 9:54 pm

    i can see how careful you were being with words to not offend anyone haha. people sure are quick to hit you with "it's not that deep" even when you are just making an observation. it's hard to deny that these minor villains esp in manhwas look like they were drawn by a different person. it's probably just to give extra satisfaction to readers to prove that these bad guys are losing in every category when compared to the MCs. understandable but still a lil over the top

    venom_234 October 22, 2023 12:36 am
    i can see how careful you were being with words to not offend anyone haha. people sure are quick to hit you with "it's not that deep" even when you are just making an observation. it's hard to deny that these m... npc

    I wasn’t hating on the op…I was just saying I don’t thing the authors really think about it. I also think it’s the other way around. I mean…PEARL BOY for example. PILWON is gorgeous, but he is literally the worse person ever

    Dough. Not October 22, 2023 12:54 am
    yeah that happens a lot too, but it's basically just the other side of the same coin. these types of characters can act like the nastiest pieces of sht, but they are forgiven JUST CUZ THEY'RE HOT (which is quit... ania

    Idk man, it's personal. I hate it with the same amount whether they have some god level pretty face or some low shit appearance. Idc, if they're shitty they're shitty.

    I understand pretty privilege is a thing, and ppl does sometimes commented if evil why hot? (Not applicable if they're so fucked up it's disgusting only for minor villains with reasons) and you were just making an observation but I was reading this half asleep so.. LOL my bad dude

    And I found attractive villains more in manhwa/comics more memorably annoying than average faces minor villains (can't hate them too much idk why).

    venom_234 October 22, 2023 12:58 am
    Idk man, it's personal. I hate it with the same amount whether they have some god level pretty face or some low shit appearance. Idc, if they're shitty they're shitty. I understand pretty privilege is a thing, ... Dough. Not

    Honestly facts lol

    ania October 22, 2023 4:15 am
    i can see how careful you were being with words to not offend anyone haha. people sure are quick to hit you with "it's not that deep" even when you are just making an observation. it's hard to deny that these m... npc

    you noticed wow ahah. yeah whenever you post smth on the internet you better be ready that people are gonna come after you lol. but it's not that bad, I was trying to explain my point as much as I could to leave less room for misunderstandings, but it won't work on everyone. I'm always happy if there's some healthy opinion exchange tho~

    ania October 22, 2023 4:24 am
    I wasn’t hating on the op…I was just saying I don’t thing the authors really think about it. I also think it’s the other way around. I mean…PEARL BOY for example. PILWON is gorgeous, but he is literal... venom_234

    I know you weren't, no worries. but I honestly don't know why you think that these things are mutually exclusive.. it's not that it's the other way around, it's that these issues (all based on lookism and pretty privilege) COEXIST. not necessarily together, not necessarily in every work.
    we just pointed out different sides, but both observations are valid. and btw authors don't have to really "think about it" to reflect some of the society standarts in their works, it often comes out unintentionally. like you can notice agism in mangas (it pains me to read how a 29-year-old is treated like an old man lmao). they don't put it there intentionally, but sometimes environment formes the authors' mentality in a specific way and then they depict it in their work even without realizing it

    ania October 22, 2023 4:30 am
    Idk man, it's personal. I hate it with the same amount whether they have some god level pretty face or some low shit appearance. Idc, if they're shitty they're shitty. I understand pretty privilege is a thing, ... Dough. Not

    "if they're shitty they're shitty" 1000%. i get what you're talking about, but as I said before it's a bit different matter, though still basically just another angle of the same problem (btw it's also something that's bothering me lol). exceptionally ugly minor villains is a pattern I see often, BUT it's not applicable to every storyline. it just happened that I was reading a few different manhwas in a row and each of them had this issue, it made me kinda sad. once again, I'm rooting for basic-looking villains cuz then I know that the focus is on their behavior and personality traits more than appearance. it is more interesting to me to see people actually forming opinions, than just read comments "this bastard is so mf ugly" OR "omg I don't care what he's doing he's so hot I'm on my knees". like if these characters look just normal, there's no easy way out. you have to analyze the character and understand whether he's good or bad rather than just being manipulated (even if it doesn't work on you) into taking one side or another based on looks. it gets boring idk, and feels outdated. like old anime with ugly mobs. so all in all, I'm pissed off by lookism tendencies and so are you (and others who came to comment lol), we are just talking about different sides of the same sht

    ania October 22, 2023 4:36 am

    my "lil observation" turned into a whole-ass discussion lolll. at least I practiced my eng writing skills, thanks everyone

    Honey___ October 22, 2023 7:21 am

    Yeah the villains are either good looking or scary looking

    npc October 22, 2023 11:04 am
    I wasn’t hating on the op…I was just saying I don’t thing the authors really think about it. I also think it’s the other way around. I mean…PEARL BOY for example. PILWON is gorgeous, but he is literal... venom_234

    i get it:)) but op is not talking about the main villains but rather the small time ones that have no role other than making the mc look better in terms of personality and looks

    chuu October 29, 2023 9:08 am

    100% this but i think it also sometimes might be due to some artists finding hot characters harder to draw, so they don't wanna spend time and effort on villains they're not gonna develop as characters lmao

ania October 3, 2023 1:57 pm

i thought it's chiscara dj lol. their designs really remind me of one artist's au of them

ania September 21, 2023 5:35 am

i just thought of rewatching/rereading jjk, but after seeing comments I'M GONNA STAY THE FCK AWAY FROM IT. I'm doomed to wait for the ending, cuz my nervous system might literally crash otherwise

anya_zachem September 13, 2023 4:58 am

gee knowing the pace of this story so far I do understand that it's not gonna happen anytime soon but I'm CRAVING for confession scenes alreadyyyyy. i just know they're gonna be so good damn

anya_zachem May 25, 2021 11:38 am

such a strong chemistry
i'm melting

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