ania February 17, 2024 11:37 pm

finally more irl screen time for my bbg I'M LIVINGGG

ania February 10, 2024 4:00 pm

otaku are very greedy indeed, tomoya
we need moarrrrr
i especially would like to see more of kei-san pov (like his take, his emotions etc) and maybe a bit of his backstory ..?
also tomoya's interactions with members seemed so fun but not enough !!
idk i just need more

ania January 22, 2024 6:08 am

it actually seems interesting, didn't expect that. and now I realize I'm too early and just got myself into new ongoing ughh

ania January 12, 2024 6:49 pm

the way i GASPED when I saw "The End". all that's left is *manifesting side stories*

ania January 12, 2024 3:25 pm

the characters here are so ALIVE and it's so interesting to see them interact, damn I need moreee. hope there's gonna be a second volume someday

ania December 16, 2023 4:27 am

just 2 more chapters to go before the end of season 1, I miss them alreadyyy

ania November 28, 2023 4:08 pm

even though I'm broke af after paying rent and credit bills, I'm still gonna go and buy chapters cuz IT'S PRECIOUSSSSS . I hope other authors and publishers will see that green flags and wholesomeness can be popular too

    lily November 28, 2023 4:15 pm

    I'm sorry that my hand slipped and clicked when I want to click thumb up actually. Sorry. I also love this treasure.

ania November 27, 2023 8:25 am

seme's name in my language means a bedbug and I just can't unsee it. kinda fitting tho

    JustCallMeApple November 27, 2023 9:25 am

    Holy cow! Seriously hahahahhaha

    If you’re interested in reading s2 the novel is out on Knoxt start on volume 2 ‘all again’

ania November 27, 2023 7:37 am

as a person who's officially in late 20s now I feel PERSONALLY offended (not really but feeling salty) that a 25-year-old is thinking that he's 'almost a middle-aged geezer', '30 if you round up', like wtfff. and the other guy is 20, so he's probably gonna graduate in a year or two, but they *try to* make it sound like such a huge age gap which is ridiculous (and I mean in present time, for teens it is indeed a big difference). and it's not even a one-manga issue, I keep seeing this in different titles. they all plan to die at 40 or what??? how is middle or late 20s an old person??
question is rhetorical btw, just needed to vent lol

    PauliGE November 27, 2023 8:12 pm

    I'm 28 and i keep feeling attacked while reading it, when he was like rounding up to 30 I was like NO YOU AIN'T I AM

    Rinsama_ November 28, 2023 4:55 am

    SAME!!! Like even when I was in my late teen (and now I'm in my 20s), I always wonder why they were on talking as if 20s-30s are old. Bitch wtf????? Ughhh

    Puppy is angwy December 3, 2023 12:15 pm

    Sksksksk ikr... I'm 26 and feels kinda attacked when they called 25 y.o as old geezer.
    But btw... Idk where you living, but I'm in south east asian... and ppl here still thinking that 25+ means you're old. It's like... a age limit for someone to married especially if you're a female.

    A terrible fact from my country. Almost all job recruitment put 25y.o as age max limit. It feels like... ppl above 25 means they're too old and can't work anymore

    Rinsama_ December 4, 2023 11:05 am
    Sksksksk ikr... I'm 26 and feels kinda attacked when they called 25 y.o as old geezer. But btw... Idk where you living, but I'm in south east asian... and ppl here still thinking that 25+ means you're old. It's... Puppy is angwy

    Max age?!?!? I'm in SEA too but I've never seen that for most jobs

    Puppy is angwy December 4, 2023 11:50 am
    Max age?!?!? I'm in SEA too but I've never seen that for most jobs Rinsama_

    Wwww so many job recruitments from indonesia put 25 y.o as max age. It becomes meme here

    Rinsama_ December 4, 2023 2:21 pm
    Wwww so many job recruitments from indonesia put 25 y.o as max age. It becomes meme here Puppy is angwy

    And how do they have enough working ppl.. I'm sorry for you

ania November 25, 2023 8:45 pm

nooooo it's my bday today and i was SO waiting for this chapter, where's my present

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