as a person who's officially in late 20s now I feel PERSONALLY offended (not really but feeling salty) that a 25-year-old is thinking that he's 'almost a middle-aged geezer', '30 if you round up', like wtfff. and the other guy is 20, so he's probably gonna graduate in a year or two, but they *try to* make it sound like such a huge age gap which is ridiculous (and I mean in present time, for teens it is indeed a big difference). and it's not even a one-manga issue, I keep seeing this in different titles. they all plan to die at 40 or what??? how is middle or late 20s an old person??
question is rhetorical btw, just needed to vent lol

Sksksksk ikr... I'm 26 and feels kinda attacked when they called 25 y.o as old geezer.
But btw... Idk where you living, but I'm in south east asian... and ppl here still thinking that 25+ means you're old. It's like... a age limit for someone to married especially if you're a female.
A terrible fact from my country. Almost all job recruitment put 25y.o as age max limit. It feels like... ppl above 25 means they're too old and can't work anymore
finally more irl screen time for my bbg I'M LIVINGGG