Soup answered question about question
honestly i’m pro spoilers when i read usually bc i need to know what happens to see if it’s worth reading, but if i was watching a show or a movie i hate spoilers ill try to avoid anything related to the show/movie to prevent spoilers
Soup answered question about question
Yea ur right especially for those who work in anything related to arts. i remember hearing big companies using ai for their ads or packaging design like they didn’t have workers to do that. what also pisses me off is seeing those diamond painting ads on tiktok and it’s just fucking obvious that’s it’s ai that it disgusts me, like those peop......
Soup answered question about question
second option all the way cuz like bro im hurt, so they better put me first. if i see them run off for revenge it’s over cuz like clearly i wasn’t their first priority
Soup answered question about question
Wake up at 12 pm do chores the whole entire day (cleaning, cooking, laundry,etc.) play games or be on this site 11:30pm- 3 am then sleep hate my life like i’m literally cleaning the whole day, sad part is my parents still don’t believe i do a lot for them and the house
Soup answered question about question
really depends if i was raised like gojo and went tru what gojo did im pulling a geto move im ending everyone, and then myself, but other than that ill show it off, like im the strongest for a reason and no one can do shit to me
Soup answered question about question
Dam of the forest and One room TA, i literally love them so much i could reread these for years and ill never get bored. Dam of the forest it literally beautiful it got me in my feels, and One room TA is fucking hilarious i love them with my soul.
Soup answered question about anal sex
Just cause the art style is good doesn’t mean the work itself is good. The amount of time i’ve watched an anime that people were loving that i’ve dropped cuz it was boring is way more than it should be. Especially if it’s like a released anime they get so much hype for the art style and for it to be mid.
Soup asked question about question

i’m in dire need of weight loss tips or vids specifically around my upper arms, and back like i need something that will work if i do it every day for months. idk which ones work and which ones don’t so i need help

Soup answered question about question
I loved when they removed some audios and people were editing with some random ass sounds but what hurts the most was losing all my saved editsIVE BEEN SAVING EDITS SINCE 2020 AND NOW THEY ARE GONE. i remember when i would always scroll through my saved edits cuz they were that good, now i gotta go to insta and i HATE IT. like why are they so invas......
Soup answered question about listen to music
Dandadan, dropped it at the third episode cuz i didnt like and i was excited to watch it after all the hype
Soup asked a question

is there a bl where the mc has a crush on ml and doesn’t show it at all and with little drama

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Soup asked a question

just read a good loving top turn into horrible annoying top in a mater of a few chapters so pls rec any bl’s with a loving top

Soup created a topic of Check You Out

i came back to finish reading since it’s been a while, it’s just horrible now. ml over here getting mad that things came up suddenly. what do u want him to do,then he comes getting mad when he doesn’t pick up the phone and gets mad when he doesn’t specify what he’s doing. OH BUT GOD FORBID IF THE MC ASK WHO TOUGHT HIM HOW TO COOK HE JUST GONNA SAY SOMEBODY.WHEN MC ASK WHO HE WAS WITH ITS JUST SOMEBODY.WHEN MC ASK WHAT HES DOING IT JUST SOMETHING OR IM BUSY. imma kill the ml bro i fucking hate this he acts like a child. and the mc gotta be the adult here. i’m balding cause of this

Soup asked a question

i talking about comedy and bl like i wanna laugh, and little drama please

Soup asked a question

any GOOD bl with college x worker(any kind of worker)