YOU MY FRIEND HAVE TO ELABORATE! Where can I read the raws? I tried to look for them and I can't. Send link please. Lysa
i lost the link but basically (SPOILER!!!) Juheon empties his apartment and moves away, ghosting Dohu who ran to the empty apartment when it was already too late. After that we get a 4 year timeskip and they meet again when Juheon visits an office of some sort, same place where Dohu seems to be working at. They literally run into eachother and can't believe their own eyes. Juheon seems mostly fine but Dohu has a gaunt appearance (and also let his hair grow). The season ends the moment they lock eyes.
i lost the link but basically (SPOILER!!!)Juheon empties his apartment and moves away, ghosting Dohu who ran to the empty apartment when it was already too late. After that we get a 4 year timeskip and they mee... Kaelynn
This is the worst side story I’ve read in my life I hop the top dies in the end. he doesn’t deserve redemption arc idc what type of sad backstory they try and give him
I read the Raws for the next chapter… ITS TRUELY OVER FOR US NOOO WHY WOULD DO THEY THAT
YOU MY FRIEND HAVE TO ELABORATE! Where can I read the raws? I tried to look for them and I can't. Send link please.
i lost the link but basically (SPOILER!!!)
Juheon empties his apartment and moves away, ghosting Dohu who ran to the empty apartment when it was already too late. After that we get a 4 year timeskip and they meet again when Juheon visits an office of some sort, same place where Dohu seems to be working at. They literally run into eachother and can't believe their own eyes. Juheon seems mostly fine but Dohu has a gaunt appearance (and also let his hair grow). The season ends the moment they lock eyes.
... What... just like that?
This is the link… I wish u luck!_67%ED%99%94_%5B2%EB%B6%80_%EC%99%84%EA%B2%B0%5D.html