I really want more! Oh come on!
Oh god! It's really good!! Im in love with this manga!! Please continue updated!! ><
I hate seono and yuuma! Poor hirono... I can understand his feeling. Damn! It's hard for me to accept seono and yuuma daughter duhh..
read again please.. you're directing your hate unfairly..
Ahahaha..i know what had happened is not seono fault but still i hate him. It can't help...
Fine! Im crying!! T^T
I cant wait for the next chapter!! ><
I hate it
Why I think it's a great story
Well, i dont like the storyline because when i read it, it makes my heart hurt. Weird right? Hahahah... ><
I like it because it makes my heart hurts and my tears always found their way...I know a M
I see~~ lol and i am S ^^
Not an S or M but same
I really want more! Oh come on!