So i just saw chp 19....
Bum looked really well put and clean in the flashback. Was the brown haired girl (the girl he supposedly stalked) and him in some sort of secret relationship that turned sour?
P.s. omg he did it! He actually DId it!!!!! Omggggg

where please, link

Based on a summary in Tumblr (scroll down, someone else posted a link)
The girl was the only person who had ever talked to Bum as a kid--and she revealed to him that she was bruised because her dad was beating and raping her. They had a kind of friendship until one day the bruises were gone, and she started to pull away from him. It seems her mom divorced her dad, and she lives with her mom. Now that she can be normal, she likes someone else and wants to leave Bum behind. I think Bum starts stalking her as she tries to blow him off. He steals her nail polish and leaves her letters. Finally, he confronts her and they blow up in class and she yells at him and says nasty things...things similar (or close enough) to what Bitchy Miss Cannon Fodder (sorry to those who like her) was saying.
That's when Bum proceeds to get stabby. He is shouting at the first-love-gone-bad as he kills. Sangwoo is happy.
I wonder if Sangwoo researched Bum's past or if he just guessed a girl like this had once chosen a hot guy like him over Bum? Do all the girls look like Sangwoo's mom, or is it just the artist's style? Should I keep looking for a mole on the face?

Plot twist: jin's mom was the one who pushed him. The dad killed the mom and every woman who reminds him of her. The dad is twistedly overprotective~~~ dundundun

Jin's mom did pushed him but because when Jin was little he and his dad was 'working'. She's not dead but in a coma and then in the finale she's awake.
Now Jin's dad killed himself after confessing the past to Jin and Jin went to jail. Kyun is alive and in the end her and Jin's mom just wait for Jin to be out of jail.

Who is the new guy?
Shit it gnna get down with the brother.
They kiss again! Aghhhhhhhhh
Life is sweet.

I didn't read/see chap 26 but if there's a new guy maybe he is... JooHoon? Or I don't remember but that guy who watched SiWon getting raped.

<==== sorry for the messy link. Im on my phone but this dude with white hair. I think he'd a new character. And yes. He could be the one who spread the videp.

I love you.....

If Tae Min recognizes him, JoHoon or whatever his name is, is gonna get his ASS kicked.

The same person as the Anon I'm replying to.
Maybe Si Won, original Si Won, loved JoHoon and his little brother used JoHoon to get him out of the way so he could get to Woo Jin, Si Woon now, for some reason? I wonder if JoHoon and Woo Jin know each other? I would love to see them get into a knockdown, drag out fight, whether they do or not, though! And see Woo Jin come out on top, of course! But if Tae Min fought Jo Hoon it would be even better, obviously! And I don't think Tae Min would be all that scared of Jo Hoon even in Si Won's body and if he was I'm sure he could overcome it just like I think he overcame the body's fear when Tae Min first came to that school?

I don't know anymore....
I def do not trust the maid. I think law might be crazy. Jesse seems like He might have feelings for law since he cried and they hugged.

OMG WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT??? My heart almost skipped a beat when I saw the maid with the gun!! Did she seriously shoot him? Can you please tell me if the pic where Law and Jesse hug is after or before the maid shots Jesse?? I want to know if my baby is fine ┗( T﹏T )┛

The last pic is from chapter 48 isn't it? I haven't unlocked the chapters because it's a waste of money since I won't understand anything but damnnnn I can't wait Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Thanks so much
*heavy breathing* finallyyyy progress.... ughhhh i need a confession. My heart is doing sommersaults right now.