buttface666 like the answer
buttface666 answered question about get to know you
I dont really have an art style I try to draw in different art styles ig. Paper and pencil is my way to go . Idk why the photos are sideways 0_0 please tell me how to fix that if you know
buttface666 asked question about question

from one trans guy to many other trans people, u guys rock. Dont listen to those who say otherwise.

buttface666 like the experience about question
buttface666 asked question about question

I have over 300 tabs open and im sick of it. Please tell me to delete a good portion of my tabs. Whether it be in a nice way or a mean way please tell me to delete them.

buttface666 answered question about first kiss
I completely forgot about that series. Thanks for reminding me im gonna go watch it now
buttface666 followed a goer

i hope everyone has grown up on this site
and realised their heinous past actions

cause I know dam well we've all done sum shit we wish we could delete 

14 08,2023
buttface666 asked question about question

I am ignoring the 500+ tabs I have open from this site. They can be manga/hua/hwas anything is fine. I dont know why im so bored even though I have a shit ton of tabs open. Thank you.

buttface666 asked question about question

I am ignoring the 500+ tabs I have open from this site. They can be manga/hua/hwas anything is fine. I dont know why im so bored even though I have a shit ton of tabs open. Thank you.

buttface666 shared experience about question
I am ignoring the 500+ tabs I have open from this site. They can be manga/hua/hwas anything is fine. I dont know why im so bored even though I have a shit ton of tabs open. Thank you
buttface666 created a topic of blanc

damn it I wanna be invited to their wedding

I die by suffocating from someones butt on my face.... awesome
buttface666 answered question about read manga
this is why the genre shonen ai exists, and there are tons more bls that do have queer men in happy relationships that dont focus 100% on sex you just need to look harder
buttface666 followed a goer

I'm a he, I'm a him, I'm a man

eating ass is all I'm passionate about I'm not even gunna lie

my reading list is quite extensive. I hold a profound belief in the notion of self-discipline, even though the substantial dose of shit content I absorb is, in reality, gradually taking a toll on my well-being.

I hate most of what I read

05 08,2023
buttface666 answered question about question
get into a fist fight with someone and put my hand on a stove burner while its hot
buttface666 answered question about try to progress in life
This is exactly how I am as well and I like being this way. Dont feel that ur a trash friend cuz ur not, everyone has their own way of interacting with people whether it be all the time or not. It doesnt devalue how you care about someone because you dont want to hang out a lot.
buttface666 answered question about zodiac sign
Being trans 0_0 but at least I graduated from that school