I inadvertently discovered erotic literature at the age of thirteen and have thoroughly enjoyed it since then, branching out to erotic manga, specifically yaoi. However, I now have absolutely zero desire to ever have sex with anyone ever in real life. I'm my mind, sex belongs in fiction, at least for me. It holds no appeal and when I think about engaging in it all I can think of is how dirt, disgusting, and weird it is. Anyone else feel this way in real life?

Well,you probably feels that since you don't have significant other.Trust me,when you have one it feels very special.
Your description is like an asexual person,which means you are attracted physically but not sexually. I'm not trying to assume,but maybe you need to distance yourself a bit erotic fiction stuffs as they are very different from reality.
I have a BUNCH of different diagnosis but the two big ones are gastroparesis and a genetic connective tissue disorder. I'm bedridden and in a wheelchair 100% of the time.
It's hella lonely and so I wanted to reach out here and see if there are any disabled people on here. If so, how do you keep yourself sane?! I've only been like this since 2017 and the future isn't looking especially rosy, so SOMEONE PLEASE HAVE ANSWERS.
I have epilepsy but im pretty sure its nothing serious compared to your condition. hope you are doing well
Thank you. Epilepsy is no joke! I've had seizures before and it sucks! I hope you're doing well as well.