I have a BUNCH of different diagnosis but the two big ones are gastroparesis and a genetic connective tissue disorder. I'm bedridden and in a wheelchair 100% of the time.
It's hella lonely and so I wanted to reach out here and see if there are any disabled people on here. If so, how do you keep yourself sane?! I've only been like this since 2017 and the future isn't looking especially rosy, so SOMEONE PLEASE HAVE ANSWERS.
I inadvertently discovered erotic literature at the age of thirteen and have thoroughly enjoyed it since then, branching out to erotic manga, specifically yaoi. However, I now have absolutely zero desire to ever have sex with anyone ever in real life. I'm my mind, sex belongs in fiction, at least for me. It holds no appeal and when I think about engaging in it all I can think of is how dirt, disgusting, and weird it is. Anyone else feel this way in real life?
Well,you probably feels that since you don't have significant other.Trust me,when you have one it feels very special.
Your description is like an asexual person,which means you are attracted physically but not sexually. I'm not trying to assume,but maybe you need to distance yourself a bit erotic fiction stuffs as they are very different from reality.
Hey! I am a girl and I am 23. I understand perfectly what you are talking about. I was exposed to sex really early. I was 9 when a found some porn magazines my parents hid. I started masturbating around 10. I used to watch a lot of porn, hentai, adult shoujo and play sex game. I am trying to stop . I think my problem comes from the extreme exposure to sex in my life and from the fact that I were able to please myself through masturbation. I lost interest in having sex with another person. And each time I think about engaging in sexual intercourse all the video of porn I saw come to my mind and I notice how sex is gross and uninteresting. It freezes me. I am a virgin. It been a year since my boyfriend and I are dating. He is waiting for me to be ready. I wonder if i Will be ever ready. I am still wondering if I somehow become asexual. So don't worry you are hundred per cent normal and you are not alone. Love!!!!
Hey! So I’m not much older than you! I’m 25 and was exposed to sex early on as well (a lot of 13 year olds call me a whore on here if I mention being a mom at 15 but oh well lol) that’s the only difference though is you’re a Virgin, so you think that we in a way could have over dosed on porn??? I’m being 100 percent serious because I really am wondering, and it’s not often someone my age (I’m 25) is on here answering things seriously
Pay those thirteen-year-olds no heed! I think it takes a strong person to have a child. <3
I mean it's possible, I guess. I've seen actual porn, and it is the most boring disgusting thing to me, but reading erotica stories be it in manga or literature has my attention. I think I like the idea of people in sexual relationships having deep emotional ties in the stories I read. If we're being honest, tt's intoxicating to put myself into the shoes of one of the characters. In my mind, I become them. And then real life doesn't matter, and neither do my problems. But when I think of being in a relationship with someone in real life, I honest to god just want to shut myself inside forever. Sex looks disgusting in real life and I don't even look like a porn star, I just look like a normal person who doesn't like to exercise. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Hi! First of all don't mind those girls. I think been a Mom is awesome. And secondly age doesn't matter. We all have things to deal with. So to answer your question I will say yes definitely. I watched so much porn that at some point the actors started looking like fucking animals. Sex disgusted me. I think that extreme exposure to sexual content got me intoxicated to the point that it messed up how I consider sexual intercourse and relationships. That is why I decided to stop watching porn. I loved all my boyfriends but couldn't bring myself to have sex with them so we end up breaking. I can't even remember what was on my mind when i used to watch that much porn. I don't think watching porn is bad. But If you think you have watched too much porn I would advise you to slow down a bit since in the long run it could alter you perception of sex and love. This is of course my opinion. I don't know you and your circumstances so it is kind of hard for me to relate to you and be objective. but you sounds genuinely like a good person so I am sure you will find a way to face it. Don't stress about it to much. there are much worse addiction like drugs and alcohol. Sorry if I talk too much. I come from a religious community. So talking about things like masturbation and porn to my surroundings is a big no. I remember I have that good friend and we both like anime and mangas. So one time I wanted to share with her my love for yaoi .the look she gave me crushed all my excitement. I learnt that day that homosexual contents was off limit. It is really hard when you can't share things with people you are close to. Anyway take good care of you and your child.
Ah ha ha....what?