Whoever uploaded "What Lies at the End" to mangago had to have known people were gonna read it for free. A lot of people don't have the luxury of buying coins online. Either cause they're young still, they don't have a card to purchase money online, or they cannot attend AX to purchase coins, or they're literally just broke. Honestly I don't work and I'm still living with my parents but I'm not in school anymore cause I haven't been able to get jobs to afford schooling. If it's on the internet people will still share the art and credit the artist. It's unfair to suddenly strip the readers here from reading something that someone allowed to upload here in the first place. If it was that deep they should have just kept it in Korea where it would be in paper form and only sold to the public there. When I'm able to I'll support artist by paying to see their art but damn, some people just can't rn.

why upload in the first place? this should be really obvious, but the person who uploaded to this site isn't the translator. the translator was the one who left the message at the end. they were complaining about people distributing it to manga sites, such as this one. the uploader uploaded regardless.

The person who uploaded was associated with the translator, if not the translator themself. The translator has posted a couple of comments today, the first hours ago announcing it'd be uploaded soon and the last saying that they'd stop the translations because people were complaining about the note.
The translator note didn't appear to be to people who are too poor to buy but towards people who can but choose not to. Not everyone using mangago is too poor to pay.

I've been kinda waiting for a bl manga (manwha in this case) where someone has an eating disorder and I love psychological themes. Idk why I really wanted it, maybe because of the imagery and how I kinda sorta relate. I have an EDNOS (Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified). I have emetophobia (a fear of vomit) and due to that, if I feel nauseous, I restrict my intake of food greatly. If I'm just feel a little queasy, I won't eat for a day. But if I feel awful, I will restrict anywhere from 2-5 days max now. I'm trying to get better and cut back on restricting because I want to be healthy. I had a bad downfall where I struggled to get back to eating again because I starved myself too long and eating again made me nauseous and it lasted a good year or so; I lost 30 pounds. I haven't restricted for more than a day in a very long time so I'm doing better and I'm very healthy again but unfortunately I still can't help but to restrict when I'm unwell (although I try my best not to do it so much anymore). But I hope it doesn't romanticize anorexia/bulimia tho.

Thank you for caring <3. Any depictions of eating disorders definitely does not make me wanna starve myself again. I couldn't care less how much I weigh so long as I am healthy. The only thing that seeing anorexia in this manwha triggers is how miserable I was when I was underweight and how I never want to be super thin again. Mostly reading for the bl and in hopes the sick character gets better.
I hate how people are painting Sangwoo like the bad guy during his fucked up childhood. (Ex. Like mother/father, like son. Or the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.) Now him killing people in the future is inexcusable and never okay. But like the boy is terrified while living with his parents. He’s not a murderer or abusive because he wanted to mimic his parents and be just as malicious. The trauma overtime developed a fucked up guy and now he’s too mentally gone to live a normal life. Idk I see a little more of a sane heart in younger Sangwoo. The only thing I can agree with is the whole family had some sort of demons (lmao) haunting them to make such inhuman decisions and actions. By demons I mean very toxic, unsafe mental illness.
I know sangwoo was a just a poor little kid that kept getting fucked over by his family and then now evetually turned into a raging murder that's insane