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Armongase's topics ( All 10 )

Haruka-san July 21, 2019 2:19 pm

This is one of the best endings i've ever read. It just feel so right for this story to end it like this.
But of course I will hope for some chapters about their life together ;) :).
Sniff...i'll miss this sho much.

Haruka-san January 18, 2018 6:11 pm

I...REALLY..HATE..THIS...THING....when the mood is about perfect aand...of need to wait for another chapter...shit..canĀ“t we just have chapters with 70 or more pages and everything would be good? ..damn

but..they are so cuuute..right :D finally Hizuru will have his loved one :D

Armongase's questions ( All 1 )

Haruka-san August 13, 2017 4:21 pm

Hello people ! :)
Can you please recommend some cute and sweet yaoi manga? Some hardship for one of characters would be good too. But rape is absolutly out of question.

Thank you for your answers....bye bye.

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