ok I'm srry but I literally had 2 stop reading just to showcase this page bc honestly, HONESTLY this is suuuuch a good message and is something largely ignored in this genre. ofc it's mostly bc yaois are fantasY so super overbearing/controlling characters aren't as problematic since they're not REAL but we gotta keep in mind there are real people reading it. usually young impressionable ppl too so it's good to finally have a nice dose of reality thrown in here sometimes

when I see what is mostly requested for reading around here I grow alarmed, because the general genre of yaoi promotes abuse in various ways, some subtle and some not so subtle, but gets a pass because no women are involved. I'm not sure how many on this site really can separate reality and fiction some days. :/

ok usually when im reading something and all these new characters and pairings start getting added i get annoyed but like,,,this is so,,,cute like the girl liking the other girl and her being oblivious too it but obviously enjoying/being a little shy about what she's assuming is friendly affection???HERE FOR IT. and partner guy suddenly having an actual role in the story?? and actually being a GOOD CHARCATER?? this is 2 good. like ok yeah sure I noticed they haven't focused on the main pairing in a while BUT i actually didn't care at all since I enjoy the story so much

bitch who are these people i don't know a daniel shgsgeg
But honestly im so annoyed bc the name thing is the whole reason I read it on here like i actually have line and was fine waiting for official translations to catch up I just hated the name thing so baddddd so I switched to mangago and now it's here too UGH i want 2 die lmao

ok but what about that other guy toua brought home and made jirou bang??? like are we gonna sit here and pretend he wasn't sO ADORABLE AND SWEET. he prolly had a crush on jirou too judging by the little 'ba-thumps' :(((( like????bring him back he's an unproblematic cinnamon roll????and he doesn't even drink!!! king of responsibility!!
i know i did not just click on this cute shotaish looking cover and see balls dick and assholes agshdfs where are my light sabers im shook
i’m deceased
Ok? ehehe