Remmy June 4, 2019 5:37 pm

ok no one spoil me but I’m only on ch 22 and so far I agree with heesu lmao homeboy needs to yeetus that fetus the way they actin they ain’t ready fo no damn BABY

Remmy June 3, 2019 9:06 pm

spare raws ma’am?

Remmy June 3, 2019 8:16 pm

read the whole thing over since I missed the last few updates and it’s been so long I didn’t remember how the story went and pretty much my only thought ending this was ‘this is so fucked’ lmao

Remmy April 16, 2019 4:27 pm


Remmy April 16, 2019 2:38 pm

karam is right he IS boring lol idk im just not feeling their route. it only started to be kinda cute to me in that 'i dont want to switch seats' scene. im rooting for the best friend but i know it’s probably not gonna happen so rip i guess they’re still the cutest ship either way. It’s always so annoying in stories like this when they give u this mediocre no personality main lead that end up with mc either way but throw in these amazing interesting side characters who they’re gonna leave in the dust

Remmy March 4, 2019 7:15 am

ok I just finished chapter 10 and had to stop for a sec bc I literally have no idea what’s going on like before I go through another 32 chapters of this can someone tell me if this starts to make sense at some point bc I’m lost

    being-you March 4, 2019 11:55 am

    just keep reading don't stop you will understand everything very soon

Remmy January 11, 2019 6:52 am

y’all are all a bunch of whiny pissbabies. just read it in multi pages or don’t read it at all if it bothers u that much damn

    noreply January 12, 2019 7:04 am

    Lol why you even whining about them? You a pissbaby?

    Shukrana September 21, 2019 3:23 pm
    Lol why you even whining about them? You a pissbaby? noreply

    No, she/he is worried that the scanner/translator team are going to get discourage and stop uploading chapters.

Remmy November 25, 2018 1:04 pm

anybody got raws? I can understand basic korean and I’m fiending for more of this lol

Remmy September 10, 2018 5:24 am

let me move my bang so I can read that again

Remmy August 27, 2018 2:25 pm

okay so am i the only one who doesn’t think Alex is completely in the wrong? like i mean yeah he shouldn’t have hit him but he gave dg clear boundaries when they started their relationship and even checked with him to make sure he understood what they were doing when he began to suspect that he was getting feelings for him. Dg clearly crossed those lines and even ruined his show which is also his job and l livelihood. idk man i get that dg has feelings and junk but how can you be mad at alex for not feeling the same way and reacting negatively to being pretty much ambushed in front of thousands of people? like he LITERALLY told dg MULTIPLE times what they were doing and what type of relationship it was, why is it so shocking and surprising now when nothing changed?

    LuluKillua August 27, 2018 2:50 pm

    Yessss. Thank you I 100% agree !!! The others side with DG bc he looks look weak and cute.

    hataki August 27, 2018 3:28 pm

    no seriously, I agree. he told him the boundaries. and he agreed repeatedly to adhere to them. and he messed with his job. that's not okay. your feelings can be hurt, hell yes, but you had not right to look through his things, or to blame him for not feeling the same.

    lidija August 27, 2018 5:41 pm

    I aggrre with you, but he was SUPER drunk so, maybe that was the reason why he acted like that

    maychan August 27, 2018 8:01 pm

    just cause he told him he want a "sex" only, that don't mean it's fine for him to treat him like a fucking SLAVE!! sex buddies does not mean you be his slave. second, Alex never was really clear. he always said one thing, and act the opposite like washing his sex buddy and going on a date with him and getting all jealous and possasive over DG ass. so no, Alex never was CLEAR!!
    third, after all the shit Alex did to DG, honestly, it was about time DG will stand up to him and be fucking honest! he told him off good.

    Remmy August 27, 2018 9:41 pm
    just cause he told him he want a "sex" only, that don't mean it's fine for him to treat him like a fucking SLAVE!! sex buddies does not mean you be his slave. second, Alex never was really clear. he always said... maychan

    but he didn’t treat him like a slave though? I mean yea he’s rude and kinda pushy but he’s been like that from the start. if dg didn’t like it he had many chances to leave, Alex never forced him to stick around. and things like washing him up after sex and taking him out to eat are like...common courtesy. the only reason it’s at all jarring is because alex is usually a dick, even so that doesn’t mean you should interpret his actions into whatever you want them to mean. Alex was always very direct about their relationship not involving feelings, and even told him if he had developed some it would be best for them to end things. just because you think you know how someone feels doesn’t mean you should try to use that to override what they actually say out of their mouths.

    Remmy August 27, 2018 9:43 pm
    Yessss. Thank you I 100% agree !!! The others side with DG bc he looks look weak and cute. LuluKillua

    yeah don’t get me wrong dg is my baby and i love him and thinks he’s adorable but this whole chapter I was just going “oh god no no what don’t do that why are you doing that NOOO” and then i read the comments and wasn’t just really caught off guard by the amount of people upset at Alex after what transpired

    Remmy August 27, 2018 9:44 pm
    Yessss. Thank you I 100% agree !!! The others side with DG bc he looks look weak and cute. LuluKillua

    *was not wasnt

    maychan August 27, 2018 10:03 pm
    but he didn’t treat him like a slave though? I mean yea he’s rude and kinda pushy but he’s been like that from the start. if dg didn’t like it he had many chances to leave, Alex never forced him to stic... Remmy

    he rape him twice, he didn't let him ever say anything even if DG was hurt only after he rape him really really bad, he agree to compensate him after thinking DG is his thing only. he didn't care where they do it, even if DG didn't wanted too! he didn't let DG ever see anyone else and become jealous over him. while raping him cause who cares about DG needs right?!! it called been a slave.
    in a way he did, Alex blackmail him first actually. and it's not like Alex didn't know DG feelings of admiretion to him. he just wanted to fill his own needs, cause again, who cares about DG.
    it's not just about been a dick, Alex is byond been a dick.

    "just because you think you know how someone feels doesn’t mean you should try to use that to override what they actually say out of their mouths." funny you should say that about Alex cause he seem to know that DG was into someone else and rape him for it. your logic ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

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