stop making up rumors and over exaggerating what happened
1)the author never doxxed anyone, last time i checked posting a PUBLIC instagram account which the person had shared themselves beforehand is not in any way leaking personal information.
2) YD never shared that person’s pictures, they themselves posted a literal uncensored screenshot with the username of the person who did
3) YD never hired a hitman or put a “bounty” on someone’s head. newsflash; google translate is not reliable. nowhere in her tweet did she mention using that information to harm them or asking people to harm them, she literally said she wants help getting that person’s information to sue them. she told them herself she was going to sue them.
4) YD, or any of these authors, is not xenophobic or racist for calling you illegal trash. no, they are not targeting foreigners. and if you have not seen the tweets of them calling out and suing korean readers you’re just purposely being dense to have an excuse to make yourself feel better. a group of authors literally have an account dedicated to finding ONLY illegal korean readers.
5) she never sent death threats to anyone. the “threats” everyone is talking about are referring to herself
and no, I am not defending YD or am I saying that she’s completely innocent. Her approach to this situation and her behavior is also wrong, but people are threatening her and her safety based on these false rumors, and the uploader himself has done nothing but encourage the spread of false information and when asked for proof of the actual “doxxing” he blocks people.

I can agree on the other ones but putting money reward on personal information of a person can be classified as bounty. Also, I remember someone on the Twitter comments claiming to have found the uploader’s personal information (they also stated that they experienced on this matter so the obtained information for sure wasn’t just their public instagram account).

Oh yeah, i meant bounty in the way people are claiming she hired a literal hitman on the uploader but I do agree placing a price on him is wrong. as for the second one, i was following her when the whole situation was happening and all I saw was her posting his ig and asking for his address, her readers did start trying to dox him though and the only successful one i saw was the one who posted his face. the only proof ive seen about her “doxxing” was the uploader’s tweet with the screenshot of her asking for his personal information and him saying “she doxxed me”; I’ve also seen others who were following her say the same thing that it wasn’t her who tried to dox him and that there was no actual personal information posted. if you have any proof if it though please feel free to send me a link!

No but she rlly did pull the card out but here’s the link to see for yourself! :) https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/blind_play/uu/br_chapter-29632/pg-1/

again, nowhere in those screenshots is she doxxing that person or threatening them with physical harm. nor is she even threatening to doxx them, the tweet asking for their information literally says it’s to sue them(which yes, she is in the wrong for that, i’m not defending nor negating what she did wrong there)

I literally said I’m not defending YD, and that she’s in the wrong. I’m saying people, like you, should not be spreading false information about an already sensitive situation. she’s not racist, her attacking foreign illegal readers the same way she does korean illegal readers does not make her racist. and asking for personal information to sue someone is not the same as doxxing.(still wrong, but not the same thing) In that thread you mentioned the uploader just says “she posted my personal information” and proceeded to post a screenshot where all that they mention is her ASKING for their personal information, not them asking her to take down their personal information which would have made more sense if she actually doxxed them. then they proceed to blame her for their pictures being leaked while again, posting a screenshot of someone who is very clearly not YD posting those pictures. I still have yet to see any actual proof of her doing the things people are accusing her of besides that one screenshot of her asking for their information.

And here’s more proof of here REFUSING to delete it.
Tbh I wasn’t going to comment because she is already stalking me enough but I felt the need to correct the lies you commented.

Do you mind showing proof for that? because even in that tweet you sent, shes again saying SHE didn’t post your personal information and you’re again confirming it by saying the personal information is the bounty. I’m not saying you’re lying, and i’m not saying she didn’t harass you. there’s just no proof of her herself posting your actual information besides your IG, and before I unfollowed her she had never posted your personal information on her twitter

where did i ask for their information though lmao now yall are actually being purposely dense. every single one of their “proofs” shows the author not doxxing them, the last screenshot literally says by doxxing they mean the bounty thing which is literally what i’ve been saying. The only mention of personal information between them and the author is just the author asking “where did I post your personal information” and them deflecting back to “could you delete what you posted about me, i only posted two chapters” ? No one who follows or followed the author during this whole incident saw this persons information, everyone who is claiming they were doxxed is just going by this person’s thread or by a reader’s comment saying they found the information the author was looking for. sorry for wanting clarification ?


I have seen many people who read iIIegallg use the excuse “but I don’t have money” when prompted to read legaIIy . Lezhn offers FREE coins, not just through the weekly bonus coins. it is difficult to make a detailed tutorial here without images to explain the process but here’s a very good one I found on twt:
That thread explains the Korean version, however there is now a version available for lezhn US as well and it works in the same way as the one explained in that thread(this also works for taps and tapytoon)
here’s another tutorial with an explanation fully in english:
If you have the money but find it to be too expensive: save up for lezhn korea sales; they have a bundle of 140 coins which goes down to $7 USD during these sales, or one for 350 coins which goes down to $25 USD during this sale.
There is NO excuse to not read legaIIy. If you don’t have the money, spend your time on the free alternatives these sites offer and support your favorite authors. an “i loved your work” is not going to pay their bills or medical fees that come with being a professional comic artist.
Instead of promoting people to “support the authors IF they can”, explain HOW they can support for free instead of using these artists works for clout to promote your ig accounts.

Whoosh. Burn

A while back there was some uploadeders/scanlaters that had step by step tutorials after the chapters to do this exact thing

I get bonus coins and I end up buying some chapter especially latest one. Even if I'm not reading that comic. Like I'm not reading this comic on lezhin or illegally but if I get bonus coins for this I'll buy 1 chapter. I hope this small thing might help author in anyway. Also I'm so desperate to earn money just so I can buy it and keep on reading again n again on lezhin. What if this site's goes off. And it's more enjoyable to read the one u brought than to read for free.

Me too, I always take advantage of the bonus coins regardless of if I’m reading that work or not, I never know if one day I’ll want to read it. When I first started reading legally i would earn coins/ink/points to purchase chapters as they updated, then I went back to purchase old chapters slowly as I earned coins. It’s a bit more time consuming, but you get to support the author while having the security that your favorite works won’t be deleted suddenly. now whenever theres a new work that seems interesting I try to earn coins/ink/points a few days in advance for the update so I can purchase the chapters as they’re released. I haven’t spent a single $ on manhwas in months, and I still get to support my favorite works/authors (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Thank god I'm not the only one Who does that. ( ̄∇ ̄") well I also caught from this one author and they blocked me on twitter also blocked my whole followers who were following me. Idk how they did it. But I really did feel so bad and guilty. I even apologize to them but they didn't acknowledged it. Well I just take the blame.

Oh an update! If anyone wants a spoiler thread/summary I made one here a few weeks ago for the novel (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/13311820/

I just finished reading the novel for this and, wow, I am very pleasantly surprised. After what happened in Big Apple I was very worried this would also have non/dubcon but the alpha is SO respectful and loving from beginning to end.
The story starts off with Lee Youngjin and his two colleagues sneaking in to a bank to steal a nuclear weapon powerful enough its creator(the man who meets with the alpha in the beginning) is afraid if it enters the wrong hands, world war three will happen. What follows is a wild goose hunt to get them back after the professor orchestrates a plan in order to steal as much money as he can by opening 2 auctions, one with a password to unlock the goods and another with the “goods” which is a computer with limited life that will reset once its battery dies out and he will start all over again with a new auction. After catching them in the first auction the alpha makes a deal with the omega where he has to unlock the passcode for the object from the first passcode in order to let his colleagues go alive(this is where the omega suggests they do a sextape, if the alpha breaks his promise. he will release it to the press) After that, the alpha suggests they stay as sex partners and hires the omega as his hacker in exchange for the omega’s life(he also offers to pay him for the sex to help him with his debt, but the omega refuses and instead asks him to stay with him all night after the sex) even though he says it’s to spare his life, the alpha NEVER forces himself on the omega, and when he notices the omega forcing himself or not enjoying himself he always stops before the omega goes too far. TW/ RAPE And when he finds out that someone close to the omega took advantage of his trust and paid a group of alphas to gang rape him when he was a minor and stunted his development as an omega(this is the reason he is so small compared to the alpha and other omegas) he k!lls that person and finds the men he hired and k!lls them too (There’s even a scene where the alpha is drugged and triggers the omega’s heat and he makes sure to receive the omega’s full consent beforehand) Overall it’s a very very good story, the plot is amazing from beginning to end and the relationship is SO healthy though there is a bit of miscommunication for a short time, the alpha is very understanding of the omega’s past and he is very patient and protective of him in the sweetest way. He also loves to spoil him and any time the omega mentions that he likes something or stares at something for too long when they go on dates he buys it for him as a surprise gift ╥﹏╥ he also knows he’s very shy and self conscious about not being “a real omega” and rents out entire restaurants so he won’t feel odd about his “weird eating habits for an omega”
If you want to read this story but are feeling skeptical because it’s an omegaverse trust me when I say it’s 100% worth it!

I read it here using papago https://bomtoon.com/comic/ep_list/originofs

nono but the alpha’s secretary did believe it was something like him being experimented on, so the alpha asked him to do a background check and that’s when he discovers his other “sex tape” (it’s actually the video of him being raped that the person who hired those alphas uses to tie him down with debt)

sweet moments there’s so many (≧∀≦) my favorite is probably when the omega finds out he’s pregnant, the alpha gets hurt trying to protect the omega and the offers his blood for transfusion but the secretary tells him he can’t do that when pregnant, the omega takes multiple pregnancy tests and when the alpha comes home the omega cries (from happiness) and tells him he has to tell him something and he jumps into the alphas arms and kisses him and it’s so cute and sweet(this is where the main story ends), it’s my first time seeing an unplanned pregnancy in omegaverse be treated this way where they are both happy about the pregnancy from the very beginning ╥﹏╥ and for major plot points: the “betrayal” the omega talks about in the prologue is him helping the alpha plan out the heist of the second item from the auction only for him to steal it behind his back and run away to take it back to the professor/teacher after he finds out his 2 colleagues from shanghai were arrested so the alpha could escape safely back to korea(and after they spend their heat together and he thinks the alpha is only using his body) back in korea the professor orders him to find his colleagues and he finds out the professor isn’t as trustworthy as he thought, the alpha is trying to track the omega to protect him from the professor(and because he believes he’s pregnant) then they work together to get back the object from the professor, a lot of things happen with the original owner of the object injecting the omega with a chip that will kill him in 12 hours if he doesn’t return the object and the professor finding out about his plans and betraying the omega(he planned to traffic him to another country).. if you want any more specific spoilers or want me to clarify any of these feel free to ask

Yes, the alpha kills him :) and in the first side story it’s mostly their life as newly weds and them preparing for the baby to be born(and the alpha forcing the omega to go to school so he can get a job if he ever needs one) the second side story is mostly about the baby and the omega adjusting to being a new parent with the alpha’s help

I like that all the people that hurts the omega even if it was in the past got all killed. And the seme did it too. It's rare for these things to happen in other stories, where the seme would avenge the uke from the people who hurts him especially if those people were still alive.
It saves me the trouble on wanting to transmigrate in the story just to kill those scums... xD

He is overprotective but in a really subtle way because he doesn’t like to overwhelm Youngjin! After his pregnancy is confirmed the alpha always makes sure the fridge is full of all types of food drinks and exotic fruit so that the omega can have anything he craves, he buys a bullet proof practically accident proof car specifically used for when he takes Youngjin out on drives, the omegas hormones are all over the place because of the pregnancy so he makes sure to pleasure him enough to where he doesn’t hurt him, Youngjin likes to greet him when he gets home so when he is more ahead in his pregnancy the alpha makes sure to be really loud and slow when he arrives home to give him time to get up and make it to the door.. the short glimpses of his pregnancy we get are super soft and sweet

I feel so bad for Like-nim, I read on Iezhin and come here for the comments and she seems so sweet and like she actually enjoys working on this manhwa so seeing her hard work possibly being affected because of YD and iIIegal reader’s back and forth argument is really sad :( Even for the author’s note of season 1, it looks like she’s the only one who could be bothered to make a letter for readers . though I understand YD’s frustrations, I wish she’d realize her hard work isn’t the only one that’s at stake here

Thank you for uploading this! Sorry if this sounds rude but I noticed the sfx are in another language so I’m assuming the raws are from a translation group and wanted to verify if you guys had permission to use their translation? We already had an issue with a spanish translation group before so I just wanted to make sure you guys don’t run into any issues with them in the future

chapter 1 of this is out and its free! please go purchase it so that there can be interest in the webtoon and to show your support to the artist as well as the author . theres also 2 events going on right now for its release event 1 is for the chance to win 500 ridipoints by leaving a review in the work(200 winners) event 2 is for the chance to win 1,000 ridipoints by sharing the webtoon on social media(twitter) and leaving the link to your post in the comments! (50 winners)

heres the link to the raws+novel+event https://ridibooks.com/event/26988
heres a guide on how to verify your age on r!dibooks if youre a foreigner https://twitter.com/rangeryelloww/status/1329018672396992512?s=21
guide on how to navigate/purchase on r!dibooks for those who wish for a (way cheaper) alternative to l*zhin to support your favorite manhwas! https://retrolearnskorean.blogspot.com/2020/09/how-to-use-ridibookskorean-ebook-store.html
I can proudly say “i told you so”