Ever since I read the novel, I've been disappointed with the manhwa. I mean c'mon, I was expecting jinwoo to be geeking out about getting kamish while they were still in the car! And he was supposed to be so agitated when he failed his extractions. I wish they showed more of his personality instead of being just the brooding hot op guy. This was supposed to be one of those wholesome scenes in the series! sigh
Is there another manhwa that gives off the same feel as this? I’m absolutely going crazy waiting for a new update please help
I'm not sure, but the same author made this webtoon (it's finished):
It's also on Webtoons if you want to read on that ("A Good Day to be a Dog"):
this https://www.webtoons.com/en/drama/back-to-you/list?title_no=2113 gives me the same kind of feeling somehow, i think they are both bittersweet and beautiful ;;;;;;;
Please I laughed so hard at iida’s first pov