VeryVeryBasic want to do ( All 1 )

falling inlove

VeryVeryBasic's experience ( All 1 )

Im someone who flirts alot and uh this dude got the wrong idea and i cant tell him because i feel guilty save me.   2 reply
23 12,2020

VeryVeryBasic's answer ( All 23 )

babe I've memorized that link already nice try though   reply
22 04,2021
I had the chance So I took it   1 reply
08 04,2021
about question
Not knowing whether lava is wet or not.   reply
07 04,2021
Lolol there are many but these 2 Gogo Tomago from Big Hero 6 Ariel was the biggest one for me. I was obsessed with her   reply
12 02,2021
Red wine Nice to meet you   1 reply
10 02,2021

VeryVeryBasic's question ( All 2 )

Whats your opinion on the riots happening in the US?

I want to know because I feel like with all thats happening here we are becoming one of the worst countries to be in.

I feel nervous since I don't live to far from where the riots are happening and my neighbor is a major trumpist.

They play it off as "protesting" but no its not and it never was. If the first thing you go to is violence no its not protesting anymore.
These are RIOTS and aren't for any good reason.
its only for their own gain

I dont see why you cant just move on from your losses instead of tarnishing the whole country's name. Im honestly very disappointed.
07 01,2021
I strongly dislike sweets.
Being touched- like any physical contact at all
It makes me uncomfy~
My parents are assholes~
And uh
Please dont attack me but dogs. They scare the shit outta me sorry-
14 12,2020

People are doing

did read manga

Maybe I've been desensitised but I've seen worse tbh although I can't deny it's also really bad but the not the worse out there

3 hours
did read manga

I was sexually abused when I was 7. I'm twisted and I like to imagine myself as the Shota. I find some comfort in it.

4 hours
did masturbated to yaoi


15 hours