Kuromez January 7, 2020 3:56 pm

Just remembered when everyone called the two main characters "gay" and "spike" before their real names were revealed lmao

Kuromez December 6, 2019 4:46 pm

bruh, racism

    StardAk December 6, 2019 5:34 pm

    Is it really racism, though? In my point of view, they're just scared of humans, they hide from human most of the time, only special case is allow to go out. I think their history and the way they teach their own kind it just something that actually happend to a lot of them.

    For the lack of better words, i think they're just a small village of scared animal. As we can see so far, they have no combat skill nor anything to defend themselves, have to relied on dragon.

    I'm actually curious if this is fit to call racism? Because it just seems like they're a bunch of scared smol animal (●'◡'●)ノ

    EmmJ December 6, 2019 6:19 pm
    Is it really racism, though? In my point of view, they're just scared of humans, they hide from human most of the time, only special case is allow to go out. I think their history and the way they teach their o... StardAk

    Technically, racism in humans is illogical because we are all one species. Whereas here you have different species/races vying for dominance. So it is racism, but it does make sense.

    Mero December 6, 2019 8:43 pm

    I think xenophobia is more accurate. Racism is about thinking your race is better than others or that members of another race are lesser. Xenophia is hate and prejudice against people outside of your own. Doesn't seem like dwarfs like non-magic folk which is why they isolated themselves

    EmmJ December 6, 2019 9:52 pm
    I think xenophobia is more accurate. Racism is about thinking your race is better than others or that members of another race are lesser. Xenophia is hate and prejudice against people outside of your own. Doesn... Mero

    Yup, couldn't agree more. Plus, xenophobia can be local, regional, national, or based on species in this case. Not to metnion that it doesn't have to be based on hate or superiority, but instead it's fear.

    StardAk December 7, 2019 5:41 am

    I see! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
    Thanks, both of you, for explaining.

Kuromez November 11, 2019 5:17 pm

omg omg omg next time pls switch i beg

    Nerdgrl03 November 11, 2019 5:27 pm

    Woops mentioned to like, cuz I completely agree

Kuromez August 23, 2019 11:51 am

Ima be really honest.

There's a difference between slow burn and dragging a plot out. Whilst this story might have started as slow burn, it's obvious that the plot is starting to drag and degenerate.

The goal with a slow burn story is that the feelings and emotions gradually build up and up and up until a critical point in which the climax occurs and the pair finally solidify their relationship. It gives the reader an extremely satisfying and emotional conclusion. Kind of like climbing a tall cliff and finally getting to the top where you flop onto the grass proud and joyful.
Whilst this slow burn feeling was there when the story first began, the author decided that; instead of getting to the climax, they took a step back and almost kind of shattered that already built foundation for a good slow burn story. Now don't get me wrong, conflict is an extremely vital part of a story, and it is not *wrong* to have a character conflict before the climax of the relationship.


The conflict that the author wrote in was *not the correct type*. During the conflict the MC completely slammed away ANY possibility of their being a relationship between them, and it wasn't out of an emotional outburst (Which would've worked). The way the MC told the LI (love interest) was extremely calm, serious, and thought out. That will put a permanent dent in their relationship and completely erase all of the relationship progress that they had made. What annoyed me even more was the unnecessary nature of it. The only reason the MC had these thoughts was because of a misunderstanding jealousy trope. Like, SERIOUSLY? *THAT* TROPE? There are A HUNDRED ways to do an insecure character arc, and you chose THAT ONE?!!

What annoys me even more is that the internal conflict makes complete and utter sense. The internal struggle that the MC faces is perfectly thought about and is completely realistic. But the author just chose such a bad time to implement it and went about writing it in such a bad way that it just loses all its potential. Like, imagine if the MC was having this internal struggle AFTER the two got together? It would be so much more effective in which the MC would have to debate whether to hurt the LI by breaking up an already solidified relationship, or remain being by his side in constant regret. It would be so much more effective and could only be solved through communication, WHICH WOULD BE EXTREMELY VALUABLE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT.

The conflicts that happen *before* the slow burn relationship is defined have to be conflicts that the two main characters have to work together to overcome. That's character development. It solidifies the relationship and and gradually builds up the strength of their attachment. But instead of doing anything like that, the author went with a fat big hammer and knocked down everything that they had build up. And the only way to solve such a huge hit is for the slow burn to start all over again from the bottom. The author didn't take a step back, they ran a fucking mile behind themselves.

Now the issue with that is:
A single conflict is only interesting for so long, which is why major conflicts are left for later on in the story when the two main character's relationship is more defined. They can afford to have such a big hit to their relationship. But the way that the author tore down their relationship progress and then immediately went on to another couple just leaves the readers feeling frustrated and annoyed.

When you create a conflict, you have to dedicate the next chapters to solving that conflict before the relationship dampens. You can't just move on to another couple with NEW conflicts. And that's where the author has been going wrong. And that's why so many people have grown frustrated with the story. The author is dragging it out without the slow burn element in play.

So basically I'm just gonna stop reading for a few months and then see if the author has stopped fucking around and moves on to complete their conflict arc.

If you have a different opinion to mine, feel free to reply to this and give your point of view

    nazzy August 23, 2019 12:18 pm

    Wow tht was epic .... to the point .... i totally agree on ir conflict solving issue of 1st of the MC .....
    Looks like a cliffhanger n tht to a frustrating 1 ...
    Plus i see every characters is having a love triangle plot ....
    It wasnt clear whether the senior like yuyan or the uncle like YY.
    Or the new red hair guy friend like the red hair or they r just friends ...
    Now the guitar guy likes senior or is it the opposite..... its getting pretty jammed n mixedup ....

Kuromez July 18, 2019 8:40 am

Ahhhhhh this plot again hm?
Honestly I think this story would actually be way more interesting if that guy just remains a close friend with him and keeps their friendship wholesome, and its just about how he looks out for the black haired guy as he gets new boyfriends before finding the right one. Their friendship is already so good and stable I don't see why they need to change it.

My personal opinion though, I've already read this plot ten times and I kinda want a change.

    blatantescapist July 18, 2019 10:56 am

    you did??? pls recommend me a plot with a really nice seme for the uke that also gets away from an abusive lover/ex? i've read the following already: Sabita Yoru Demo Koi Wa Sasayaku (and its other stories), Ano Hi No Kimi Wo Dakishimeta Nara, Kore Wa Kitto Yume No Naka No Kiss, and Suki, Kamo.

    or just the uke picking the kinder/obviously better seme instead of going back to the mean/tsun/teasing/sadistic type of lover. pLEASE. 8(

    blatantescapist July 18, 2019 10:57 am

    **OOP i mean recommend me a manga (not plot haha)

    nic_128 July 18, 2019 2:02 pm

    I I totally thought the same. It would be so refreshing to read about friendship between a gay and a straight man.

    Rain July 18, 2019 9:26 pm

    One of my favourite semes is the one from Rouge

Kuromez June 19, 2019 12:38 am

I like this comic but it seems the author will often start story arcs and then just leave them untouched, you end up waiting for a conclusion that never happens.

Kuromez May 28, 2019 5:24 pm

If anyone is curious, the webcomic is currently ch 90 of the light novel if you wanted to read ahead. because holY shit

    Tobe May 29, 2019 4:32 am

    Where can I read it ?

    Evildonut May 29, 2019 8:48 am
    Where can I read it ? Tobe

    Readlightnovel.org is a good one the have way over 200 chapters

    Dachan May 29, 2019 7:30 pm

    i already finished it at 270 chapter (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Ilikereading222 May 29, 2019 8:48 pm

    Where can I read the webcomic?

Kuromez May 27, 2019 1:02 am

Don't get me wrong, I love this webtoon and this newest chapter made me really happy... BUT

I don't understand why McQueen loves Ed. McQueen has come across hundreds of men just like Ed and has clearly shown no interest in them, and there's nothing that makes Ed special, or different to any of the rest of them. Let's not forget we haven't had a single honest and deep emotion riddled conversation with the two of them, there's barely any trust there. I mean, Ed deduced McQueens past, but he hasn't told McQueen anything about his own past, and so to me it still feels like early stages of a relationship, let alone anything as extreme as love. In an emotional sense, they hardly know each other.

It just doesn't feel to me that they've reached that stage.

There's no couple banter either, and neither seems particularly attached to one another (at least, not that the author has shown us). I feel a spark, but no flame.

I mean, I absolutely love this story and webtoon. But I'm.just hoping that's something the author will work on in the next season, because it's a bit bothersome to me.

    Cohen May 27, 2019 1:36 am

    Hh this is a bit funny to me .. we all have came 'across' hundreds of men' but you only fall in love with one person ... is that person an alien?? Nop looks human just like the others .. but there's something abt him .. in your eyes he's fucking gorgeous nd kind nd everything you ever wanted in a man.. you think abt him all time .. being with him makes you heart skip beats at times .. makes you all calm nd confortable at other times.. being apart from him is not an option

    So in theory everyone is special .. to someone

    Nd come on.. give me a breack Ed is a fucking catch ..
    -Handsome.. extremely handsome may I add LOOK at HIM .. from his eyes .. mole underneath them .. sexy but sad smile .. color of his skin .. his damn abs
    -Nice guy nd not here for money or just sex
    -fucking sexy .. erotic .. nd good at sex
    -ND most importantly Ed actually likes him .. loves him to be exact .. nd McQcan see that this guy's eyes nd actions .. he is gonna be here for him

    Girl please if you know a guy like Edd that loves me sign me up ... PLease.. PLeaaaase

    Pidapipo May 27, 2019 5:12 am

    Love is not science. Most of the time you don’t need a “reason” to fall for someone. Sure, good look and nice personality play important part in attraction, but they are not what guarantee love to happen and not an essential part either. We will have to take McQueen’s word for what it is. He said he was attracted to Ed since the very beginning, and he fought it, despised it at times, but ends up wanting Ed no less eventually. If you don’t believe him, it’s like your BFF tells you that they found a new love and you don’t believe them. That’s non sense.
    Moreover, some relationships starts after both parties have taken their time and get to know each other; some start with a confession and more understanding comes while they date. McQueen and Ed share a mutual interest in films and they talked about it often, several times they took a walk and there must be more talk then. Author doesn’t need to draw/write all those details out, you know...

    Hikikomori May 27, 2019 7:13 am
    Hh this is a bit funny to me .. we all have came 'across' hundreds of men' but you only fall in love with one person ... is that person an alien?? Nop looks human just like the others .. but there's something a... Cohen

    You said everything I wanted to say. There are a lot of analysis of this type in different manga's comment sections where people are not "convinced" of the love between the characters and although I agree that relationships are generally a little rushed in yaoi mangas but trying to find flaws in a perfectly paced manga with actual development is just stupid. Although everybody is entitled to their own opinion, sometimes these analysis are so pretentious and shallow. I mean come on people sometimes fall in love and are unaware of each-others's names even. I've seen all kinds of people going out to make me wonder what do they see in each-other or they have nothing in common or what do they even talk about but nonetheless they are special to each-other. And yes Edd is fucking bomb. He's truly what you call a yummy human being with a pure heart to boot. Even I like Edd and I donot have many characters that I truly like or love. And I'm pretty sure Cleed find him more than intriguing and is in love. He doesn't have to know his history in detail to fall in love with him. People fall in love with the person that 'someone' is and not with that someone's past which is truly of less significance if you like that 'someone' truly.

    Kuromez May 27, 2019 12:42 pm

    I'm not saying that there's no chemistry there or that Ed isn't special. I'm just pointing out that their relationship, as it is right now, doesn't yet feel concrete enough for love, I can't help but feel its too early.
    One of you said that they don't need to drag out the details, but I couldn't disagree more. When writing a romance, character and relationship development is crucial, so you do need to add those details there, you can't let the reader's imagination write the story for you. You need to show their relationship developing, but right now it still feels like they're strangers to each other. That's why I'm saying that I'm hoping the author will start to build and develop their relationship in the next season, I want to see them become special to each other, become attached to each other.
    Because I'm definitely not denying that the chemistry exists, its just too shallow rn.

    jjae May 28, 2019 5:12 pm
    I'm not saying that there's no chemistry there or that Ed isn't special. I'm just pointing out that their relationship, as it is right now, doesn't yet feel concrete enough for love, I can't help but feel its t... Kuromez

    Yeah I agree, the love bomb throws you off and that really profound and romantic exchange.

    naru June 1, 2019 8:34 am

    I agree with you and commented something similar. McQueen is just not there yet

Kuromez May 3, 2019 11:39 am

Mmm I'm not particularly fond of blackmail/rape themes in yaoi, but this one actually seems promising character wise. Both characters seem capable and the red haired guy wasn't taking any shit from the blonde haired one which I like, he's a strong confident character. He can put his foot down.
Ill probably keep reading this one.

    Ch18 May 3, 2019 1:58 pm

    Oh just u wait to the ending.... ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Anonymus May 3, 2019 3:59 pm
    Oh just u wait to the ending.... ヾ(☆▽☆) Ch18

    Where’d you read it ? ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Ch18 May 16, 2019 10:30 am
    Where’d you read it ? ლ(´ڡ`ლ) Anonymus

    Check the credit page (⌒▽⌒) but raws can be found on Bomtoon under the name 화상

Kuromez April 22, 2019 8:22 pm

Morinaga fucking died ohgodohfuck I'm literally shaking rn.

Anyway, that's the end of this manga, it was a good run guys.

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