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guu like topic of At the End of the Road

I don’t normally post things, but this bothered me a little. Ok this is probably not a popular opinion and maybe a lot of people might not agree with this. *SPOILER ALERT*

I’m not that fond of Woojin. He seems to be a decent guy when it comes to people he likes. I’m not saying Woojin is bad, but did anyone else feel profoundly disturbed that he watched a rape video and said it was boring???? I’m not saying he has to care for Siwon, but shouldn’t he feel a little uncomfortable or disturbed? It’s not normal to see someone being raped. Like was boredom the only feeling he felt? Even Taemin felt bad watching it. I mean I felt straight up queasy and nauseated when I realized the original Siwon was raped. Probably because I actually know someone in real life who has been raped, so my heart just felt so heavy. I’m kind of low key unsatisfied that topic wasn’t addressed more and that the original Siwon suffered so much he felt like the only thing he could do was commit suicide. I wouldn’t want my friend to be pushed to that point. Jiwook is straight up a trash human being, but he is the product of his environment and he needs fucking therapy and to go to jail.