The past life is so bittersweet…or should it just be bitter. There so much unresolved stuff and ambiguity between Yuder and Kishar, yet they didn’t have any time to sort it out. I still find it funny how they slept together and known each other for years, yet Yuder was absolutely clueless about what Kishar was actually like.
For manhwa readers, it’s actually not much of a slow burn if you take the length of the novel in account (980 currently). But it’s definitely more story-centered. There probably isn’t gonna be anything vaguely romantic until after chapter 100-ish seeing how the manhwa is being paced. And about Kishar, he’s a green ass flag. He really cares about Yuder, and respects his boundaries. Literally perfect in terms of personality and looks. Anyways, read the novel! It’s really good.
You can read it here and you won’t see some “action ;)” till like 300 chapters in but they kiss 100+ chapters in I remember but it’s COMPLETELY WORTH IT !!