MeloNelo3 March 11, 2021 2:43 pm

The real star of the show here is Rou Rou. Honestly you could cut like 75% of the plot end just give me straight Rou Rou being his absolutely precious self and I’d be happy

MeloNelo3 March 10, 2021 5:26 pm

Y’all this shit is FREE. There is nothing worse than assholes who whine about shit gifted to them yet take no initiative putting in the work themselves. If the uploading schedule is too slow for you, then by all means, assume the work yourself and make it fit to your standards which apparently are better. If you won’t, then go find the story elsewhere or simply be grateful it’s brought to you here. Not to mention the fact that we’re all ripping off the creator by pirating their works on mangago. Don’t forget that.

I have complained before about works where translation is so bad I honestly can’t follow the plot, but ya know what? That’s wrong too. If free material doesn’t have the quality you’re looking for, find it elsewhere or pay for it if you have the means. btw the uploading schedule is fine. I have followed stories where only one chapter is uploaded months... many months at a time. That pisses me off, but again it’s free. I’ll look elsewhere and if I can’t find it, I wait weeks or months until I can read a good chunk at once or I wait til the work is complete. Follow another story or two in the interim.

Idk who was complaining but this is a simple follow up to the note starting in the latest chapters about ppl complaints.

    MeloNelo3 March 10, 2021 6:00 pm

    p.s. the ONLY reason anyone should be struggling with impatience right now is because these two are about to get it the fuck on. finally some payoff for the slow burn. yas. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    But yeah, this is the only time I’ll let you off for it. After this, I’m coming for ya.

MeloNelo3 March 7, 2021 12:36 pm

I feel so hungover from 138. I seriously can’t handle what happened and I truly believe I’m going to be like Killing Stalking-level depressed 100-fold when I finished 139. My heart is mind...I mean I guess this is what Yams wants, but Jesus fuck it hurts SO much. No other manga (or even manhwa/manhua) can compare. I tried reading something to distract myself and blunt the emotional turmoil post 138 yesterday but I just can’t get into any other story. Everything just completely pales in comparison.

MeloNelo3 March 5, 2021 2:13 pm

Sooo.....was this dropped? It’s been a while since chapter 2 came out. :(

MeloNelo3 March 4, 2021 11:39 am

I think everyone has been super confused with the plot the last 2ish chapters. Idk wtf is going on or lol what side of the world they’re on? And woo young is...kidnapped? But then at the same time not kidnapped?


I’m so pumped for the baby! I love omegaverse stories where a ton of the plot is dedicated to establishing and exploring the relationship and then way down the road the omega gets preggers and we get to go through the whole pregnancy too!! Tbh I think Woo Young is way too immature to be a parent at this point in his life but maybe it’ll force him to act like more of an adult instead of a spoiled brat (said with love). It’s like Love is an Illusion all over again! Except let one thing be clear, there is NO cuter baby than Byul.

MeloNelo3 March 3, 2021 12:28 pm

Looks like my comment didn’t post.

POST SPOILERS ELSEWHERE! When you post a spoiler here and someone follows up to comment on it, the spaces you think are hiding your text are lost and the spoiler shows up clear as day immediately above someone’s reply.


I scanned through comments to discuss what happened in the latest chapter POSTED HERE and unintentionally saw MAJOR SPOILERS. It’s impossible not to see them when someone comments on your spoiler. The core of this story, or any thriller for that matter, is tension. WTF is the point now with spoilers abound? This was my favorite manhwa/hua. And now.... smfh.

MeloNelo3 March 3, 2021 2:03 am

I’m kind of beyond words. It’s times like these I wish I could comment with gifs to capture my ‘...uhm...congrats? I guess?’ face.
(● ̄(エ) ̄●)

MeloNelo3 March 2, 2021 3:06 am

I'm writing something featuring a villain protagonist that is something akin to this story, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Dexter, Monster (Aileen Wuornos), Killing Stalking... but wanted to shoot my ideas around with someone interested in collaborating and/or an artist interested in telling the story visually. Thoughts?

    peevacorn March 2, 2021 6:42 pm

    You should try asking on other forums, most people here probably don't draw.

    MeloNelo3 March 2, 2021 8:50 pm
    You should try asking on other forums, most people here probably don't draw. peevacorn

    Thanks for the tip— do you by chance know of particular forums?

MeloNelo3 March 1, 2021 3:49 am

1. Where the fuck are the baby dragons? THAT WAS MY CLICKBAIT! Why is no one even maybe pregnant? Was this some pseudo omegaverse bait and switch? Did that goddamn emperor truly not know jack shit about human reproductive anatomy?

2. Speaking of bait and switch, how the fuck did I start an ultra fluff, rainbow-packed, comedy BL ONLY TO SUDDENLY FIND MYSELF LOST IN A GENRE MORE AKIN TO TRAGEDY??????

3. I am 75% here for the story and 25% here for the god-teir memes to complement this god-packed manhwa. They are the *REAL* reason this is has been tagged ‘comedy’. Translator, you give me life you talented sly little fujoshi medical student kitten. TYSM

4. Am I the only one who thought the first option of ‘finishing’ Black Loong’s life early was CLEARLY a way better option than trusting crazy eye, lucifer mad scientist abdicated emperor man? I mean...they could have had another 7000 years in heaven....soooo....?

    Mother of Bl❤ March 1, 2021 9:42 am


    Satsuki_Tempest March 1, 2021 12:46 pm

    Again, omegaverse and mpreg are different Just because it's omegaverse doesn't mean they'll have a child, and this manhua isn't even omegaverse.

    Mother of Bl❤ March 1, 2021 3:08 pm
    Again, omegaverse and mpreg are different Just because it's omegaverse doesn't mean they'll have a child, and this manhua isn't even omegaverse. Satsuki_Tempest

    No need I already dropped it-

    MeloNelo3 March 1, 2021 4:06 pm
    Again, omegaverse and mpreg are different Just because it's omegaverse doesn't mean they'll have a child, and this manhua isn't even omegaverse. Satsuki_Tempest

    We are 154 chapters into a story whose very premise is ‘babies are the ticket home to heaven’ which leaves a good number of us to conclude that this was more a plot device (read: clickbait) whose purpose starts and ends with the multiple pairings—offspring be damned. Distinguishing the means by which these mini dragons come to fruition is nothing more than quibbling over semantics at this point. Not only do they *not* seem to be the only means to travel between the realms (Black Loong you delusional love-sick puppy, bless your heart), but they don’t even seem physically possible (reproduction is confined to laws of the real-world?). Don’t get me wrong, I’ll stick to this story because I think the plot is actually quite interesting (and again I live for the translator’s memes lol), but this is reminiscent of the manga ‘Pregnant in Boy’s School’, which after 80-something chapters ended with a grand total of zero pregnancies. Yeah, it’s no guarantee, but super frustrating to present a story hingeing on pregnancies (and multiple at that) only for your audience to come up empty handed after staying with the author for hundred+ chapters. It’s the very essence of clickbait (not cool). I really hope I am proven wrong. Those minis would be SO PRECIOUS (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Mother of Bl❤ March 1, 2021 8:41 pm
    We are 154 chapters into a story whose very premise is ‘babies are the ticket home to heaven’ which leaves a good number of us to conclude that this was more a plot device (read: clickbait) whose purpose st... MeloNelo3

    Yeah i agree tf there was no pregnancies

    Satsuki_Tempest March 2, 2021 3:40 am

    Although it was kinda stupid that Emperor Huang told them to make “babies” when male humans cannot conceive a child.

    Mother of Bl❤ March 2, 2021 9:27 am
    Although it was kinda stupid that Emperor Huang told them to make “babies” when male humans cannot conceive a child. Satsuki_Tempest

    Yeah I totally agree how is that possible unless its supposed to be an omegaverse-

    MeloNelo3 March 2, 2021 1:01 pm
    Although it was kinda stupid that Emperor Huang told them to make “babies” when male humans cannot conceive a child. Satsuki_Tempest

    That’s why I’m thinking it was a plot device that’s not a red herring but (lol I just looked this up and the name is funny) a ‘plot coupon’... it’s made to seem critical to the plot in the beginning but is ultimately rendered useless beyond moving the story forward.

    Potato March 4, 2021 3:15 pm

    aww i'm glad my memes made you laugh *---* that's makes me really happy
    and sorry about the late reply ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    MeloNelo3 March 5, 2021 5:19 am
    aww i'm glad my memes made you laugh *---* that's makes me really happy and sorry about the late reply ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Potato

    Omg stop is this the translator?!!!!!!! I never knew I could be a super fan of a translator but I am!!! THEY ARE BRILLIANT! Truly they pushed me to continue the story when I was really about to give up lmao

    MeloNelo3 March 5, 2021 5:22 am
    aww i'm glad my memes made you laugh *---* that's makes me really happy and sorry about the late reply ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Potato

    Also I say 75:25 because I felt I should probably favor the actual story a lot more but to be honest it’s more like 60:40 and with the total lack of dragon babies on the horizon, I only see me coming back for the memes

    MeloNelo3 March 5, 2021 5:33 am
    aww i'm glad my memes made you laugh *---* that's makes me really happy and sorry about the late reply ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Potato

    P.S. How the hell do you have time to do this while in medical school? Please don’t stop!

    P.P.S. I LOVE that a future physician does side as a side hustle...although for more like the best community service ever.

    P.P.P.S. What specialty are you planning on doing?

    Sorry for the rapid fire comments/questions. It’s a sort of thinking aloud, semi-coherent stream of consciousness that is inevitable at 12:33AM

    Potato March 6, 2021 1:38 am
    P.S. How the hell do you have time to do this while in medical school? Please don’t stop!P.P.S. I LOVE that a future physician does side as a side hustle...although for more like the best community ... MeloNelo3

    Yaoi is my life *----* meds school can wait

    Potato March 6, 2021 1:39 am
    P.S. How the hell do you have time to do this while in medical school? Please don’t stop!P.P.S. I LOVE that a future physician does side as a side hustle...although for more like the best community ... MeloNelo3

    well i'm thinking about a brain surgeon
    it's very interesting tbh

MeloNelo3 February 26, 2021 5:09 pm

Too much pressure YiYi and Feng Feng! Save the world??? He needs a more concrete answer for the onslaught of inquiries rather than thinking everyone is evil that asks about his parents. They should be at least informing the teachers so they can better protect RuRu from his peers’ incessant asking about his parents

    Shermouth February 26, 2021 5:24 pm

    I think it would be a bit too much for Rourou. I guess he is just to young to understand their explanation and even if he did, Rourou may be an outcast in his class because of being a son of a gay couple. He is a kid, he would probably tell others. Adults are really cruel, those who are homophobic can forbid their kids to play with Rourou. From my own experience I know that having a label put on you in your early years and being pointed at by other parents and their kids, can traumatize for life.
    But yes, they should talk with the teachers at least, so that they can help Rourou with those situations.

    MeloNelo3 February 26, 2021 5:36 pm
    I think it would be a bit too much for Rourou. I guess he is just to young to understand their explanation and even if he did, Rourou may be an outcast in his class because of being a son of a gay couple. He is... Shermouth

    Feng Feng is obscenely wealthy. If it’s an environment that doesn’t support diversity in family structure, then they have the money to find a school that does. Obviously this isn’t the case for most families, but they are not most families so that should be taken into consideration. However, before they explore other schools, they should let the teachers know. That would make clear what type of support system they are working within for RouRou’s education. I also disagree with not teaching a child from the get go that they have two daddies/two mommies or for the non-binary folks, simply two parents. Of course, the individuals within the family know best! I just have seen both scenarios and find the kids that grow up with normalizing their family structure (whatever that looks like) end up feeling less conflicted about it being different down the road.

    rather cry for me February 27, 2021 6:18 pm
    Feng Feng is obscenely wealthy. If it’s an environment that doesn’t support diversity in family structure, then they have the money to find a school that does. Obviously this isn’t the case for most famil... MeloNelo3


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