The younger rapist brother is fucked up, the doctor of that brother is fucked up enabling rape, but honestly what hurt me more was that woman.
She was so selfish and kept boasting about her happiness to the person she cheated on and then later divorced. Honestly, if she spontaneously combusted out of thin air i wouldn't be mad about it.
The rapist brother for once in the whole series was making sense when he called the woman selfish, but he just had to go and forcibly kiss his older brother in public.
You can literally have a car full of people that are vying for Ye Shen's love all at the same time. He is shooting down people left and right like a mass murderer. First his boss, then his friend, then his ex, he managed to shoot down his crush and his crush's sister. Like Damn. Leave some for the rest of us!
Isn't Red Candy a really good name for Drag? If i ever become a drag queen i'll call myself "Red Candy"