I'm positive than the champion, the Tozawa that talk about, are his brother… Someone else who think so?
Gawwwd xD Why are he doing that? I can't take more of him, that's too much
I'm I the only one who find than the cheat in that manga were well do (write)?
Am I*
Shirotani is just soooo cute!! But the chapters are too short, damn *^*
Sure is do… innocent x)
Shit, I almost cry T.T
Am I the only one who understand right away than the two guys in the last story were the appointment they were waiting for each other?
These two should grow a love for each other. It could be a good/great story
i think it's meant to be obvious. it's the very journey of them meeting at one point that we are supposed to be entertained by.
I knew it (≧∀≦)
(Still, I think it would be cool also than Lee Seejin go out with Tan guy)
(≧∀≦) He make him wear it on the right ear xDDD
I knew what Eric was planning, but still it hurts me to see him got shot
I'm positive than the champion, the Tozawa that talk about, are his brother… Someone else who think so?