To avoid ads and to be able to view all pages of a chapter at once (multi page viewing) you should make an account. It's free!

It's a good idea to get adblock or adblock plus on your browser ESPECIALLY if you read from a tablet or mobile device because it blocks popups that can give you malware and viruses.

Ask questions, most of us are friendly and will help you if we can.

Additional benefits to an account is the ability to follow lists and albums, to create lists and albums (save your favorite pages!) and if you save a page it automatically saves a link to that manga under the page.

It also helps because if your browser crashes you can click on the clock next to your avatar at the top and it'll show you your recent activity. Very handy for people that like to use incognito mode or like to clear their history every time their browser closes.

It's totally okay to ask for specific types of manga including fetishes or things that might make you blush.

If you see a problem with a manga click the flag on your left and select which category it falls under and give a brief description.

If you want updates from a manga click reading or read. (Want to read will NOT give you updates)

If you see an update for your manga listed but there is no update then it might not be a new chapter but something that was corrected such as a double page being removed, chapters being put into correct order, or something else that someone flagged.

I hope this list helps y'all. = ) -Blue
2020-12-13 18:40 marked

ABENA SUHA's Favorite Tags

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