OsamuJun's experience ( All 0 )

OsamuJun's answer ( All 4 )

about question
OsamuJun 17 06,2024
Idk if this is normal or not, sorry for grammatical error, because English is not my main language... Anyway Ever since I was a kid till now I've tried to killed myself multiple times but failed miserably because of my family and... Oftenly.. even without I'm thinking about it, the scenario kept appearing inside of my head.. killing my mom, dad, gr......   2 reply
17 06,2024
about question
27 04,2021
Urgent matters with family (● ̄(エ) ̄●)   reply
19 03,2021
1.Kitchen Knife (because i'm a normal citizen.. unlike ceo's kids) 2. Bag, Food (that not easily root away) & water 3. Map & Notepad (to marked down location of store because that will be heavy for me if i bring too much of water and food) 4.Flashlight & Battery (for temporarly) 5.First Aid Kit   1 reply
23 02,2021

OsamuJun's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did vent

I rarely vent with words. I use actions to demonstrate what I meant. People should try it sometimes. I don't want to live with regrets.

1 hours
did scuba diving


1 hours
did grab someone's shirt

The most memorable one for me was rescuing a kid from falling down a cliff while we were hiking. Adrenaline rushed as I swooped down to help

1 hours