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cardboard floor's topics ( All 42 )

cardboard floor March 23, 2025 5:52 pm

Sometimes i think about how nobody commented on how she talks so proper and how she understands what people are saying even when they’re using higher level words.. like i would totally be freaked out if a 6 yr old acted like that! not in a bad way i would just be super suprised and be like “OMG SO CUTE! A baby prodigy!!”

cardboard floor March 18, 2025 12:35 am

Didn’t read this at all I js skipped to the last chapter to see the comments and well… I don’t get how people can still watch this even though they’re complaining abt it being full of lolis and having some pedo vibes to it

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lost some of my previous accounts..

I like reading Manhwas especially the action ones. I also like The middle ages typa manhwas, they get repetitive which is why I only read like… the beginning and then I toss it. The first Manhwa I read was Solo leveling and something about catfishing a guy in a game and they both fell in love. I tend to delete some stuff in my read/reading because it pmo when I see too many ongoing stuff on my already read or stuff I already dropped in my reading.

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