Gilly want to read (All 419)

Gilly is reading (All 86)

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Title Update Recommend
INCUBUS BL YAOI STORIES(15) 2023-12-23 1
MY FAVORITES (YAOI)(16) 2023-08-21 1

Gilly's topics ( All 56 )

Gilly July 9, 2024 2:55 pm

just sticked around for mujin.. hes just so understanding that he still wishes for his friend do-gyeom and his crush the happiness they deserve even when it also affected him. He's the vessel in making this relationship work tbh like okay you never know what love can do but sorry i can't seem to like the top lead and this is just painful to read

Gilly June 26, 2024 10:58 am

This was stressin me out but overall i really loved it! i realize that love always comes with pain, if you don't feel pain then it is really love? this is a perfect representation of to what extent will you do to prove your love. I wish them all happiness

Gilly's questions ( All 4 )

Gilly January 17, 2024 1:56 pm

I am looking for a manga! Involving OMEGAVERSE BL

Please we are desperate! ╥﹏╥
● The omega summoned and had a contract or wish with a demon
then faded away but then the demon reborn an alpha he want to find the omega meanwhile the omega always go back to the library everyday to find the book that summoned the demon then they meet again in the library that the omega go to and the last chapter is they had a one child.
● The pages are black and white
● The omega is already working
● The omega almost got r*p*d but he was saved by the demon top
● There was some kind of lollipop (idk what it is) and it was basically a thing to use so the omega can't get pregnant (idk if this is really true because our minds are completely jumbled)


    MssFortune January 17, 2024 2:07 pm

    Omega to Akuma no Sefure Jijou !!

    Gilly January 17, 2024 2:57 pm
    Omega to Akuma no Sefure Jijou !! MssFortune


Gilly December 23, 2023 7:44 am

The counting of my "already read" mangas are not correct. Normally i always add them mangas to my google keep notes and always put numbers on them and i don't know why but i'm supposed to have 1109 but its only 1108. I confirmed that the counting is wrong because I last checked it when i have 1104 but when i read 5 more it started appearing 1108. Maybe technical malfunctions but there is nothing wrong with my connection

    That Fujoshi December 23, 2023 8:52 am

    Maybe you added that manga in your now reading list. It happens sometimes

Gilly's message board ( All 0 )

UPDATED MY BIO: 2023/8/3
UPDATED MY PFP: October 7, 2023

Hello! Welcome to my Cave, 
my hidden treasures, my comfort place! 
Call me Gill ;D or Gilly

I'm an introvert and talking to internet people makes me nervous 

I mostly read sexy adult doujinshis during my
free time. All time favorite genres will always be Romance/mystery, Romance/Thriller, and Romance/horror.

 I love adult comic artworks, fanarts that's why mostly i always find time to randomly read djs or oneshot yaoi/yuri. I love sex 
facts and everything about it (basically 
am i just a sex enthusiast??) 

Due to the fact that English is not my first
language, I find it challenging to both learn and write in the dialect. Because I'm not growing any younger, I have to make it a daily priority to keep educating and improving myself.

  I'm pansexual and Saggitarius

 I'm a polyglot, a multilingual person. I can speak 3 languages fluently (I'm mixed but a full blood Asian)
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