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Historical / Fantasy manhwas(86) 2021-10-23 0
Life(12) 2022-04-26 0
Shounen Ai(72) 2021-10-15 0
strong(18) 2021-05-05 0

Kosmoroses's topics ( All 122 )

Kosmoroses January 10, 2025 10:34 am

Interesting…. Multiple story lines still it’s zbit confusing

Kosmoroses January 10, 2025 6:48 am

Damn I want more

Kosmoroses's questions ( All 4 )

Kosmoroses December 11, 2023 8:05 pm

I think this is a manhwa post, but I don’t really remember, though TBH… Anyways, I think it was about a CEO and his assistant. And one of the seems that I remember is how the CEO said to book a dinner, and the assistant did, but she thought it was for the CEO and herself. But it turns out when she came to the restaurant with a dress on, he just wanted her to walk his dog while he had dinner with some associate LOL. she had to walk the dog and heels and a fancy dress or something like that…

Kosmoroses December 11, 2023 8:05 pm

I think this is a manhwa, but I don’t really remember, though TBH… Anyways, I think it was about a CEO and his assistant. And one of the seems that I remember is how the CEO said to book a dinner, and the assistant did, but she thought it was for the CEO and herself. But it turns out when she came to the restaurant with a dress on, he just wanted her to walk his dog while he had dinner with some associate LOL. she had to walk the dog and heels and a fancy dress or something like that…

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what keeps u going? 05-24 14:48
NSFW 05-17 14:18

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