40 people did   /   2 want to do

all the fucking time; cant tell if they being nice or if they nice to everyone

432 people did   /   54 want to do

cant draw for shit

20 people did   /   9 want to do

when he gave me a piece of candy in 4th grade, I thought "Damn, be nice to share the candy and hold hands, hit me up bby" or smthn like that

230 people did   /   618 want to do


OllieLolli [Offline] asked question about stand kpop

https://youtu.be/PNUmyAPvkXM?t=146 It is...interesting. You gotta trust me, it's not bad or anything it's just weird. Don't you trust me? Yah, I don't either.

OllieLolli [Offline] answered question about making jokes
"Only if you lick it" after anything someone says. "BET" "your face" "Alone at last" "Fuck, it jumped out of my ass" and "maybe Teresa shoved it up her vagina also"

16 people did   /   4 want to do

No, I don't have any children yet.

OllieLolli [Offline] like the answer
You realize that teachers can lose their jobs because of this right?

Two boys meet, And for the first time they deeply feel like they exist for someone else. Who’s...

  • Author: Z-Pico
  • Genres: Comedy / Drama / Shounen ai
OllieLolli [Offline] answered question about making jokes
:) come join us! lol~ Edit: We ended it lmao someone's parents were too loud and I got bored hahaha other than that it was chaotic but in a nice way uwu We read some star X fanboy together too!
OllieLolli [Offline] answered question about making jokes
Sorry, read this as "watch panties?"
OllieLolli [Offline] asked question about making jokes

https://us05web.zoom.us/j/83395647819?pwd=S2I0dEd3bG52aE52QXJITWoxMnhwUT09 there's a spanish mother yelling on someone's background and also crumpling sounds, spice it up please bitches

OllieLolli [Offline] answered question about hate myself
I don't usually care, as long as I get love and attention, but I really like curlier or wavy hair, and I also like people who are more tanned/have darker-skin tones in general. I just think it's super pretty idk how to explain it really. I'm weak to brown eyes- Also, not really valid, but like, if you have nice collar bones... ( 6 w6) I freakin......
OllieLolli [Offline] like the answer
"I'm a guy btw" lol not anymore (⌒▽⌒)
OllieLolli [Offline] like the answer
Staple it back on or smth idfk
OllieLolli [Offline] like the answer
OllieLolli [Offline] asked question about hate myself

What should I do??? I'm not sure how it happened....but it just kind of...like, didn't snap but it kinda just went *PLOP* and I looked down and I was like 'OH...OH SHIT!' and my dick was on the floor! How do I fix it? I'm a guy btw

OllieLolli [Offline] answered question about hate myself
being too gay and sexy as hell. :)