I rly do not get Minato feeling wronged? I mean shizuma barely did anything and yet he's getting the silent treatment. they need to talk it out and fix the issues bc this is so easily solvable. feels one dimensions tbh

So? He already told Minato he left something in the clinic. And Shizuka has already been saying (and Mjnato giving him tips) how he wants to earn his boss’ trust. Last I knew, smiling at your boss because you finally achieved something isnt wrong. Minato’s not a fucking child, there was no need to leave in a huff.The least he could have done is tell Shizuka he was uncomfortable and Shizuka would have shot down any doubts that he had. He’s been saying in the previous chapters that he knows he has issues and he’ll be more transparent with Shizuka moving forward but as of now, we have not seen a single thing Minato has done to resolve his issues. So who exactly was in the wrong? The guy who after a several days, finally earned his boss’ trust or the guy who thinks his bf is a mind reader and expects the bf to resolve his insecurity without saying anything and leaving their “date” to make Shizuka feel that he was in the wrong for smiling/talking to someone?

Well, he has grown up in a household with a cheater, and his friends sleep around and whatnot. Plus, usually when people say they forgot something, you don’t usually expect their underwear(Shizuoka should’ve clarified before hand) and smiling right after your boss gives you your underwear and hangs on it…. Not a good look

When you choose to date someone with past trauma especially in that area, both parties have to be understanding of each other's circumstances. It's not as easy as "well, he should've just talked about it." They've been together for years and at this point shizuma should know that Minato is very insecure and set boundaries cause of his lover's sake. Relationships don't last long if they're too insecure, sure. But Relationships also don't last if no one in the relationship is willing to make sacrifices for each other. What is so wrong with Minato feeling mad about this situation? Different people have different ways of processing their emotions. Right now what Minato needs is to cool down his head by taking some space. If he stayed and talked to shizuma while being at the peak of his anger, he could've said things he can never take back

You’re talking about mutual sacrifice but all I see is Shizuma doing all the adjustment here. Sure, Shizuma should have set some additional boundaries but what exactly has Minato done? It just seems like what’s happening is, “This is the way I am, you adjust” I get trying to cool his head but ghosting is still not right. And then telling Shizuma that he’s not mad when he obviously is. What is that going to solve? Wish he would just go to therapy

Pretty sure the reason he said he's not mad is to stop shizuma from continuously asking him questions when he clearly needs to cool down.
I mean if we look at it from the perspective of a male boss and a female employee where the boss is swinging around the employees underwear doesn't it sound super weird? If you read again, the part that triggered Minato was the fact that shizuma didn't seem the least bit uncomfortable about the situation. And also is it really a sacrifice to tell your boss you're not okay with him/her holding your underwear like that? Or to tell you ex(WHO CHEATED) to keep her distance cause now he has a lover? If he considers those things as sacrifices then there's something seriously wrong about him.

And he also missed their apartment visit appointment even tho Shizuoka was the one who suggested it first. Honestly, Minato is kind of right to be mad. Plus let’s not forget the director kept his boxers in pockets… somebody correct me if I’m wrong but this sounds like sexual misconduct, especially as a superior

I finished this volume and it's not explicit that the director starts falling for shizuma at the end but he definitely starts to be affected by him for sure, like wanting to know more about him and being nicer to his friend, that's on shizuma tho, how can you let the root of your problem drive you to your date?!!
what abt sangtae?? that man didn't get any closure if he didn't get absolutely COOKED to hell and back I wouldn't be satisfied like I NEED THAT MFN BITCH TO REPENT AFTER MENTALLY TORTURING MY KID LIKE THAT LIKE WHAT